You are confusing Local intel, with Local chat, again.
Local intel refers to the list of players in the system (or its absence).
Local chat is the chat channel itself, and settings on that.
That CCP called the non-autoupdating list in chat “Delayed” mode is just a choice of term. No actual “delay” occurs, in any shape or form.
A sector with Local chat in “Immediate mode”, provides Local intel. (HS/lS/NS)
A sector with Local chat in “Delayed mode” does not provide Local intel. (WH)
As you explained, we know Local intel (Immediate mode) in HS/LS/NS is associated with the gates.
As I explained, this is supported by the lack of Local intel (Delayed mode) in WHs, as having no gates.
Actual communication in either mode, is identical and instantly reports the transmission to the Local channel, for all there to see, along with the senders name.
To clarify, when removing Local intel is discussed, it refers in this nomenclature, to changing Player NS Local chat from “Immediate mode” to “Delayed mode”.
To further clarify, when someone mentions applying a delay to Local intel, it refers to applying a delay to the “Immediate mode” updating its list, not to the “Delayed mode”
To clarify even further, it is proposing to add a third chat memberlist mode, which only populates/depopulates the list on a (sector specific) delay from arrival and departure in the system.