Miners are like Dr Morbius in The Forbidden Planet…failing to realise that the thing that attacks them is their own creation. Or do you never stop and wonder where all that ore is going ? Yes…it is going towards the very Thrashers and Catalysts and Coercers that attack you. You are part of the supply chain for combat…WHY should you be free from that combat ? You are engaged in the entire PvP process whether you like it or not. And that makes you a perfectly legitimate target. What’s more it is only ‘fair’ ( a word miners love to use ) that the end product of all your mining be able to attack you just as much as it can attack anyone else. After all…you are responsible for all those attack ships existing !
I know I will as I am still a new pilot.
Thank you for your reply.
You’re new?
Yes, I am and I want to absorb your knowledge!
Get an endurance, fit it properly and literally never get ganked. Even make friends with gankers while you mine.
Why do you lie to me?
You think that a Endureance won’t be ganked?
Because that is a trashfit with too much going on.
Teach me as I still want to absorb your knowledge!
My fit is for me to know and for you to find out after experimenting. Actually ill pm you it in game.
You are just saying again with other words the same garbage that i just answered.
People play games for fun and/or escapism. If somebody wants to play the grindy game and only mines who am i to stop them. I can tell them theres more but ultimately that is their choice. You are just incapable of understanding that everyone does not see the game as you do, most people dont actually.
Morbius refused to believe just like many Miners in this very thread here today refuse to believe.
/Should add that I am a Miner and even though I believe I will do it anyway!
I should rat you out!
I love this thd! It reads like a news stand tabloid.
I just have to ask. Do any of the players who whine about ganking read this thd 1st?
Read that cover to cover and then I will give far more credence to your concerns.
I dont see the link between ganking and this. Most of it seems fairly true but wont be fixed because now ccp is treating EVE as if it was a crappy mobile game with microtransactions. I’m no more happy of this fact than you are but i still dont see what it has to do with high sec ganking. It’s just someone claiming how better things used to be and asking for the game to come back ten years, which will not happen.
Instead ask for new stuff.
New stuff seems to have killed the game. And don’t get me wrong, a lot of stuff they added was good. But not for the game in the long run. I’m just happy I got to play when the game was at its most popular.
Don’t you have eve echos to play risk free? And I take it you did not bother to read the thd. And you expect me to have any respect for your thoughts?
I read the first message and the few next answers, not the whole thread. As i answered someone else earlier, dont try to drown me in useless text, just give me the parts that are relevant.
No, the very low new-player retention did, which is, in a large part, due to the unforgiveness of the game. Which is what i am advocating to change.
Arguable, depending on which change. But taking back a change that players are used to will just exacerbete the problem so this rarely is a good idea. If you take away the player owned structures now for exemple the game will see another wave of people leaving, which it cannot afford.
So what drove out the 50/60k players before you even started the game?
Damm kids make me put on my glasses and double check my facts before posting. Something they should try…
Dont insult me if you want to argue. I do not react well to people trying to diminish me because they do not agree with me. You want to give me a counter argument? Fine go ahead, but dont assume who i am or how old i am or whatever. It’s not because somebody doesnt agree with you that they are an idiot.
People come and go, always. But EVE cannot keep its new players so every old one that leaves is a loss.