Mail sent. Another AG suggested it was down to the criminal flag, which seemed logical. Interesting isn’t it.
But this exchange with KM is how he would respond to people raising things like this. It was truly odd, seemed deliberate to me and immensely weird. You acted in the right way, you wanted to work out what it was, not tell me that Gankers grab the bounty which I already knew.
I only started to reply to you the way I did after you started to outright lie about me AGAIN, you utterly dishonest piece of ■■■■. Of course if you’re going to do that, you better be prepared to get the heat…
That’s not how I did normally explain things to the people that were wrong there all the time. That would only happen if they started to behave like you just started to do here yourself first…
Angry, aggressive and offensive. You would take anyone making an error in terms of the game mechanics as a personal affront and off you would go.
I should also add that I was imprecise in my comment, something I am often at fault with:
The gankers have been doing this for some time to pick up bounties and I of course noted it a long time ago, do you really think that I did not know this? But just recently we noticed that we were not getting bounties at all on some kills, so I assumed that a change had been made to the game, and that the gankers were doing it still to stop us from getting any bounty. So my bad here in that I was talking about a change which I had assumed happened, but it could be in fact a bug. But here again you made a sweeping assumption that I did not know about the gankers doing it to gain bounty. If you did not fly off the handle so quickly and took time to work out with people explaining things in an imperfect way you would not have been such a roaring pain in the ass.
You should probably make a separate thread or make a bug report if you think something is broken with bounties and you know how to replicate it. But it’s a bit off-topic here i think.
First, I would like to check whether bounty amount is shown only for bounty recipient, or for all participants. Maybe that smart bomber somehow got it.
Sadly, I don’t have an alt account to do that, but am ready to test it somewhere around Jita, if an answer to that is unknown.
AGAIN, that’s the attitude I showed in AG channel only after people started to behave like you’ve been doing here first, exactly like has happened here too. Only after you started to outright lie about me here AGAIN have I started to treat you like the utterly dishonest piece of ■■■■ that you are…
No, I wouldn’t. That’s simply another lie of yours AGAIN. Of course if you keep outright lying about me every time you open your dirty mouth, you’re going to get the heat…
I didn’t reply to you the way I did because you were wrong. I did because, in your utter ignorance and desperation to try to find something that you might claim I’ve ever been wrong about, you tried to use that nonsense as “proof” of your lies about me, remember?
Showing your comprehension capabilities here again, as usual…
He was obviously referring to anger against gankers not being the reason or the motivation for me to hunt and harass them, which has always been in stark contrast with most other anti-gankers and a major source of conflict with me there…
You seem to be confusing having or expressing anger under certain circumstances with having “anger issues”. That I may become angry when someone lies about me like Dracvlad does all the time, for example, doesn’t mean I have “anger issues”. The anger I may express sometimes doesn’t make be behave irrationally like many anti-gankers do when driven by their anger against gankers…
Absolutely untrue, I see very little intense anger apart from the odd person coming in and sounding off after a loss. What you are doing there is regurgitating as if true a complete lie pushed by gankers. What I will say is that I have not really seen a part of the US TZ, but I have never seen this level of anger that KM seems to think is part and parcel of AG.
Well it certainly explains your issues believing that rubbish, because if you came in with that CODE claim you would react to anyone coming in and having a little rant, as some do about losing a ship to CODE, as being the attitude of the channel. It certainly is not what I have seen, but if you believe that no wonder you treat everyone with such contempt.
So someone coming into AG with a rant about CODE when losing a ship is always going to be full of anger and hate…, what a ridiculous point of view.
Pretty much that.
There is only one person that I have seen pushing real hate and that is Australian Excellence / Loyalanon.
No, I don’t. Someone trying to discredit my reputation with lies about anything, be it a video game or anything else, is a perfectly valid reason to become angry with him.
If that made me lose my mind and do stupid things such as go after him in game or harass him some way just because of that, then you could claim I have anger issues too…
You worry about your reputation in a video game? And you run around throwing the absurd claim that most AG are angry at gankers. So you take it as a personal affront and as damage to your reputation if people have a different opinion to you. This is quite frankly ridiculous looney tune times. Mate you need to go find another hobby if you feel this way.
A while back I realised the Dom Arkaral defined himself by his status on the Eve forums as some sort of forum god, and his anger and hatred got so intense when anyone stood up to him and/or had a different view point or challenged his forum godhood. It got to the point that he was so mad that he was trying to get me banned from the forums and only succeeded in getting himself banned. You remind me of him.
My reputation as AG in general and as a contributor to the AG channel in particular, of course, so he may “justify” the decision to ban me from there. Of course you’re trying to do the same, and hence your incredibly silly comment…
None. He cannot do that for the simple reason that he has absolutely no credibility whatsoever. But he’s tryingwith lies.
You seem to have understood I’m angry because I think my reputation is actually being discredited. That’s not the case. I’m angry because I cannot stand utterly dishonest people like him. I would be just as angry if he was lying the same way about someone else…
I do get angry over utterly dishonest people under any and all circumstances. I just cannot stand them. I do consider this normal.
Oh look, the idiot troll once again can’t tell the difference between “I hate that PvE exists” and “I hate lazy PvE players who demand easy mode and free ISK”.
Depends on how early and how severe that loss is.
You referred to a case of a player who loses “everything they’d spent a couple months building”. At that point in your EVE career you should understand basic concepts like “don’t fly anything you can’t afford to lose”, and losing a single ship (after which you leave the corp) should be no more than a minor annoyance. If you’re the sort of player who ignores the basic rules, puts everything they have into a single ship, and ragequits if that ship is lost then you’re not meant to be playing EVE.
OK, then most corps stop accepting new players and most newbies sit around in NPC corps endlessly farming PvE content.
