My apologies for having an emotional and erratic rant

I wouldn’t worry about it. If you can make a fool of yourself and survive it, then you are stronger than those that don’t.

They’re no more a new player than I am.

Back mining a day later, by the way.

Nothing wrong with being a scammer. Hell I made most of my isk with 1 scam.

Ahhh the Memories

Made so much Isk from this xD

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Takes courage. Good job!

On a side note:

Did I told you guys I don’t like numbers (for the case, the EVE case)?

I try hard not to use them and rather scope from my own experience.
For the time being, my imaginary numbers are really bad and the trend has no expectancy for a blue sky imaginary dawn.
La nite is dawk and foul of tewos.


I thought that a pilot would have to hold very high skill points and wealth to join karma fleet.

Apparently the only real requirement is turning a blind eye to pedos and other sexual deviants. At least until they get publicly outed and you can’t cover for them anymore.

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karmafleet university is not karmafleet.

I am wrong to assume such then as I had thought that is how Goonswarm alt pilots operate in Tenal with systems like Y-YHZQ

My God, how can you live with yourself? How are they expected to put their children through college and capsuleer school after you did that?

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