If you go and watch the Talking in Station Economic stream video. CCP says that the shortage phase is not working like they thought it would. That tells me either CCP can not out think the players even when CCP makes the rules or that the shortage phase will last till next year or longer.
I personally don’t think CCP has a clue about EVE or the EVE economy.
Of course the shortage isnt working. There are so many things working against it that it was never going to work. First we had a period of insane mining that allowed for massive stockpiling of both ore/minerals and the assets that they are used to make it. Follow that up with the obvious shortage and no natural depletion (i.e. rot or decay) and people just stop building or flying ships. Add to the fact that if a shortage is happening, those with stockpiles will sit on it as long as possible to let the prices increase and they continue to go unused.
If CCP wants to clear stockpiles quick, they would need to place massive, overpriced buy NPC orders on the market. But then this would cause a massive increase in ISK, which is another issue with the game.
Another option may be some form of competition or event where Industrialists can trade in stockpiles of minerals/ore for special gifts. Then if they sell them for ISK, at least it is not introducing new ISK, just changing hands in-game.
EDIT: If I could trade in a stockpile of ore for a trig or EDENCOM mining ship I might, Trig mines more the longer you mine the same rock and EDENCOM mines the rock you target and the rocks around it. And both could be tied into the current theme with players donating to the cause and getting rewarded.
Also the problem is hisec mining wich hasn´t been nerfed in anyway. In null you can still get decent amounts of everything, but trit, pyer and mexa, and those three are massively farmed in hisec to be hauled ( in compressed ore ) to null. People has just swapped their null mining with x chars to hisec mining with 2x chars. It is most costly, but prices have already risen in accordance.
There is just no shortage. You have ALL the ore you want in Jita.
If the prices rise, it means there is a shortage.
Shortage does not mean that “you can’t find any of it”. It means “you can find LESS of it” and so that its price should rise.
Anything else that you claim was supposed to happens, is a strawman.
O rly… hm. Thanks for that report, hadn’t seen that.
Yeah, there’s just some huge stockpiles to wait out. But anyone taking a break from building and/or losing ships rn… is just in an indefinite holding pattern and slowing down this shortage phase for those still playing/trying to do those things.
Interesting idea about the trig/edencom mining ships and trade-in program.
The issue has never been the isk. The issue is the normal balts are so small we can not group or corp mine and that the moon station got pulled down because the moon’s pulls don’t even cover the cost of fueling the moon station.
If CCP drive any other play style into the ground like this, the game would be dead already. I am don’t being a paying customer till mining is fixed and make not come back then because of how long ccp is taking to fix it.
It would be cool if there was a world event that played into the trig war storyline.
Players could trade in unrefined ore / other materials to earn standing and or lp with the triglavians or edencom and after a certain threshold was reached it triggered an open world event.
Something like this could certainly help reduce the ore stockpiles and help CCP in their effort to shrink material reserves.
Given that was what the post you replied to was complaining about, it sure seemed to be what you were saying.
P.S. It’s not a straw man, it was a question to clarify your position.
It is by definition a straw man, You have constructed a paradigm which suggests you know my position outside of “krabs be krying cos they lazy”, as well as the actual effect of these changes in emotive language.
TL;dr: If you ask a silly question, Im happy to give you a silly answer
I dont think that moon mining was healthy before the Redistribution. Moon mining combined with Orca changes made for a perfect storm of AFK mega multibox mining fleets (in HS at least). Now I dont have any numbers, or concern to find them, but this had to have a negative effect on ore prices and non-multiboxing player experience.
I also dont think they are in a healthy state now. What CCP has done is generate a massive increase in the availability of low end reaction material without increasing the demand. They have also “promised” that there will be demand in the future. Both of these are just going to create another stockpile event where HS moon miners are going to sit on supplies and quickly accumulate a lot of “useless” moon goo just for the possibility of dumping it on the market when this promised demand causes prices to spike.
That will cause CCP to have another knee jerk reaction that will mess with the resource market again.
CCP’s shortage phase was never going to work as intended…
Now I can not speak currently about null, but i can surmise whats going in probably in some circles out there based on my personal experiences.
HS, CCP took down the regular ore from moons…we lost mineable megacyte in HS…
But then those of already prepped for it just turned to EC’s, think we spawned 65 million m3 of ore to mine with in an hour…plenty of megacyte there.
Then invasions came with Ravaross, then minor victory systems…ooh rakovene…lets mine that and keep doing it daily everywhere.
While also ppl like me and our friends moved to stockpiling veldspar, and hitting all the ice we could…and mission running…
Personally, i have unsubbed 4 accounts…a few months from now ill be able to unsub the rest and just PLEX everything (for the first time ever((never tried too before)) ) and I am still sitting on Billions and Billions of units of minerals, ore, ice, and ice product…not ISK, the actual items…and im going to continue to stockpile just to spite CCP…cause their shortage phase stuff…plain garbage.
And it will remain to be garbage until/unless they make it that resources DO NOT spawn or re-spawn like clockwork at every DT.
T;LDR: CCP your shortage plan sucks and has lost, start the next phase.