Yes, sourcing Mutaplasmids in-game and using them on a module is legal.
Terrible, isnt it. Think of the children…
Yes, I know a guy whom sold his car, house and kidney for a chance to gamble on Mutaplasmids. He needs isk so he can afford to send his character to “Mutaplasmics Anonymous” treatment in Jita. (A subsidiary of Rhoska Corp)
Send me your isk donations today, and I will forward them to him.
I’m also now hereby setting up a pro-bono Mutaplasmid destruction program to get this dangerous material out of our space. We cant accept the risk of fellow players becoming addicts to them…
Send me any Mutaplasmids you find, and I will dispose of them for free.
Zluq, this is clearly a serious matter close to your heart and that you feel strongly about.
Lets, together, save our fellow players from Mutaplasmic Addiction.
Send me the Mutaplasmids you have and I will dispose of them.
Im concerned that since you have been using Mutaplasmids for so long, and so much already, that you are showing signs of early Mutaplasmic Addiction. You are already starting ro think about them 24/7. Indont think its good for you to have any Mutaplasmids around you, or you will be tempted to use them, and slip deeper into addiction…
Id also invite you, as a champion for the cause, to make a donation of 40bil, equivalent to your investment in Mutaplasmids, to help fund a “Mutaplasmics Anonymous” program in every EVE hub.
Together, we can rid EVE of this scourge, and ensure that none of our fellow players ever again becomes a Mutaplasmic Addict.
PS: Alex Jones has confirmed that Mutaplasmids are a Triglavian conspiracy to cause addiction in capsuleers…