Negative/toxic culture towards new players

A bear is not participating in bear hunting until he receives a bullet or runs from a hunter.

Just because bear hunting is allowed where it lives does not make its life “bear hunting”.

In times gone by - and it may still be the case - abuse of new players was commonly encountered in Highsec mining corporations, where it took the form of teaching them mining and little else, and required of them the daily drudgery of filling the vaults and coffers of a despotic CEO. They knew no better, poor things; it was definitely an exit route for some of them.

I picked up a few and some sought sustenance elsewhere within the game. Abuse of new players is not confined to PvP oriented pilots.

In many situations where a human being is given authority over others, you’ll find people like this. Of course, they couldn’t do it if there were not a ready supply of gullible folks on hand.

So, EVE imitates Life. I don’t know what you can do about it; certainly, CCP dare not completely sanitize the game, even if they could.

First thing to do, is to admit that just because it happens, does not mean it’s acceptable.
Society is about policing relations, not about legalizing the statu quo.

The vast majority of high sec industry corps exist to feed the CEO (and his in crowd) isk and resources below cost. Milked from newbies, afks and uninformed players.


Meh…I’ve seen situations where there’s been 350 in corp chat and only 120 turn up for some important battle despite being offered free combat ships. That leads me to believe some simply don’t want anything other than mining even when offered the chance to do something else.

For the same reason you believe you’re entitled to tag pimp - playing a RP Lord behind Concord. The life of protected multi-boxer drones, social welfare to the extreme. Thanks to CCP being so clueless about this one-track privilege, even your former “AG” opposition have left their gank simulator. An entire game loop killed by a privilege that benefits you. So you surely can’t be confused if newbies also want some welfare gifting?

Did it occur to you that lots of these chars don’t have the skills for something else than flying a barge or explo ship? 120 out 350 is actually a very good cut for a PVP fleet.

Yes, there will always be those, too.

Are you jealous?


Are you that pretty irl too ?


It’s acceptable in-game. I have certainly ganked new players mining in asteroid belts in Highsec. It was great fun. Maybe some of them found it amusing, too. I care not.

Literally my point.
You don’t care. Does not mean it’s acceptable.

Are you glorifying your tag-pimping, or giving hails to CCP for killing their income statement on your behalf?

Ccp finds it acceptable.


Quadra Frost
Quadra Frost
Quadra Frost

:thinking: :blush: :popcorn:

@Felix_Frostpacker :smirk: :innocent:


You perhaps don’t think it (whatever ‘it’ may be) is acceptable; I may find ‘it’ to be not only acceptable but commendable, whether ‘Society’ agrees with me or not.

There are things which ‘Society’ deems unacceptable, but these change over time. In EVE it isn’t surprising that CCP has found it necessary to adjust the permitted parameters of inter-player behaviour (including taunting) as changes occur in the wider (mostly Global Western) world.

I’m not sure there is even an issue here, Stefnia. No doubt you’ll let me know if there is.

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No they don’t.

The point was about

That should not be considered acceptable just because it happens.
And CCP does not find it acceptable :

a measure of protection is offered to new players.

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Im talking about ganking. Ccp finds it acceptable. Once you leave that bubble, or past 30 days you’re not a rookie in their eyes

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Then you’re off topic.

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No doubt, if CCP found the behaviour ‘unacceptable’ they’d not be offering merely ‘a measure of protection’. This implies that what some might regard as abuse of new players is not wholly regarded as ‘unacceptable’ by CCP.