Nerf Ganking Megathread

Then prove you’re a grown up. Read this whole thd. I guarantee you did not before posting.

Then give me the relevant parts. I will not read a 1000+ answers thread to please you. I will cite this quote for the second time today.

I have only made this letter longer because I have not had the time to make it shorter.” — Blaise Pascal

YOU want to make a point? Give me the relevant part, i will not search in the general direction you are pointing for YOUR argument.

I have read, for the most part read this entire thd. I skimmed over the insults. I actually wanted to know how this affects the game.

If you care as much as I do, you will also. Your argument has been shot down by CCP so many times in this thd that you haven’t even bothered (heaven forbid) to do your homework like I did on you, then you might understand.

Yeah, coming from the guy that claims every change CCP made was a mistake this doesnt really sound like a great argument. They are right when what they say align with your beliefs i suppose.

Oh i am so so sorry. But not really, just give me the arguments not the drama.

Ouch it hurts

Ignorance is bliss. You win.

I was standing in for Shipwreck. He keeps trying to enlighten the masses, but sometimes he just needs a break.

Good night and fly safe!

Sounds like a cult, actually it is, high sec ganking groups have everything of a cult.

Agree, but from the other side

How about seeing the game the way it actually is ? You can’t just make up your own way that it is and demand everyone else comply. Ganking is part of Eve. CCP have numerous times said so. No…it is not ‘fair’…nothing in Eve is fair. It’s a deliberately cruel universe where you sink or swim…not a carebear mining simulation.


You can only claim that if you are not one of those crying ‘how the game was better when there was more people playing it’.

Because this is actively driving people away.

No it isn’t. You only think it is…because the ganked are the most vocal. But there’s loads like me who grasp that highsec would be BORING without ganking. I’m relatively new, and ganking did not drive me away…despite my spending most of my early months mining. Maybe that’s because I am not a quitter. I thrive on adversity…and that is what the game offers in abundance.

Plus it really isn’t that hard to avoid being ganked while mining. I have never once been ganked mining…even in a barge.

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The game should be balanced on a variety factors. Yes, cost should be one of them, so should character skill, player numbers, and player skill. I don’t want to play a game where the biggest determining factor is cost, because that would mean that outcomes would be determined by who did the most grinding, or spent the most money. Eve is still a skill based game, and I would like to keep it that way.

But, I’m not done eviscerating your argument…

It takes 25+ people to kill a freighter, and there are ton of things freighters can do to make themselves hard to kill. Most freighters die because they make themselves soft targets, not because they’re inherently easy to kill. But, that doesn’t factor into your arguments on balance because you’re not actually interested in balance -your goal is to nuke ganking.

Yeah, games should be designed for fun and balance, and not verisimilitude. But if you want to talk about whether or not something makes sense or not… this is what a Somali pirate ship looks like.


So, gankers using an interstellar vehicle that is worth like a million times what a planet dweller can make in a life-time doesn’t seem very absurd to me at all.

Moreover, this defense contractor looks at wars from an economic perspective, and considers it a good thing when your military is killing expensive stuff (i.e. a multimillion dollar tank with it’s highly trained crew) with significantly cheaper stuff (i.e. a 80-175k anti-tank missile). So, not only can much cheaper weapon systems take down much more expensive stuff in real life, it is something that militaries actively try to do.

Video is time stamped to the relevant part:

You’re trying to come up for reasons why ganking is broken, but it’s not. So, you’re grasping at straws, and coming up with absolutely terrible arguments. You just don’t realize how bad they actually are.

All 5 Cyberbullies


It’s not, actually the determining factor is who brings the most meta ships, not very interesting either if you ask me.

No, most combats in eve are determined by which side is the most numerous, very few fights actually do depend on skills. This is why i am advocating for more fair fights.

You mean 1 person with 25 alts. Lets say 5M per catalyst thats 100M, to kill a 3B worth ship that is SUPPOSED to be a brick tank, but just isnt. How do 25 small ships equipped with small guns can destroy a ship the size of a city in 20 seconds?

Yeah that boat totally looks like it can destroy a cargo ship. Lets be real, they board it and ransom the crew, they cannot destroy the bigger ships. Now if boarding wat something in eve that could be interesting but as it is right now you argument means nothing because you are comparing 2 different things.

They do, then they create counter measures to avoid said thing again, which does not exist in eve. Once again if there was some kind of technological war between gankers and gankee that could be interesting but freighters do not become tankier with each one that die.

Right back at’cha.

I have no idea, I can only presume the pilot of the freighter is AFK, because it makes no rational sense to jump the gate.

No the gankers are way way more vocal.

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I don’t know why you even bother trying to reason with Altesse. She’s nothing more than an emotional terrorist, that hides behinds ignorance and temper tantrums. And when someone makes a point she doesn’t like she screams “don’t bury me in useless text.”

It’s clear she is nothing more than an entitled cry-bully who expects everyone to conform to how she wants things.

The best thing to do with people like her is, nod, say “sure honey.” And ignore them.

That’s what CCP does!

Coming from the guys earlier that were all ‘DoNt YoU dArE mAkE a ChAnGe To My GaMePlAy’ this is golden.

Nah when someone tries to bury me under text i dont fall in the trap. Now if you have any actual argument i will be glad to destroy it for you. But dont send me a link to a 1000+ messages thread and tell me i cant speak until i read every single one of them. That is pure distraction.

Sure honey, If you have something to say to me, make sure you you say it in a clear concise fashion. 6 words or less.

I will cite this quote.

I have only made this letter longer because I have not had the time to make it shorter.” — Blaise Pascal

Stop being lazy and make your argument clear.

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Did i really destroy all your arguments that you have to go back to ‘la-la-la-la-la i cant hear you!’

Well then time to go to bed. G’night.