Nerf Ganking Megathread

I like this point! I have discovered — okay, I’m lying like a rug: I’ve been told by vets in Rookiechat — that following the Magic 14 allows a player to get the most out of any ship and module purchased from the market, and it is so true. I’ve seen an amazing performance boost, even from T1 frigates like the Punisher and Tormentor. I can do Level II Agent runs – admittedly with care — in a Punisher.

Perhaps this should be stressed to new players in the Career Agent arcs as much as the “Only Fly What You Can Afford To Lose” rule?

Did you you notice that i said “they said” as in CCP said. Why do i need to justify repeating information CCP have issued.

If you dont agree with that fair enough. But don’t mouth off at me. But lets break it down anyway for funsies.

That’s a great achievement but seriously …………. Why does anyone need to be in a battleship that quickly? Why would anyone invest everything they have in a single ship? Those are the issues………not the ganking. If said player had been given any half way decent advice on what to skill into and what to fly this wouldn’t have happened. End of.

They may well be. But what is the problem? This thread is suggesting its ganking. I dont think it is. In fact id say removing ganking just creates a whole set of new problems which would make the game boring, un-challenging and unplayable :slight_smile:

It’s generally good practice to think. To consider things. And to consider them in a wider context than your own immediate bubble. So when you inevitably come to reply to this to tell me I’m wrong in your lovely highly charged semi rhetorical ranty style……take a minute. Think. Ask yourself “am i being reasonable?” :slight_smile:

I have no idea if thats aimed at me or CCP. Either way.,…… wind your neck in.


This is absolute nonsense, there is no gunswarm team preventing digging in Uedama.

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So let’s see: we’ve got a freshly-baked troll, and a gank victim who spent an entire day crying in the channel after losing a Machariel.

How many idiots are going to be roped into typing up their novella-sized responses about “not flying what you can’t afford to lose” this time?


Hmmmmm cant say I’m in total agreement. I have a bug bear about this as well. There is no doubt the magic 14 are important but i think a lot of people in rookie chat use it as a crutch or go to answer when newbs ask questions. As in its something to tell them.

And it isn’t wrong. But again it isn’t any fun. Why spend days training for a little bit extra powergrid when you don’t yet have the skills for the modules that would stretch your ships power grid to the point you would need it.

To me it feels like a chore. By all means keep training them when you dont know what else to train. But don’t prioritise them over getting into more ships (other factions frigates or destroyers or cruisers.) to see what you enjoy flying.


Me me me me me

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I disagree. Magic 14 is a complete waste of time and though it does incidentally increase ship stats I’ve had far bigger increases by following the level 1 to 5 certificates for the ships themselves. This is what happened to my ships DPS in the space of just a few weeks, following the certificates for each ship…


Rookiechat has been my mentor and teacher from the start and still is. I don’t have enough fingers on both hands and toes on both feet to count the number of times players in that channel helped steer me in the right direction.

It is because of the above I agree with your point that not everything is obvious and maybe the Career Agent arcs should be changed to help with that.

As a side note, and after reading your reply, I realized the “reward” I got from for losing my ship while saving the evacuees during the new player tutorial wasn’t much of a reward. I got a freebie ship for my heroic deed! Some reward!!! I was robbed!!! :smile:

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When I started playing - I was a stupid schoolboy, and there was no question of any donation in the game.

The game hooked me wildly, but without the omega status, the sensations would not be complete, my main goal was to make money for plex, and I was advised 4 missions.
Quite quickly, I raised money in factional wars, made friends there, and bought myself Raven Navy Issue | Arzimraton Aivoras | Killmail | zKillboard.

I lost it on the first mission, but it was my own fault, and I understood it, it moved me to delve into the mechanics, how to properly build a fit etc.
And if some “lovers of humiliation” killed me in highsec, I would not have a goal to strive to properly fit ships for lvl 4 missions, which were a source of money
for further development in the game and buying ships for pvp.


That I will agree with you on. When I first joined EVE Online, I was told, “if you like spreadsheets, you will like this game”. I thought it was because the interface had an Excel look to it: the wallet, the overview, the market, everything.

