Admittedly I originally went for ICANP because their CEO is an obnoxious toolbag, but with the exception of 1 or 2 of them, the rest of their leadership are just as bad.
I thought the worst ones were corps created by griefers that then awoxed the new players, there was a couple of people doing that. It was a terribly destructive thing to do.
And why should we care if they leave? The sort of person who ragequits because they lose their stuff is going to quit anyway because EVE is not the game for them. Better for them to realize it up front and save their money than to spend a few months of subscription time before quitting.
anyone with experience simply wouldn’t let newbies join and had fairly tight controls when they did.
Which is as it should be. Corp security should be a thing, you shouldn’t be able to mindlessly accept anyone gullible enough to pay your corp tax and never have any problems because of it.
You’re outright lying AGAIN, you utterly dishonest piece of ■■■■. I always said there was nothing wrong with shooting gankers to practice, collect bounties, or to merely have fun… as long as they were aware what was really going on and when that was effective and when not…
LOL. What?
Of course, and I explained myself multiple times why they do this, i.e. to ensure they get the victim’s pod and collect bounties placed on themselves. So what? How is this relevant to anything being discussed here?
What is it exactly that I got wrong, you utterly dishonest piece of ■■■■?
No, you claiming I’m unable to “get on with anyone” like you said at first is an outright lie, not a mere incorrect use of words.
Saying that there are some or several people that are glad to see me gone is of course correct, and me having annoyed that kind of people while I was there is something I’m actually proud of…
From what I generally see in the ag channel he was one of the only people without anger issues. Your perception is completely warped as normal.
If you are poet among peasants it’s pretty hard to make friends I imagine.
Don’t confuse pity with hate dude. We don’t hate ag we just look down on you. I mean the display of that communities performance in the game is just laughable. No wonder you constantly cry for more nerfs.
Are you still crying for changes to the game in your favor? I thought you said it was balanced now? Did not have the effect you wanted (to make it annoying enough so no one would do it) so you cry for more changes? How predictable.
“Just one more small PvP nerf, I swear this is the last one we need.”
Am I?
One of the people who you said it was pointless shooting people.
Oh my god, this shows your ignorance again.
I have a kill with Jaydan Kusion in which the smart bomber is on it, and I received no bounty, and his bounty pot is 12.6m. I have another kill on Jackson Kusion with no smart bomber on it which I got 428k bounty and his pot is 10.8m. You say you are an expert and yet you do not even know that a criminal does not collect bounties on other criminals at this point. Do keep up with the game please.
You are incapable of admitting your mistakes.
So you got on with a couple of people then, shall I blow a trumpet in celebration?
Mate I saw him going off really aggressively at multiple people.
Same goes for being an asshole among decent people.
Hate is what certain gankers feel, like the one I referred to.
If you say so, if you want to believe it, feel free. Not that I care.
The TDS man child speaks, game balance is a movable feast, if everyone stays static then you would be correct, but it does not. Again you just showed your utter ignorance.
Wait, so bounty money do not spread according to damage dealt, but rather smart bombers are preferred? Genuinely interested.
What? Where did you get this idea from? Why would a criminal be able to collect bounties when killing “innocent” people and not when killing other criminals? Does that even make sense to you?
There even was a recent article on minerbumping explaining precisely this:
WTF are you on about now? How can you be so utterly ignorant and proud of it too?
AGAIN, which mistakes exactly?
Sure, you don’t care but show up in every gank related thread anyway to cry about it.
It appears that if a criminal is on another criminal’s killmail when he is flagged as a criminal then the system does not pay any bounty to anyone. I have one kill that has the smart bomber on it and bounty paid, but that may be because the smart bomber at that point had not hit anyone who was not a criminal with his smart bombs at that point when the kill was made.
And this is typical KM, he links something like this
And acts as if that is what I was talking about, And this same behaviour was seen again and again in the AG chat channel. No wonder so many people don’t think much of him.
Easy talk for simple people is that if a criminal gets on a killmail while a criminal then the bounty system does not appear to pay out any bounty. This is an observation on recent behaviour. If I am wrong then I am wrong, but I have a sample where this seems to indicate the case. When people would suggest something like this to KM he would answer like he did to me. And there you go.
This in a nutshell is the issue with this player and his attitude.
Oh, I see… It’s not that you have the slightest clue what you’re talking about… It’s that this is yet another of those things you’ve “observed” and basing your claims on…
And of course this is also “proof” of me doing or being wrong… about what exactly?
Because you went off like that all the time mate. This is a perfect example of your behaviour in AG. Wonderful isn’t it.
Seems broken a bit. Why not just exclude criminals, as it is already done with NPCs?
Man, you’re not trying to understand anything about how this stuff works from anything Dracvlad says, are you?
Did they though?
When awoxing stopped it wasn’t followed by more players sticking around was it.
I’d guess more players are getting bored and confused than getting awoxed. And allowing hundreds of bad corps that don’t care for players to spam invites exacerbated that.
I am not so sure what is going on, it is something I only recently came across. Though it is perfectly possible that the one that did not have a bounty payment on his KM had no bounty on him at all, but I did not think so at the time. But one of the other AG players suggested that to me and it seemed logical. I just need to test it more.
The exact attitude that was an issue in the AG channel, you applied that attitude to everyone apart from yourself.
Actually checked on EVE-Uni, and it is the last shot that counts. Also seems broken a bit: more logical solution would be to distribute bounty prizes according to damage dealt, since otherwise someone else might just steal the big kill.
But here is the issue, I have the last shot on someone with a bounty pool and I received no bounty and I had the most damage too. In this case the smart bomber was in a pod so was obviously a criminal. Shall I send you the loss mails in game?
Would be glad if you do it. Seems there is a mistery to uncover.