More payment options

Merchant services

if you want vouchers (for example Steam vouchers)

Lots more also accept payment and provide services but those are two that I just picked off my head

Fair dos.

Fortunately not the kind of companies Id ever give real money to.

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So you wouldn’t pay CCP with Bitcoin, ok, others would, you don’t pay Coinbase, the Commerce product is for companies not YOU, basically it’s like Stripe or Paypal card payment processing

CCP will only use an intermediary if the additional cost is surpassed by additional sales/subs.

They already use payment processor intermedaries, nearly every company does

Cool story, still wouldnt give em money if I ran a company.


Well this isn’t about your company

Its not really about much, is it?

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Those intermediaries are providing RoI that doesn’t guarantee an additional one will do. Don’t be so facile.

Nobody is forcing you to pay anything, it is alternative methods for the rest of us


And Im allowed to express my opinion that they are rip off merchants.

Stop gurning

Can’t I express my gurning?

You clearly are.

Of course PayPal are not rip off merchants :smug:

Well thats something we can agree on anyway

I pay with servitude. Not my own of course, being Amarr.


I just checked receipts to make sure i was not insane. It turns out I am …but I also have receipts from 2018 using Paypal to sub with CCP. Are you saying they dont take paypal anymore?

I wanna pay my subscription with cratefuls of definitely not expired taco bell hot sauce packets.


The question you always have to ask is:

Would this have CCP getting more money, than if they didn’t do it. And would that increase cover their expenses in making it possible.

My gut feel on this is “No, it wouldn’t. People who would be paying with Cryptocurrencies would most likely just pay real money.”

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No blankets, last one was sold to invest in bitcoin.