Nerf Ganking Megathread

Sir, these are the forums. We yell about gankers here. Please keep your common sense and rational take to yourself.


Thank the maker, someone made a thread about ganking.


Ain’t our fault you were APing a mach thru Sivala :smiley:

You are wrong :smiley: Obv alt is obv.

Imagine not knowing how to use Google to learn about a game out for almost 2 decades LOL.

They sell tinfoil too?

You know the diff between paper and applied right?

And the updating of clones :smiley:

Well now you went and spoiled everything. I was going to make up one of my absurd things about changing everything while leaving it all alone and now I will just be one of the idiots…
I need something new.

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hahahah i deleted ur post loool GREEFED

You have that power! :smirk:

@ISD_Golem Can we get this moved to the mega thread plz? Thanks!

and can i have my own personal mega thread just for me

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Sadly, no it seems. Although I did like the poem! :sunglasses:

That’s a long post just to make some unfounded claims.


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And, of course, you can specify exactly which claims are unfounded. Unless, of course, your words are worth something, and you are able to answer for them.

The OP is the one making claims. He created a thread in which he is trying to convince us or CCP, or both that there’s an issue.

I don’t see any evidence to support his stance other than what would be considered bias or feelings. So I’m asking for proof. Give us something other than the same thread with a slightly different wall of text.

I am just an eager reader waiting for someone to procure evidence to back up claims similar to what the OP has posted here.

Oh yes. Let’s keep the newbies at 0 isk perpetually that’ll make them want to stay :roll_eyes:


How does anything I said equate to keeping newbies at zero isk?

Advocating for more destruction and the understanding that small ships have uses isn’t saying “keep newbies at zero isk”

Specific example.

T1 exploration frigates. Instead of telling players to focus getting into a battleship why not encourage sone frigate, hacking and scanning training. It’s an extremely profitable, has a low barrier to entry and it teaches lots of different aspects to the game.

It only takes one site in a wormhole to net a player around 10-15 mill. ( and that’s assuming they may not be able to hack all cans) and on occasion a single can can drop upwards of 50 mill. They get home just once and they have paid for 10 replacement ships.

They learn about what sigs are in space, they learn dscan, they get exposed to other players, they get some pvp and the learn blowing up is fine. Because they are risking a 700k ship to get a multi million isk reward.

But no……. We push them to krab and to covet a big ship with bling…… . Putting a bill on grid for 20mill in bounties and another 20mill loot. So when they do lose a ship…… the are left with nothing.

Who’s better off? A newbie that’s been exploring for 3 weeks and lost 20 herons?

Or a newbie that’s rushed into a raven and then lost it?

Financially, educationally and fun wise I reckon the exploring player has it in the bag. Lol

But by all means keep painting me as an enemy of the new player and liking all the posts suggesting they get set up as gank bait.

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Because you’re making too much sense :smiley:

Its funny cause peeps buy skill injectors, inject and think they got it. They realize in game skills and game sense are two different things LOL.


And loot, for a few hours of playing, but you preferred to forget about it.

That risk can be managed by not going deep into the chain at first.

If you hack a site get out and drop the loot off if it’s a big deal for you.

A players GREED in not wanting to head back to drop loot off and fly around dangerous space with 120mill in cargo is their CHOICE.

Players making bad choices is not a reason to change mechanics.

Getting the loot home is part of the activity. I mean Is it even yours before you get it to safety?


What’s your point?

Firstly my suggestion was for t1 frigates. The astero is a faction frigate and beyond the covert ops cloak offers no advantages to players wanting to explore. It’s massively overpriced for what it is and if people are telling newbies to fly them…… they need their heads checked.

Secondly destruction will happen. If you hack a can and take 50mill for it. That doesn’t belong to you until you get it to safety. If it’s a big deal to you then just warp to the exit and get it home.

If you then hack another can with that 50mill in your hold……… you as the player have taken the decision to put that 50mill at risk.

It’s completely within your control.

I have never said this is safe. Actually one of the reasons I think it’s great for newbies is that they will get destroyed doing it. OFTEN.

But as I said you get that 50mill home just once and that’s 50 replacement ships you just put in the bank.


What’s funny is how so many people on this forum presume as if they’re right and with their toxic vitriol end up pushing away players because they lapse into a monologue about the salt they’re generating from the player on the other side of the screen but don’t care. they’d rather keep ganking noobies and making the game unplayable for people who don’t want to be lackey for their non-sense.

But hey, at least you got to laugh due to a made up thought thanks to the trigger on your screen while killing the game you all say that you love. People speak full of bias from memes made by strangers that they don’t even know forgetting the past of all the different players that have voiced themselves. The majority of them don’t voice themselves at all either. Not on the forums or in account management.