My small industry initiative in Venal

I mean hey, if you wanna talk about “sanctioned” atrocities, how about we talk about the sanctioned wholesale slaughter of anyone affiliated with the Guristas? CONCORD has flat-rate bounties on practically every ship in the Guristas fleet. Ships that prolly haven’t seen even seen their first raid of operation already has a bounty copied and pasted onto them. Even their damn mining fleets in Venal have bounties on them, what did they even do?

You ever wonder what makes someone Guristas? What draws them to that crowd? Yeah, plenty of assholes that just want a paycheck and nothing more, but the Guristas is also made up of undesirables that were pushed out of their homes. The Guristas is afterall, a haven for exiles of the Caldari State. All of these people are targets of CONCORD and the Empires, they’ll happily and eagerly sick a bunch of Capsuleers after them to massacre them indiscriminately and not ask a single question.

An idea I’m not against, problem is finding clients who would extend that kind of trust but, as you put it I need to build a reputation.

I should also inform everyone here in this thread that filaments and trigalvian tech is only part of a larger marketing operation I’m trying to pull off. It’s in no way my top priority right now.