Nope. I will confess, at the point of being ridiculed by every player in this community, I maintain two Excel spreadsheets: one for my training queue and another for my long-term in-game financial planning. It DOES feel like a household budget chore at times but the only reason why I do it is because it makes that chore easier.

Cilla, while I agree with your point that there are other player advancement plans that return a better ROI than the Magic 14, it’s not a waste of time. I, as a new player, have seen enough of an improvement to make my in-game activities easier to accomplish and less costly to do. I know the latter point makes me sound terribly mercantile (maybe I should have gone Calderi?), but I still believe having the patience to invest time in something is worth it, and also gives me a better understanding of the inner workings of every ship I fly.

Hehe…well I cheated by looking up the missions in advance ( which you can do on Eve Wiki ) and seeing that it said I would lose my ship twice and which missions that occurred on. So I deliberately just used a cheaper ship for those missions…and succeeded anyway.

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Oh its definitely not a waste of time. Extra resources on every ship you ever fly is great. That’s why they are highlighted skills. They will benefit you everywhere.

I can’t speak for Cilla but why i take issue with them being pushed on new players is that new players don’t always stick around. They might decide after a few weeks the game isnt for them. And the magic 14 really come into their own as long term investments which make tight fits on higher tier ships possible.

So if a newbie focuses on them too much then its a double whammy. It’s a boring train cycle because you arnt unlocking new ships or damage modules. And the benefits are something thats never experienced because the boredom of not unlocking new ships sucked the life out of you and you quit the game before the extra hull or powergrid really made a meaningful difference.

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I think the point is more that the full Magic 14 is something like 85 days…or at least that’s what my skills queue showed as total when I added it. I still haven’t completed Magic 14…I keep moving more important other skills to the top of the queue as I’m already doing PvP and I can’t be bothered waiting.

Many years ago we had skills that we needed to train just to make training all other skills faster, and the game’s population chart was skyrocketing at the time.

While it was inconvenient, and the removal of such was a quality of life change, let’s not gloss over the fact that the real issue lies with the quality of the players (and dare I say people) who are playing EVE today.


Me too…but the main reason being that when I buy some item like missile launcher or turrets or ammo, it is easy to forget what ship ( and I have about 30 ) I bought it for and what station that ship is at. There is nothing in Eve like a bill of materials ( which I used to work on in rl in I.T ) that specifically assigns that item to that ship. Or if I am going to sell it elsewhere…which I often do. So I can otherwise end up with a pile of HAIL L ammo at Dodixie and not have a clue why I bought it or where it’s supposed to go. And hence the spreadhseet !

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T4 missions are extensive and interesting content for a beginner, where he could gain muscle memory, plunge into lore. They are quite dangerous and quite capable of killing, and brought some ISK. But there is a huge part of the people who spent 90% of the time in them. The newbie was not afraid of suicide, because his ship was of no interest, and his murder was costly, but now suicide has become cheaper than ever, newcomers are killed just to laugh at crying in the local chat. It is sad.

RIP Sisters of EVE


I have heard of these skills. However that is part of eves history I’m definitely glad i missed.

On the quality of players/people. Well it is what it is. My better half is a teacher and you really wouldn’t believe the level of dumbing down, hand holding and laziness i hear about from her working day. So while it might be nice to think the quality of player will improve i cant see it.

Attention spans are different now. Social media and bite size news chunks mean that those youngsters who are replacing us don’t know how to sit and focus on one thing for hours. Even reading a book appears to be to challenging.

So as the old guard dies out they are going to be replaced with this generations Kevin and Perry (you will either get that reference or you wont). At that point EVE will be the least of our worries. Humanity as a whole is royally f*cked at that point :slight_smile:


You’d be surprised, as even after playing this game for nearly two decades, I’m still under the player base’s average age. I only finished college and entered the workforce a few years ago.

Here’s the thing, though: it’s not the young people being absolute dogshit members of the community. If you hang out in the chats long enough and talk to these people, if you pay attention to the forums and Reddit, and if you employ my angle and straight-up infiltrate their corporations as I have (for the purpose of extortion through wars later), you’ll realize that the serial whiners and complainers are actually old as ■■■■.

Or to put it another way for you: yes, they’re dumbing down the education system. But who’s responsible for dumbing down that system: the children being taught, or their parents?



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