Nerf Ganking Megathread

Spoken like how a criminal in real life would see things

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I am not a criminal in game or in real life.

How about you start actually offering a counter position instead of throwing around unsubstantiated allegations?


your arguments are worthless, and it’s not at all clear why you approve of the suicide boost, because it cut off a significant piece of content that had existed for more than 10 years, and newcomers liked it so much. In t4 missions, scan 3-4/10 complexes, mining, etc - their path is closed.

I’m sorry I really don’t understand what the point you are trying to make is?

Ships get lost in eve all the time. It is the game. The discussion I’m having is that it’s better if those ships are small inexpensive frigates than big bling battleships.

So players lost ventures. It happens every day. Why is it relevant at all?


Clearly, you are a bot, and are here to spam this thread with random text, deliberately leading away from the essence of the discussion.
Not surprisingly, suicidal people are vile in every way, and do not disdain any dirty tricks.

I’m not the one resorting to personal attacks. I’m trying to engage in a discussion.

If you want to call halt to that by implying that I’m a ganker (I’m not. Career miner and explorer) and referring to me as vile for asking you to clarify what the essence of your argument is, then fine.

But maybe take a look in the mirror :slight_smile:


Hi Arumi, in 2013, as a new player, I was ganked and CONCORDed and trash-talked and smack-talked - the whole shebang.

  1. I’m still here, Arumi.

It is attitude more than anything else which makes of EVE’s challenges either obstacles to progression or challenges to be overcome.

Isn’t it more difficult to push someone who pushes back?


I’ve had a more detailed look at those kill mails to see if there was anything I could see in there to work out what point you were trying to get across.

I see all three were in belts in Amarr. First thing I tell new players I interact with who want to mine……. Don’t mine near trade hubs. Gankers will always want to maximise their target pool and they do that be going to places like trade hubs and camping bottlenecks on common routes. It’s a target rich environment.

Which brings me back to my initial point in this thread. Ganking isn’t the problem. CCP and player corps should be doing more to educate players on things like this. If they had received any semi competent advice they wouldnt be mining anywhere near Amarr.

And in fitting……… in one of those examples the player has been around long enough to unlock and buy miner 2’s for their venture. But similarly doesn’t fit any rigs or defensive modules. Just miners and a survey scanner. Do you thank that may have contributed to why they were targeted?


and it’s not at all clear why you approve of the suicide boost, because it cut off a significant piece of content that had existed for more than 10 years, and newcomers liked it so much. In t4 missions, scan 3-4/10 complexes, mining, etc - their path is closed.[/quote]

Bots don’t read, they just write text to get away from the point.

Technically incorrect, but irrelevant.
You are displaying rude behaviour with your implied accusation of simple mindedness.
Please don’t.


OK here goes. It’s not in this thread but I’ve typed this out in countless other threads that i apologise to everyone that is reading this for the 30th time

1 It’s good for the economy.

Stuff blowing up needs to be replaced. End of. Whether thats ventures or freighters stuff blowing up provides work for industrialists, it provides work for explorers and it provides work for miners. There is no way to tell exactly what the impact of removing ganking would have on the economy. But my OPINION is it would be bad. People having a “ship for life” would not be good for the game. And i say ship for life because other than gankers i there is practically no threat to players in high sec. Belt rats barely scratch the paint on a venture.

2 It creates fitting diversity (to an extent).

Without any threat from gankers why would anyone every fit any extra tank? Mining is probably the best example. Take a barge or an exhumer for example. Belt rats are not capable of taking those down so all we will see is all the low slots being used for mining laser upgrades. At the moment players have to make a meaningful choice on their fitting. They have to decide whether the fit 3 mining laser upgrades…… or if they swap one out for a damage control, or a second for bulkheads. And that could change based on time of day and reports of ganking on intel channels. With no ganking it becomes a cookie cutter one fit for all mining activities.

And if we combine these two points. Less stuff will be blowing up (no destruction) and more ore will be mined as everyone will be going for max yield.

3 It makes the game more interesting.

Being able to fly 60+ jumps from one end of high sec to the other with no threats along the way is going to be super boring. It’s just bad.

4 It promotes player interaction.

While eve can be played solo it is better with others. The presence of gankers allows them to team up and try to gank big ships. It allows anti gankers to term up and try and stop them. This is content for players on both sides of of the fence. In some cases there are players that only gank and players that only anti gank. Why should their content be taken away from them.

It also promotes interaction within corporations. Where moving can be an activity where some members will fly scout. Someone will haul and others will be the military escort. Again content.

5 (and my last one for now and the selfish one). It is the game i want to play.

Ive been a newb. Ive blown up. I’ve been ganked. I’ve mined and I’ve explored. And I LOVE THIS GAME. Why should the game be changed and made objectively worse because players want things to be easy.

Avoiding gankers IS NOT HARD. The only reason it is still so prevailent is that players make themselves easy targets. Why then should the experience of the game be lessened because of a lack of effort on behalf of these players? And any newbie argument is just not going to cut it. I am currently hanging around in space with a group of players that includes players who have been in game for less than 2 weeks. They are thriving and managing with no problems.

So yeah. That is why I APPROVE of ganking and do not approve of people using their lack of understanding to justify calls for the game i love to be destroyed.

Are we clear now?


What questions?

You posted

And i provided the reasons why i do approve. So please if you have further questions ask them. I have time :slight_smile:

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You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Come on, teach developers how to do their job.

Why are you lying, this content is not for beginners at all, and is not particularly in demand in the game.

If you can’t save your Raven, then this is your problem, if you thought you were in a fairy tale, then this is a mistake.

Why do whiners spam the same topics, loading the already overworked moderators? I propose to leave one topic and close all similar ones, including this one.




LOL that is a good one

EVE is a rough and ruthless game. The devs will only do so much to protect newbies. And I am completely fine with that. When people download this game, they should know it’s cutthroat even when it comes to gankers. And I think the best defense is educating the people who want to learn how to stay safe and minimize risk from being ganked. There is a point where you can minimize risk and still enjoy eve. Not turn into a paranoid person who is scared of the first red they see in local.
I think ganking is a big mental battle just as it is a physical one in space.

Some people just want to watch the world burn

Why are you so weirdly aggressive to someone who has been nothing but polite and interactive with you? No matter what your actually point is, you come across like a complete douchebag and no one is interested in dealing with you. You will not change the game, you’ll just pop up and troll around in a few posts for a couple weeks and then disappear like a hundred other forum warriors before you espousing the same non-starter talking points. If you could just shortcut to the part where you disappear and we can deal with the next one that would be great.


Most of the arguments here are meme driven…with people often not really caring if the memes are true or not as they’ve been repeated so many times they surely must be.

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Th SP cost to get a BS is now next to nothing , but the stupid newbies do not understand that you do not fly what you can not afford to lose. The current generation of newbie wants everything NOW with no work or they rage quit. 2 weeks to get a BS? Don’t make me laugh. How long do you think it took in the old days to train for one, weapon skills and fit it?

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Care to give an example?