Moon Mineral Distribution Update

When does the next Phase continues?
At least this year?

No idea. They’ll announce it when they have figured it out.

Yes CCP how about you finish items your have started like the mineral redistribution or maybe the forward operating bases to finally replace POS for good before you start isk sinks like the Quantum Cores. IMO CCPs quantum cores show a business plan like teslas and thats not a compliment.


Isk sinks are all part and parcel to the economy rebalance - more sinks and narrowed faucets tie into the same efforts as the mineral scarcity initiative. It’s all related and intended to reshape resource generation in a long-term fashion, not for just a few months.

It basically depends on how long player stockpiles last.

Yes Ccp back !!! minerais plz !!! you faill maj

That will never happen, in case that those stockpiles even exist.

Right now, there are 30million units of compressed veldspar available just in Jita. That yields enough tritanium to build 265 dreadnoughts. Then, tomorrow, you´d have more.

There is NO scarcity of minerals. If that was the target, it just failed, and will continue to do so, so it would be nice to just get to the next phase.

Mining has never been a faucet. When you get ore, you don´t create ISK as when you kill a rat o complete a mission. It is just an item to make already existing isk transfers.

And this failed “scarcity phase” has been 10 months long, and it is supossed to be just one of 3 steps of the resource redistribution. I think that it is time to think in the next move, or declare it a failure overall and rollback to the previous situation.

Just yesterday a newbro hoped in its new barge, went to an ore anomally and asked “Hey the rocks here are mere 2.000 m3? has someone depleted already?” and we had to tell him that if he pretended to make a profit mining, the good isk is in hisec.

That is just dumb


CCP have just announced changes happening in October- you may want to head to that thread to see just how much further they’re going to be reducing things.

EVE Pushing away more players

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