Mutaplasmids constitute Gambling


we had dith thread when th abyss started … read it there

the answer is … its ok because you cant buy multiplasmides for real money … thread can be closed now … thanks

every week the same . .can you guys please start to search the forums befor you repost the same stuff on and on and on again?



Yeah so I played Monopoly and rolled some dice and was rewarded by landing on Boardwalk, not to mention collecting $200 monopoly dollars every time I passed GO. According to you that’s “gambling”.

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I don’t doubt that for most players the incentive is not there - or not high enough. What you describe is actually exactly what you can do / what happens if you would buy Mutas for RL money (through PLEX and ISK etc.). The question is really: incentive or not. That depends on what the player sees in the possible very OP modules.

Not realistically, because there are loads and loads of buyorder for PLEX at any given time.

Correct. This is the only real limit here.

I mean I’m in a somewhat love-hate relationship with Mutas. I really like the idea, I really don’t like most of how it’s done. I have some disgustingly good modules, but it feels somewhat wrong that they even exist. To be frank, I would have preferred if Mutas were more designed to be for even the poorest players to have some interesting fits and not being such a power creep.

The big outcry probably already happened very long time ago with the introduction of PLEX as a commodity which lets you sell your in-game labor for additional gametime towards someone who buys the product of that labor (ISK) with real money, through the intermediary CCP who cashes in at the end. It’s good for the company afaik and that’s okay. I never much thought about it tbh. But in combination with the RNG of Mutas, I’m somewhat worried.

It wasn’t the same discussion. Your “answer” is proven wrong by 0.01 seconds of thought (because you can indeed buy it). You know, if it is too difficult for you to think two additional steps from real money to Mutaplasmids, both of which you should know as player (money → PLEX → ISK → Mutaplasmid), I’m surprised you feel that you have anything to add here. You’re welcome to leave this discussion if you don’t like it.

Huh? Can’t you read? This s about the possiblity to buy Mutaplasmids for Real Money (through the intermediaries of PLEX and ISK) and the RNG makes it gambling. You played a game where no real money is involved at any point. At least try to keep up with the discussion please. Also, don’t put your own stupid words in my mouth, thanks.

Yes, sourcing Mutaplasmids in-game and using them on a module is legal.
Terrible, isnt it. Think of the children…

Yes, I know a guy whom sold his car, house and kidney for a chance to gamble on Mutaplasmids. He needs isk so he can afford to send his character to “Mutaplasmics Anonymous” treatment in Jita. (A subsidiary of Rhoska Corp)

Send me your isk donations today, and I will forward them to him.

I’m also now hereby setting up a pro-bono Mutaplasmid destruction program to get this dangerous material out of our space. We cant accept the risk of fellow players becoming addicts to them…

Send me any Mutaplasmids you find, and I will dispose of them for free.

Zluq, this is clearly a serious matter close to your heart and that you feel strongly about.

Lets, together, save our fellow players from Mutaplasmic Addiction.
Send me the Mutaplasmids you have and I will dispose of them.

Im concerned that since you have been using Mutaplasmids for so long, and so much already, that you are showing signs of early Mutaplasmic Addiction. You are already starting ro think about them 24/7. Indont think its good for you to have any Mutaplasmids around you, or you will be tempted to use them, and slip deeper into addiction…

Id also invite you, as a champion for the cause, to make a donation of 40bil, equivalent to your investment in Mutaplasmids, to help fund a “Mutaplasmics Anonymous” program in every EVE hub.

Together, we can rid EVE of this scourge, and ensure that none of our fellow players ever again becomes a Mutaplasmic Addict.

PS: Alex Jones has confirmed that Mutaplasmids are a Triglavian conspiracy to cause addiction in capsuleers…


I endorse this initiative whole heartedly. I would like to nominate it for initiative of the year to be immortalized beside other such programs like ‘No NewBro Left Behind’ by veers 2015 winner (sry for the RL date no time to find eve year)

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Gambling is defined in Australia as a game of chance or of mixed chance and skill that is played for money OR ANYTHING ELSE OF VALUE.

Eve and a lot of online games are pushing this definition.

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All Mutaplasmids, the characters that use them, isk used to procure in-game, the resulting modules, and the virtual environment in which they occur are owned by CCP. Whatever value they have, is not owned/determined/gained/or lost by you. CCP is under no liability for what you do with what you are allowed to do in-game. You are liable for that.

