Moon Mineral Distribution Update

Ok so reduces all mineral gathering outside of planned High Sec, Low Sec, Null Sec distribution.

High has lots of Trit, Pyrite, Mex, Iso and some Nox in belts
Low Sec has lots of Trit, Pyrite, Mex, Iso ,Nox and some Zyndrine in belts
Null has… oh wait their belts are so crappy and don’t even have null sec ore in them. Cannot even finish one cycle on some ores it’s so small. So null has all the risk and what rewards in belts?

I got some extra coesite and sylvite… as well as more bitumens and zeolites (not that I care about them :stuck_out_tongue: )

Lots of isogen in hisec belts? I want contact to your dealer.

Null has crappy anoms, not belts. People just forgot that belts even exist.

Blockquote Null has crappy anoms, not belts. People just forgot that belts even exist.

I find the opposite. Anoms are vastly superior to belts in null. Belts in High are vastly superior to belts in null, and belts in Low are vastly superior to all other belts.

Anoms reference industry created ones, not random spawned anoms

Null has 40 Athanor’s per system (plenty for moon mining) When I roam around I see ■■■■ ton’s. And Null has by far the best moon’s it can’t have the best of everything. In comparison Worm hole space has only moons and terrible ones at that.

I can tell your not a indy guy cause if you were you would know the only sorce for mega comes from bist and arc both don’t spawn in any level high or even lows so all ships would have to come from nul or yes prices will go up to crazy level I am selling dom shells for 200mil 5 at a time and they will only go up

This seems ridiculous, but I am definitely in a salty spot. I just returned to the game a month ago after years away (inactive since 2015). I purchased hundreds of dollars in plex from CCP to buy injectors and a Rorqual to join my friends in mining, assuming I would see a return on this investment in the form of fun, ISK, and game time with my friends.

With this change going into effect all the moons we mine are apparently becoming useless. So now, hundreds of dollars in PLEX that I used on injectors and a 7-8 billion isk blingly Rorqual seem wasted. I am left wondering just what the heck I am supposed to do to recover my investment?

I think I came back just in time to be reminded of why I left this game after a decade of play in 2015.

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Thank god. This kind of gameplay was cancerous. CCP did exactly what they needed to stop this kind of garbage.

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Thank god. This kind of gameplay was cancerous. CCP did exactly what they needed to stop this kind of garbage.

So is your issue really with PLEX and Injectors? or are you just poor IRL and angry at the world?

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Where did I say that?

I assume he was referring to rorq mining… just a guess though.

June 20 and see no new updates…starting to get really dark and cold out here :cold_face:


where they said, that a new update comes on 20?

Please please please hurry up!

We have to use up all the minerals first.

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Well, they’re not returning regular ores to moons. They said they would rework the BPO’s which sounds like new minerals/ores being introduced for the moons. So they wouldn’t have to wait for all the other minerals to be used up.

And this is getting silly now!

They never intend to “fix” it. It was just a false promise to placate the mining masses so they didn’t all quit at once.


The deal with the BPO´s was to increase the requirement of “bad” goo to increase its price. But it was never introduced. Nor the following phases of the resource distribution. And 0 info about anything for more than half a year.

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After the downgrade from the Moons, the Ore Belts in WH Space get more interessting again.
My optinion is to upgarde the Ore Belts in WH Space to NS Standards and or Upgrade the Moons in WH space also to NS Levels…
Why ?

If we need them to Produce T1 Ships, we also need them for the Production in W-Space.
Or the Change will only “Fix” it in K-Space …
Other Option Could be, to spawn Randome Moon-Ore Sites in W-Space… like the Ore Site.

We are still in the shortage (first) phase of the economic rebalance project overall - the moon mineral distribution change is a part of that effort. Existing massive resource stockpiles need to be significantly depleted before we can move on to the redistribution (second) phase. I don’t anticipate any further moon resource changes until they have completed their review of the profitability of the current moon state (as outlined in the dev blog for the moon mineral change) and project that against the plans for the next phase of the project (redisrribution), fine tuning everything accordingly.

There was never a date promised for the BPO changes, nor a scope defined as to how much will be changed. I wouldn’t be surprised if that is also something that will be tied into the dynamic allocation phase, (third phase), or, it may be dependent on Invasion content progression.