Multi-boxing going nuts

Mobile Depots all over New Eden shake at the mere thought of @Iceacid_Frostpacker coming for them. :smirk:



lol. ever heard of alts? how long are you playing the game? 2 days? ;D

Why don’t you post with your main character?
Let me guess, you’re afraid the big bad gankers will come for you?

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Ah…you mean those people who spend 99% of their time whining on the forums ?

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Calm down miner

Not as often as I’ve encountered people who can’t read bog standard English. See, the stats do not say ‘of all players’, they say ’ of all PvP players '. That by definition means people who haven’t done any PvP are not included.

Glad to help you with your comprehension of English.

I shoot at Panda :panda_face: depots the most.

It’s all in the reflexes.

Control is an essential part of multiboxing and it is those reflexes which are pushed to the limits.

/can”t just keybind every pilot to follow the leader only control the warp as a fleet.

Would there be extra flexibility on what a fleet leader could control the fleet with ie locking of tagerts?

Except multiboxing isn’t cheating.

Botting and input duplication is, but it’s technically multiboxing to say, have my main and my jita alt online at once.

As James Baboli just pointed out, multiboxing and botting are two entirely different things…and it is absurd to see a thread conflating apples and oranges.

Botters may use multiple accounts, but it does not follow that people with multiple accounts, or who are multiboxing, are automatically botters.

Neither is it necessarily true that everyone using multiboxing is ( as some wrongly seem to think ) simply adding DPS for some F1 monkey blob. I know multiboxers ( myself included ) who use additional chars for completely different tasks. For example as real-time scouts, or as logi, or for bumping a loot thief while main account does the DPS…and so on. Only yesterday I used multiboxing to obtain fittings from two different sources at the same time…which saved time.

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I have heard, @Altara_Zemara , that you yourself are a bot. The question is though, who is pulling your strings?

No, it means half of all characters get less than nine kills a year.

I have a total of 19 characters, of these only four appeared on any killmails last year (this includes losses).

I need to create the last two. Need moar PI extraction capability.

Sure hey have, it’s called ‘clever content design’.

So then the most clever boxers optimize around the new content and it’s now boxed.

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The only way to reduce this….would be the pve that eve does not have.

Complicated rotation based pve. Like wow.

My rogues could be 6+ casts in rotation, needed setup and synergy. If messed up…dps goes to crap.
Lots of classes like this. 6+ action Rotation hosed, damage is crap.

But this only affects current stuff. Latest raid you need to actually play. Wow still has boxers.In the older content. Basic setup Is go in like a god(dess) and farm.

Overgear and level solves many issues. You facetank crap and live basically. Rotations not needed either really. Auto attack it really if truly lazy.
It just take longer sometimes.

How about introducing Tech 3 modules that require new materials with new harder content that requires more pve teamwork ?

@Sean_Gappeq Nothing is going “nuts”. Multiboxing is allowed in game.

It’s a Sanbox, he can do whatever he wants within the EULA.

What immersion?!?

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Look, we have people boxing 40 ships for incursion HQs on the regular. More teamwork based content, while awesome, isn’t going to stop things on it’s own.

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