To continue the Monopoly example, you are allowed to use EVE under TOS/EULA, but CCP owns everything in this virtual Monopoly game. All of it is intangible, and “exists” only on CCPs servers. That constitutes possession, as 9/10s of the law, is re-inforced by TOS/EULA and IP laws. Players are protected by consumer rights laws etc, but those apply largely only if CCP has broken its agreement(s) with clients, or for such things as false advertising,

If gambling as you paraphrase it is illegal in Australia, then if you live in Australia you shouldnt be doing it there as you personally fall under that legal jurisdiction, and you personally would be engaging in illegal gambling.

Be careful. The 'Straya internet-police could be watching you right now, already…!


it was EXACT the same discussion … really trust me … it was very long and very pointless

if you like it or not it is what it is and you cant buy multiplasmides for real money … if you do on some 3rd party pages you maybe find somwhere on the wab its illegal … CCP dont alow to buy ingame stuff for reall money …

your “money —> PLEX —> ISK —> Mutaplasmid” way is no direct connection from real money to multiplasmides …

the only thing you do here is story telling … exact same as some others did in the beginning thread

you really think CCP brought this and didnt talk to lowers to check if it is leagal possible? really? i would have done that to check that stuff first but maybe you would not … i am sure CCP did because they want no problems

you are really funny but its ok


Thanks for the offer, but I think your character might be too weak to widthstand the temptation. I see you in danger to fall for the addiction as well and I really wouldn’t want that.

Today you dispose them for free, tomorrow you will offer your hole for a roll. I need to protect you from that buddy.

Don’t worry though, I’ve spent no less than 40 Bil on Texas Lawyers to set things straight.

Perfectly legal. It is not gambling. Unless you brake the law, but then again, is shooting people in a EA game competition a crime? Yes, does that mean EA games is all about assaulting people with firearms? No. It’s the individual that breaks the real life rules.

If you want gambling, check out the CS:GO skin gambling. You see the difference?

The laws passed recently prohibit people from using RL money to gamble for something and THEN LEGALLY (usually without declaring taxes as kids don’t care about that) selling it to others to make more money.

PS: The whole idea is to not have 3rd parties (game companies) be used to wash the money of illegal trades (drugs, slavery,…). Your government does not care about your gambling, alcohol or drug addictiosn, they care about taxes. They can’t have the tax-free organised crime funnel those billions back into the normal economy or we will have the casionwars in RL, and then you’ll understand you DO NOT have a clone!

So you are saying, penis → condom → butt is not anal sex, because there is no direct connection?

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Never go full retard, bro.

Also: “So you are saying…” fallacy.

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what does it mean “anything else of value”? EvE ingame items has no value outside EvE. Definition is imperfect. We had “million dollar battle”. It don’t mean we lost million in hulls.

So from the thread title “Mutaplasmids consitute Gambling” yes it it but not in legal terms.

Whole gambling discussion at gaming started with lootboxes I think, and their influence on gambling addiction. I’ve heard one of the verdicts that lootboxes are not gambling because you always get something of value from it. So you buying pig in a poke.

I understand you dont want to give them up, because you still think you dont have a problem…

You probably think you can control your habit to just a few mutations every now and then, but dont realise how much time/resources you are already focusing on Mutaplasmids.

If you wont entrust them to me and my project, then make the right choice for your own good, and junk your whole stash.

Flush it all and dont look back.

Its the only way to be sure.

You people and your projects are of no significance to the way CCP designs addicting content legally.


Think of the addicts, Nana…

Today it might be just a few Mutaplasmid hits for fun…

But tomorrow it could be slamming back a booster cocktail everytime you undock…!

Not everyone is similarly affected. That is why everyone should think for himself.

Next thing you know, the Australian internet-police will be kicking down your door for illegal gambling…!

Dont let your EVE friends become Mutaplasmics!

Stop them before they cant stop themselves!


People get addicted to ketchup, no government will ban it because of few addicts tho. CCP will not care as long as everything is OK in legal department. People should care for themselves in that case.

But Nana…

Zluq claims Mutaplasmids cause:

  1. Illegal gambling
  2. A terrible Mutaplasmid addiction
  3. Selling everything you own to score more Mutaplasmids.

Must be true, since he is so convinced that no argument can disprove those to him?

I think we need to make an intervention, on his part, as fellow players…

We musnt let him slide further into Mutaplasmid addiction and illegal gambling…

Hes already so hooked, that he wont even considering flushing his Mutaplasmid stash out the airlock, makes a new thread every week on it, and is hitting more mutations everyday…

I think hes already used Mutaplasmids hundreds of times. He probably doing it now, or at least thinking about it, right now!