As you mentioned ganking is part of the eve ethos and DNA so no special treatment needed. ive been ganked a couple of times in 14 years in game, it happens, i move on, its part of the game. if fact its fun (even if sometimes frustrating) content.
Toxicity, yes ive experienced it on occasion but nothing to the level that you are talking about, ive generally found the people to be helpful and OK, even the ones who’ve exploded me.
How can you blame the developer and the actions, perceived or real, of in game players behaviour?
This is actually what drives toxicity in this forum.
I’d rather they not care about people opinions, so that people could talk without being assaulted by a bunch of toxic trolls afraid of losing their abused mechanism.
Were you a fleet member ? Were those public fleets ? We’ve had our share of FC’s losing their cool, or becoming irritated by rookie mistakes, that much is true. You learn to avoid those and find better ones.
That reads like “I don’t like ganking and an open pvp sandbox game”. But that’s EvE.
It isn’t. Find a group that fits you and where you fit in - perhaps the hardest challenge of all.
But that’s precisely why, past…ahem…incidents notwithstanding…Eve needs to be developed by people who actually play the game and not by marketing departments. There will always be people who are not happy…no matter what the product. You can never please all the people all the time, and trying to please most of the people most of the time can also be a recipe for not actually pleasing anyone. Eve should stick to its tried and tested format.
Looks like you were recruited by a group that fits your preferences then! Sounds lucky to me.
I also was that lucky in EVE and found a fun group early when I started playing.
In other games I haven’t been that lucky, but there’s no reason to stick around in a group when you dislike the culture - just leave and continue searching for a better match!
That’s just semantic obfuscation. This particular bear chose to be in the woods where the hunter is hunting, in full knowledge of that fact. He can’t then hold up an ’ I’m not participating ’ sign and think that means he can’t be turned into a rug.
Which one ? The one you quote does not call people I disagree with trolls.
I am not even talking about the person I answer to, and which I disagree with.
It’s the second time you misrepresent my argument. You did it at first here
The first one you did not apologize for your mistake, and THAT is what makes you a troll : making mistakes on purpose and never going back on them. You keep misrepresenting my position on purpose, fighting strawmen and ignoring my actual argument.
What’s more, here you also complete miss the point to make personal attacks, which is against the forum rules : FAQ - EVE Online Forums
Please avoid:
Responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content.
Could you please stop doing so and keep the discussions civil, as per requested in the forum rules ?
I have no idea when this term was coined.
I know it is used to represent attitudes that were considered “culturally acceptable” before but are now recognized as doing harm to society in general. I guess it’s a shift from individualism to legalism.
This particular bear only exists in your head.
If you need to change the comparison to fit your narrative so much that it is no more real, maybe don’t try to make comparisons in the first place.
Well, you accuse Sasha of ‘misrepresenting’ you…but its really not that hard to ‘misrepresent’ someone who is playing fast and loose with words. My analogy is perfectly clear to anyone who isn’t…but you’ll just contrive another semantic obscuration such as ‘participating’ to hide behind.
The well worn phrase ‘dont undock what you cannot afford to lose’ comes directly from the fact that everyone who undocks is…ahem…‘participating’…in PvP whether they close their eyes to it or not. Eve is not like being a kid where you can pull a blanket over your head and the monsters cant see you any more. The very act of undocking is your consent to PvP.