My contribution to the "Highsec Lobby" initiative

You are going after him for opening a chat channel to lobby for a better deal for hisec?

For what it is worth I do not agree with his statement that he wants to remove PvP from hisec.

About this entity:

I read through Scipio’s post previously and that Procurer BPO did stand out as suspicious, however it can also depend on when you try to buy it from the Jita market, currently cheapest is 1.75bn, there are only 5 on sale and the most expensive is 2bn. I am not sure I can see that as proof of a scam.

I have been in nullsec alliances that do buybacks and who pay for key players subscriptions with plex, and who apply tax on their alliance, and adjust it to 100% for a brief time to get ISK for certain projects. Is it because he is a hisec player and that he is attracting new players that this is a scam?

I have yet to see details of SRP for his Defence against the Dark Arts corp to fight war decs, does he do one? Can a new player keep funding 47m for each lost Ferox, the ISK has to come from somewhere?

There is so much that people don’t know about his setup.

That would be the war dec system, because previously you could war dec every corp and now you can only war dec them if they have a structure. So smart people have their main entity without any structures, have structure owning corps, and a specific war dec defence entity. People can get back at them for destroying their structures of course, but they want to go after his members in space.

The other option was to infiltrate and blow them up, but CCP implemented a friendly fire toggle, but that was needed because most veterans gave up on recruiting players because they were exposing themselves to being attacked by gankers posing as new players. It ended up having too negative an impact and CCP had to adjust it.

With all this being said. A number of people I spoke to about this entity liked the fact that people can now create large scale hisec entities without unending war decs that crushed the life from them, and seeing this group have a corp that fights a war dec’s is also seen as a good thing. They are also trying to create a community that does something, and fighting back against war decs is what you lot want isn’t it?

Anyway…, whatever!

And look at this, a detailed reply to Scipio that refuted his allegations in detail.

And not long after he refuted Scipio the thread was closed, oh dear…

At least I now know who the POCO gantry exploit is being used against and by who.

Why would we care what a butt hurt foul mouthed and ignorant ganker would yell at us.