Negative/toxic culture towards new players

The posts always meander here :stuck_out_tongue:

So to summarize: PvP is toxic.


‘Tag pimping’ is quite a comical phrase coming from someone whose entire killboard consists literally of nothing but whoring on Concord kills of gankers. To complain about ganking is on par with sawing off the very branch you are sitting on.


No, no Akkar! You have it all wrong!

PvP is fine. PvP playerssupporters posting on an internet game forum, however…


Bizarre, as if people playing in HS were not interested in being try-hards to start with.

Yeah, you could also ask use drugs to be more active. I was told mindflood is affordable nowadays.

But yes, we had to do that when playing in NS.
Claiming people should to do it in HS too is really … well, out of touch.
Not having to do that is the reason why people play in HS in the first place.

Well, you can choose not to pay attention in HS.

If I were to mine without paying attention in HS I would:

  • pick a cheap ship to fly
  • tank it well
  • consider it already lost and have spares

Then I could mine all the time without paying attention with little chance of getting killed. And if I would get killed, I’d laugh as the gankers spent more money than they gained and I already had spares ready.

That’s how you can play without paying attention.

Playing without paying attention is not my style though, why play the game at all then? So I choose to play in a slightly more dangerous area for slightly better rewards while paying attention.


There’s no help for this. Shame. Where exactly did I complain about ganking? Do you need another internet mentor? Again?

So now you suddenly understand the term “Tag Pimping” - got the right mentor now, Mr Hyberbole Uedama? Comical is the expertise you claimed with such pomp - avoiding Uedama gankers is your super-power.

So, Mr Hyperbole, let’s understand: you’re very special at avoiding gankers in Uedama, but someone else who has the same skill, just better, is now comical?

Are you always this conflicted, or just a bad hair day?


No, I did not write playing without paying attention at all.
I wrote, playing with low attention. Which is what many people consider fitting for a game, especially an MMO.
If you want an attention intensive PVP game, you go for CoD (I guess this franchise is still active ?).

If you want to spend some intense time in Eve, you can eg in FW. Or when day tripping in WS or NS.
You don’t play in HS for that.

I’ve no idea what that is even supposed to mean. Where does it say anywhere that highsec is a place to relax and chill out and put on your meditation music ? ‘High’ security was never intended to be ‘absolute’ security. I’d have thought it obvious that the fact that Concord can take up to 24 seconds to arrive in a 0.5 system makes it pretty obvious one is not ‘safe’…as most ships ( even combat ones ) can be destroyed within that time given enough gankers.

I checked once and found that more noob Ventures are killed by belt NPCs than by gankers, so noobs not being ‘safe’ in highsec is intended and a built in part of the game…meditation music notwithstanding !

Its odd that nobody ever mentions NPCs when it comes to some pretence that highsec is supposed to be noob friendly and a great chill-out place.

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Well, you can re-read my previous post if you want to know how to mine without paying attention in HS.

It seems you missed that even though you you replied to it? Or were you not paying attention?

Um…half my chars live in Uedama. A few of them have actually done ganking. I have a finger in a lot of pies.

Sitting at Uedama/Sivala gate in a Legion and picking off flashy red gankers before they get fully concorded is now a ‘skill’ ?

Nope. Along with Sasha I’d still like to see you explain it. Which shouldn’t be that hard given that you invented the phrase.

Sometimes I think people are just dumping their emotions and feelings here, then just mixing it up a little to claim it’s just an RP.


Your exaggeration, just like your previous comparison, make very poor arguments.
They only serve to rally people already willing to agree with you, even when your argument is non existent.

People play in HS to chill. Not all ; most who don’t, could go to other space and would have more fun.
But even suicide gankers play in HS because it’s easier. Because they can travel between systems with concord helping them to do so.
Meditation music I guess refer to Gerard’s trick ?

Why does it seem I missed that ?
I was answering to your so-called trick that is, to be a bot.
This “trick” is actually trying to put the blame on people who are not bots for their losses in the “high security” part of the game.
It was a very good example of “toxic culture towards new players”.

Now the fact hat you can mine in a noobship, while the game literally encourages you to use a bigger ship, IMO is the same advice as “don’t play the game”.
Though IMO mining is a bad (boring) gameplay, but I can understand that other people enjoy it … So I have not really anything to say about your opinion on how you would play the game.
I wish you the best luck.

And your fact based evidence for that is… ? Oh, wait, its just your personal opinion.

I guess all those NPC rats in the asteroid belts must be ruining that…erm…sheer ‘chill’ eh. God it must be hard not being able to watch Netflix for more than 2 minutes without some damned NPC butting in during the best bit of Home & Away. The horror !

A hero. 50+ insta-blapping a defenseless single player - like your killboard is littered with - it’s such a top skill. Like multi-boxing cheap firepower vs. Hulks. Instead of being a rent collector in HS with this toon, I actually always wanted to be a F1 monk. No more 1 to many, focus on the talent of many to 1.

PS. don’t tell me, you’ll need an internet mentor again…

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Actually, no. If I had to sum it all up it would be that one lot are providing their own experience of Eve that at least has the benefit of being real…whilst another lot are constantly fighting some battle on behalf of other people ( noobs being the favourite ) for whom they contrive some narrative precisely because they don’t have that direct experience.

That is the crux of 99% of the posts on the forum. You could slice the ‘me’ versus ‘they’ posts right down the middle. It’s hard to have a proper discussion when one lot are relating the game they are actually playing whilst another lot are relating a game they imagine various people are playing.

Suicide ganking is only possible in Highsec. Elsewhere it’s ambushing or hot-dropping or some other word or phrase.

If you didn’t mean that suicide ganking is easier in Highsec, perhaps you meant that living in Highsec is easier? Sasha certainly lives there, but others of his chums also live in Lowsec. Nullsec is not attractive to me.

If, on the other hand, you meant that ganking is easy, then that’s a subjective observation. Valid if you’re writing from personal experience.

It cannot possibly be easy for every player. Folks with poor co-ordination (like me) or who struggle to acquire or find within themselves the other necessary qualities, will probably not find it easy - or even attractive. It isn’t everyone’s cup of Darjeeling.


That it’s the mechanism difference ?
That’s the design of the game.
Do you even know what HS is ?

Indeed, outside HS it’s just ganking.

I did not mean, and did not write it.
I wrote that playing in HS is easier.
It’s so easier that it makes the additional cost of losing your ship when ganking, worth the cost.

Meh…the myth of the ‘defenceless player’. Howcome I’ve never been ganked while mining ? Howcome I can fly my defenceless 450m ISK Guardian right through Uedama without being ganked ? ‘Defence’ isn’t simply about combat modules…most of it is about being alert and taking the right steps. Which must be kinda hard if one is too busy watching Netflix and ‘chilling’ !

You don’t mine.

Because that would require you to focus instead of sitting safely in a blob while arguing in the forum about what a star you are.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Lol…well yes…keep thinking that. The more people think I don’t mine, the more I can get away with it :slight_smile:

Heck, I’m gonna log in my miner right now just so I can go into smug mode.