Nerf Ganking Megathread

Nope. Ships that move high volume expensive cargo are intentionally designed to be vulnerable to gankers. Slow align, lack of tank, often lack of powergrid making the first two factors even worse.

And so is design of New Eden map, where highsec has number of choke-points. No matter what, you will have to pass through. Just so the gankers do not have to worry searching for target - targets will HAVE TO go to gankers. And unlike gankers, haulers must spend many hours moving stuff, thus losing attention until gankers appear.

Any means of counter-play require heavy multi-boxing.

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Sounds like @Githany_Red and her band of anti gunkers are not doing so well.

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this is hilariously untrue.

I know who you are referring to and he’s just a gobby dickhead with very poor RP skills who enjoys hanging out in newbie areas killing ventures, and then gets his astero killed every time anyone puts their mind to finding it.

Yennoe you keep referencing memes but I don’t even post memes?

Forget the past? I am part of EVE’s past too ROFL.

If anything, I am that person speaking from the past, trying to get EVE to become great again. I am trying to teach the new generation and inspire the older one.

Shed this pretense and sham. Murder a new player. Trick them into attacking you while flashy. Sell a shuttle for 200 mil on the market and hope someone buys it. Train into exhumers and use C crystals to burn out their roid as they mine it(I’m so doing this btw). Scam someone out of their hard-earned ISK.

This is EVE. Teach them not to trust, check local and d-scan always and always make bookmarks.

Wut. This gotta be trolling LOL. So everyone who plays Sea of Thieves is a criminal IRL? Cause its super fun hijacking and stealing in that game LOL. Also getting away from it is a rush too.

LOL, Etch offers very well put together arguments and posts. If he is a bot, pretty sure then he is Skynet. And if that’s the case well, you don’t have long :smiley:

OR Etch is actually the first fully functional AI :smiley:

I mean he spent like 2 hrs in WWIG crying about his mach that he was APing thru Sivala :smiley:

Meme driven, but I barely see an EVE meme in site on these forums. Where are these memes?

Forever it seemed like LOL. I spent so long in a cara and then a ferox :smiley:

LOL not really. Just get better at the game ROFL.

Well they harbor criminals in their own corp so yea :smiley:

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I’ll take that

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I will of course fully cooperate with our new AI overlords.

Just sling me some cash and property. Also could I get a button in EVE that lets me blow up anyone in EVE, even in hangar? Thankee.

When we had Walking in Stations, hoped we could Murder in Stations.

Why not ?

It’s not actually. It’s natural but it’s also natural for people to avoid loss. Look at Ukraine and Russia right now with people trying to evac the countries. More people are running from the conflict than fighting in it and this is a game where you don’t have to pvp but choose to pvp players. If gankers were mature about their ganking, numbers in eve would grow. As it stands right now they gank indiscriminately and repeatedly until all the time and effort players put into the game is no more. This happens in real life too when people become homeless and turn into idle creatures on the street. After loosing everything they just don’t have the will to care about it all anymore though that’s not everyone the minority that does pull themselves up out of that situation is not the norm. They will need help to be made to care again. Players in eve follow a similar modus operandi but gankers just gank them again for lulz and tears until they quit.

Gankers need to mature a little bit for eve online to survive.


Real life isn’t a video game. In real life, you can’t trot over to Jita in fifteen minutes and buy yourself a tank or a fighter jet; in EVE, you can, and no one really has an excuse for not being able to park their ass into a battlecruiser, grab some allies, and go protect their assets.

I volunteer with the homeless in real life, and like 95% of homelessness stems directly from mental/psychological conditions (often stemming from or coinciding with substance abuse) and lack of public treatment options. No amount of “help” betters their situation because the underlying cause behind it goes unsolved. The homeless people who don’t have mental/psychological conditions are usually only temporarily homeless, and are more equipped to take advantage of various social programs available for relief.

So are you comparing new players and/or carebears to mentally-disturbed individuals and/or drug addicts?

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So you think it is “immature” to shoot spaceships in a PvP spaceship shooting game?

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I shotted spaceships last night.

Well, one spaceship.

And I didn’t kill it.

And my pod is still in space.

You put it much better than I could - I work with the mentally disabled and I can’t believe Arumi is using a “bootstraps” argument in 2022. It’s just so staggeringly sheltered and tone deaf, and shows an incredible lack of insight into mental heath services globally.


Yeah, well, what do you expect from a dumbshit carebear alt-poster?


in all fairness I’m as dumb as a bag of rocks carebear alt-poster myself, but there is that and then there is posting with your whole arse out for all the world to see.

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Holy quafe there is a lot of assumptions and flat out wrongness in this post LOL.

Also comparing EVE to real life is a bit cringe dear.

Also this is a game where you have to PvP. It is an open world consent when you undock sandbox PvP game.

Mature? EVE was made with ganking in mind. So do peeps playing FPSs have to mature? MOBAs? Strategy games? Chess? ROFL.

It sounds to me like you don’t even know what game you are actually allegedly playing :smiley:

No, let’s not do that, Arumi.

You are fond of magic, are you not?

A generalisation which you would do well to withdraw, having offered not a shred of evidence to support it.

You display here an ignorance of the complex issues around homelessness which could only proceed from someone not altogether aware of their significance.

…or wise-up, or fight back; or indeed, decide that this game is not for them (the mature response, perhaps).

Ok. You first…

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Are you saying that spending several hours on this, every day for more than a year, is fun?

I feel sorry for these guys, they hardly fight off NPCs on belts, and not always successfully, due to the fact that they just started to comprehend the mechanics, and here you are with your gang ((

What is the mistake of this guy, did he not use cloack + MWD in the fit, or was he carrying expensive modules?