Negative/toxic culture towards new players


What do you need ?


Indeed, which is why I didn’t post in this thread at all so far.

I don’t think that toxicity against newbies is a thing. At all.

Killing players in pvp game is not toxic.


It can be, depending on the ganked

:crazy_face: :eyes: frosted covered popcorn

That’s plain stupid.

Repeatedly killing players ship, in a “high security” area, without them being able to react, to avenge themselves, because the game puts you in a position where you don’t care but they do, is plain toxic.

So yes, killing players in a pvp game can be toxic.
And especially, suicide ganking with cheap catalyst/nades/bombers/talos is always toxic. Because the only correct choice for the victim was to not play in the first place.
There is ZERO way for the victim to get any additional benefit from that interaction.

Abusing the weakness of players that is forced by the game, by using a corner-case situation which is imbalanced, is toxic.
Even when the devs call that “emergent gameplay” in reality it’s just them refusing to balance the game.

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When I first started 12 years ago I was politely invited to “be an hero” and “rope” on several occasions in Rookie Chat.

I have no reason to believe the Rookie Chat got cuddly since then.

Toxicity is so prevalent and renowned on the internet that the onus is upon you to back up your statements with evidence to a room full of sea lions.

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If brain dead, perhaphs PvP games are not for you.


More victim blaming.

More toxicity.

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I’m glad to see victims finally speaking up and speaking out. Hopefully we will finally see change for the good of the game. I’m just hoping it’s not to late.

But are they wrong?

Gredo shoots first and kills Han Solo, Net effect is Episode 4 is very short, 5 and 6 do not get made.
If Han Solo shoots first, fearing that Gredo is going to kill him anyway, is Han all of a sudden the bad guy?

Gankers always get to shoot first, and they are always the bad guy. If ganking had a meaningful consequence, the space police would not be interfering with folk who would prefer to camp them into the station and obliterate their ship on the undock with instalock blaster gnosis.

Second that happens ya’ll will be in here complaining, will the advice of ‘This PvP game is not for you’ have any value?

I’m not a victim, but I knew victims who left without a word, after being suicide ganked in HS.
After playing sometimes years in NS or WS, losing ships left and right and still being ready for fights.
Until one day they get suicide ganked in HS and just leave.

The victims often just quit the game.
They may not care about the loss and it was just a waste of time. Or they really care and the idea of having lost so much time is enough to make that game not worth it.
Of course there is a spectrum between those two extremum.

But victims need to believe in a justice to even consider complaining. Which is not possible on that forum with the weaponized toxicity of the suicide gankers. Those that you will notice relentlessly blaming the victims and pretending that their outdated vision of the game is more important than game balance.
Toxicity is used to censor the victims.

“let’s make the game unnecessarily confuse and tedious so that people need to make a lot of actions for a simple result, making them more prone to mistake and thus allowing toxic players to make them lose their assets, and therefore their time without any meaningful cost”
That’s not a design for a game. That’s a design for bots competition.

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Especially since its so incredibly easy to avoid being killed in HS. If you get ganked once, u can use it chance to learn, if you get ganked twice it’s always your own fault.

If the gankee uses their brain, the ganker doesn’t get to shoot at all.


Granted a max cargo expander fit T1 industry ship with a billion in PLEX in it is a good example of someone not ‘using their brain’ though it would be the exception rather than the rule, and a great example of what is wrong with the current system.

Under the current mechanics, the punishment for the ganker is the same regardless if the gankee is a T1 hauler or a rookie ship. Ganks of expensive ships should have greater punishment, with consequences being more immediate and/or longer lasting.

A 15 minute timer, loss of a cheap destroyer and some sec status loss that can be mitigated by spending ISK on tags is nowhere near a meaningful punishment.

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I quite agree. The other day I was playing chess and the other player took one of my pieces ! Well, I was flabbergasted and complained to the chess club manager that this was clear victimization and bullying. Taking pieces in chess is clearly toxic behaviour.

Then the other player cheated by jumping in an L shape over other pieces to take another of my pieces. I mean, who ever heard of such a stupid thing ! I have written to the International Chess Association to demand that this cheating move be banned…just for me as I don’t like it.

I cancelled ny chess club membership, because people who play chess are clearly all psychopaths who want to deprive me of the pleasure of looking at my 16 pieces while watching Netflix.



What ?

Do you know how stupid you sound?

If this was X4 Foundations, you would be crying all the time for the Xenon and Kaak to be removed from the game because your mining fleet keeps coming under attack and destroyed, and other faction bases kep getting destroyed forcing you to have to secure goods you wanted yourself instead of doing trade for them.


Can’t delete will edit

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