Or newer players take some initiative and organize into corps. I don’t know why you keep assuming that newbies and highsec players are helpless perma-victims that can only accomplish something if someone stronger gives it to them for free.
Astevon explained his reasoning for banning you, he even gave you the respect of an explanatory email.
Oh dear someone in a game thinks I have no credibility at all, what shall I do?
So you are getting angry over a game to this degree.
And yet you cannot be honest with yourself.
I am looking at your TZ and comparing it with Dom Arkaral’s TZ, using corp history, pretty similar, the red corp icon, and of course the same beard on both characters…, interesting, the use of emos is pretty similar too, as is the utter madness you are displaying, quite similar posting style too. It would not surprise me at all if you were the same person.
Only the hunter who fires the final blow claims the bounty. If, however, that hunter is in a fleet, the entire fleet shares the bounty. Say ‘Fleet A’ does 99% damage to a target, and ‘Fleet B’ warps in to finish it off. Only ‘Fleet B’ would claim the bounty. Both fleets would show up in the kill report though.
No, not spread by damage dealt, and no preference for a smartbomb.
So you’re assuming that people were stupid and continued to stay in space where they could be attacked once the initial attack was made? Yeah, the people who ragequit over that weren’t going to last very long anyway.
You saying “well people should have played differently” doesn’t change how people actually played.
No, but it does determine whether or not we should care if people quit. CCP’s biggest mistake has been focusing on trying to recruit and retain the wrong sort of players at the expense of the things that made EVE unique and interesting. The game would benefit immensely if we went back to acknowledging that EVE is not a game for everyone and stopped trying to retain players who don’t have the right attitude to succeed.
In most instances you’ll find better retention from easing people into more difficult situations and bigger losses rather than roflstomping their sandcastle early on.
You proposed a scenario where a player has been in the game for two months before suffering a PvP loss. They’ve had their easing-in period, and made it farther into the game than most customers ever get. At some point you have to stop coddling people and let them survive on their own.
A source for what? To try to convince you that I’m a reputable AG? You think I care whether you believe I am or not? Or what is it that you mean exactly?
Just FYI, I do actually love to make fun of clueless morons that think I’m a ganker or CODE agent in disguise. I never try to convince them of the contrary, so if that’s what you’re after, you’re out of luck, sorry. You may keep believing I’m a ganker or CODE agent in disguise all you want. Actually, I do want you to believe that…
Man, I explained this in the very same post you’re replying to. Showing your comprehension capabilities again, I see…
I don’t want you to like me. Actually, I want you to not like me. You’re the kind of people I’m proud of having annoyed in AG channel…
Nor would I if I was in your case either. Why would you? I’m honest and don’t tell lies about other people like Dracvlad does with me all the time…
But I’m doing it already… Haven’t you noticed I haven’t got enraged with you either and am just gonna have fun seeing how you make a fool of yourself?
But I don’t. Do you see me getting enraged over you? Don’t you think I would if what you’re saying had a leg to stand upon? I’m just making fun of you, bro…
Well, that’s definitely how it ought to be, as far as I’m concerned. I doubt I’d fit in as a ganker and would probably find more satisfaction in hunting them instead, but not with any malice or assumption thereof. I’d just go “Ha-ha! Got him!” to myself whenever I succeeded and post a “GF” in local.
Because no one is actually getting hurt, we’re all in this to have fun, and I really don’t understand why anyone would genuinely hate another player unless they were a bona-fide RL asshat.
All this bad blood with the ganker and anti-ganker crowd just strikes me as pointless, and we’d all have more fun if everyone spreading these ill feelings would take a damn chill pill.
…are you serious? Do you just not see how this argument can be turned back on you with nearly zero effort?
I swear, I ought to start meeting every claim on these forums with “citations or GTFO”.
And no, that thread you linked does not count as a good citation because I can practically feel@Knowledgeminer’s emotions through the text alone. That’s wasn’t trolling, that was frustration boiling over.
If you get manipulated into breaking this rule then you are unlikely to last long in EVE anyway, and there’s no reason to care about the exact means by which they ragequit.
Maybe for you, but not for me. I think we should care if less people are joining EVE and staying.
Yes, I am aware that you don’t understand good game design principles and why player recruitment and retention numbers are not the only things that matter, or how being selective in which players you try to recruit and keep makes a game better in the long run. We should care if legitimate EVE players are dropping out, we shouldn’t care if people who are poorly suited for EVE acknowledge this fact and leave.
How so?
By nerfing PvP content and pandering to entitled farmer trash instead of the PvP players that built EVE. CCP continues to devalue success by giving it to everyone for free. So yes, this might gain a short term boost in revenue from farmers staying a bit longer but in the end they’re going to quit anyway because they finish leveling up their farming ships and move on to the next PvE game. And if CCP pushes it too far they lose the things that make EVE unique and start losing long-term customers.
I agree. EVE is not for you. ■■■■ off.
EVE is for me. You just don’t like the fact that it is.
Most people will not play a game for 2 months, lose 2 months of progress then say “wasting time and money is fun!”.
And, again, if you lose two months of progress at once and have nothing left you were not going to succeed in EVE. You ignored basic rules for success, likely because you didn’t understand the game and didn’t want to play it the right way. Failure and quitting was inevitable, if it wasn’t corp friendly fire that did it then it would have been suicide ganking, making a trip into lowsec, etc.
It takes a very special kind of dedication to actually have fun hunting gankers. I mean once you revealed yourself we pretty much know you are there and can work around you or just make it really boring for you.
Ganking on the other hand is absolutely A grade entertainment. Dunking unsuspecting miners is just hilarious and never gets old. There is really nothing like it in any other game. Absolutely fantastic.
And you never know what they drop. I had miners drop a whole blueprint collection or once an almost fully trained Orca blueprint.