What are some true “Classic Vids” that are a must-see for EVE players? I have a few options, and am open to suggestions.
I think tutorials are not to be included, just because there are so many of them and they become out of data. If there is a notable one, I shall include it.
My current list:
Rooks and Kings: Clarion Call 3 Rooks and Kings: Clarion Call 3 (1080p available) - YouTube
This video is a treasure from a bygone era of EVE, with many mechanics detailed that are long removed. The emphasis on strategic planning, thinking as a team, and perseverence, however, can never be lost to time. A good portion of the Rooks and Kings videos could have made it to this list, but I shall include only this one. The False Tower and Anatomy of a Fight are other amazing selections.
B-R5RB. Beginning of the Great Battle [Eve Online PvP] B-R5RB. Beginning of the Great Battle. - YouTube
Short and simple. The most famous battle in the game’s history shown from a far-away scout platform that lets even a new player see what is going on, and how the two sides face off. Add some very good music and you’ve got yourself a classic vid.
Scott Manley - The Fountain War The Fountain War - A History of Gaming's Biggest War - YouTube
A very good look into a single instance of large-scale alliance happenings over a kickstarting background. A great introduction to large-scale alliance politics and operation. These 23 minutes are jam-packed with information, and it includes countless sources and authentic videos of the actual conflict, even clips of very obscure battles.
Friendly Targets: Local Must Die XLASB Stabber (eve pvp with commentary) - YouTube
A great story about perseverence and theorycrafting in a solo setting. If this doesn’t give you the uncontrollable urge to go buy a Stabber, I don’t know what will.
Lasker Emanuel - Lasker’s First Dread Fight EVE Solo PvP: Lasker's First HAW Dread Fight - YouTube
Anything goes in EVE. Wanna fly something? Do it. Even a solo capital ship is viable. I don’t know which of Lasker’s videos to put here, because a number of other ones are good candidates, including other dread videos, the Arty Firetail, or the Bait-Tank Incursus.
Azriel Delta - Sigil Visits Tama Sigil visits Tama - YouTube
Eve can be fun, even when you lose. Taking out a fit like this is a great way to relieve stress. Four minuts of greatness.
Other Candidates:
Symphony of Neutralizer - Rist Ozuwara
A Nomad Tale 1 - Chloroken (Very long, and part of a series, so unlikely candidate)
Magnate II - Lasker Emanuel
Succubus Solo PVP - Lasker Emanuel
This Is EVE (of course)
Bomber’s Bar Fleet Training - Doctor Wrecks
Memorable Moments of EVE - Friendly Targets
Put suggestions below, and I can add them to this list, hopefully constructing a nice list to give to newbros for homework lol…