Negative/toxic culture towards new players

AG is dead because its premise sucked before it even started.
Like, sure, you can gank a ganker, but you won’t get any emotional response from it, apart from denial of being one by AG. I sense a strong copium scent around that part of ‘AG lOgIc’.
However, saving somebody for expected praise… and then killing them when not getting it/shaming them for being ‘ungratefull ■■■■’… or even more often than not, being blamed by ‘victims’ for not saving them in time. That’s some level of internet ‘white knight’ I’m not ready to understand.

Player versus Player does not mean just combat

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First time??

If you’re looking for a group to join, stay off of the forums. Instead, try the fleet finder / groups in-game. Different regions will have different fleets, most will have like minded players like yourself though who are accepting and not toxic.

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HS pirates used to wear a skull, proudly. Gankers who gloated “this is a PvP game” led by example. They hunted, got hunted. AGs were perhaps a group that didn’t find excitement in insta-popping defenceless Miners or Haulers, but they could sink combat ships. Their ISK value, irrelevant. PvP doesn’t need gold medallion handouts. With the rise of tag-pimping, CCP has achieved the following:

RP gloat bears, in large volumes, who are Concord’s biggest patrons. Truly sad.
A mockery of the sec-status purpose and mechanic.
A gank simulator for F1 slappers. CCP even provides abyssal trace frenzies → fish-in-a-barrel kumbaya all day, every day. Buy the lottery ticket and be a guaranteed winner with a few Coercers.

Did AGs primarily operate to be “white knights”? Some perhaps, particularly those who rep’d victims under attack. Not all. Some worked with kill-rights, but this a BS chalkboard that’s easily manipulated or too expensive. Once tag-pimping got traction, the AG game loop ended. HS is now an unattractive, out of balance, gank simulator that is not only costing CCP the players from this loop, but it also means that experienced toons can stamp their authority on newcomers without consequence. It’s got so brain-dead that selling “mining permits” to those who felt overwhelmed became a boasting right. Yeah, pitiful, I know. It’s a terrible product look, shameful actually. It’s also why this simulator is now in maintenance mode: the mobile app is dead, FPS shotgun-to-the-moon… “Obi-wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope”, and “let’s go fishing” for worthless Trig loot. It’s overdue for CCP to end the stupidity of HS pirates being Concord cronies. They’ll restore more faith in their brand with balanced decision-making. Make PvP equitable - HS piracy pays, but there are consequences too. Real “PvP’ers”, not gloat bears basking in CCP’s clueless direction-taking, would want this.


Unattractive? With the majority of EVE players always having dwelt there? That’s clearly a subjective view - and one I do not share. I’ve lived in Highsec for more than a decade and wouldn’t live anywhere else (on this character).

‘Out of balance’ and ‘gank simulator’ are also opinions which it’s hard for me to accept. I think CCP does a reasonably good job of balancing Highsec’s delicate mechanics.

My own play style has been affected quite badly over the years, but it’s clear to me that, not being in the driving seat, I’m unable to do the driving - which is fine.

I don’t think we’ve reached ‘gank simulator’ levels of destruction yet, Quadra. Would that it were so! Perhaps it’s just your heightened perception? If not, I’d be grateful to see some proof, if you have it.

Experienced players have always been able to do this - and there are consequences, though you may not deem them sufficient if they don’t absolutely deter experienced players from…(etc.)

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Who on earth flagged my post about toxicity and new players as ‘off-topic’? If it was the OP, I’ll demur (reluctantly), but…

It’s an example, @Gerard_Amatin, of that toxicity and negativity which is directed by some persons at others, whether they be new or ‘old’ players.

For the record, I never - never ever - flag any post on the Forum. If I disagree with it, I’ll say so; if it’s rude or rule-breaking, I’ll ignore it or let those who deal with such things do so. I just find it a bit, you know, creepy…

EDIT: added ‘I’ll ignore it or…’

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I too think it’s a bit strange that my post about toxicity in a thread about toxicity is flagged as ‘off topic’.

But I guess some people want to be toxic?

I’ve had exactly the same thing happen when responding to someone this past week.

Weaponizing the report function is why you and the other half dozen regulars are the only people left posting in here. What goes around comes around.

Now stop whining and try setting an example for the first time in your posting career.

The pool for when this post gets grayed out is only five hundred thousand per guess. Send to me with heading: “forum babies crying when their posting strategy comes back to bite them on the ass” and the time in GMT the gray will happen.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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You answered your own questions right there. A game where I have no control, don’t do the driving, but I’m fine with that - is, no offence, absolutely pointless. It’s like opening a business and accepting lack of market competitiveness forever. Being defeatist rules OK. It also resonates with those miners who paid extortion ISK out of brainwashed false hope. Mining all day to pay a group that humiliates them. This while CCP turns a “delicately balanced blind-eye”. We’re clearly not on the same page, and that’s fine.

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The trick is to not pay ISK, but to pay attention and warp away before they get you.

It can also be (kindly nurtured) ignorance.

Yeah, the trick is to be a bot. Always active, even when the gameplay makes you sleep.
Thank you. We definitely needed that opinion.

Of course.

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Why do so many people feel entitled to playing the game without watching while they play?

If the game makes you sleep, why not close the game and go to bed? Or play something that doesn’t make you sleep?

They don’t feel entitled.
There is just nothing to watch.
Why do you feel entitled to tell how they feel ?

So your trick is actually to not play the game, unless you’re a bot. Noted.
“It’s your choice to be suicide ganked, you should have left the game”. No wonder people complain about toxicity towards new players.

Either there are dangers to watch out for or there is nothing to watch.

Which one is it?

When I am in null sec space I am happy to see that there is ‘nothing to watch’, because if there was something in local chat or on my directional scanner I would have to prepare my escape.

Why is watching for danger unacceptable in high sec?


Well, you could watch local…

I heard Dscan can be exciting.


False dichotomy.
There can be dangers, that you can’t watch for.

Who said it was “unacceptable” ?
Can you stop misrepresenting my post already ? It’s the third time. Guess you deserved to have your posts flagged.

You did.

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