Nerf Ganking Megathread

Too funny

Noooooooooooooooooooo - more noobies should fly battleships, especially faction and pirate ones, they are gank proof.

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faction mods are a great and useful alternative to a player without the skills to use T2 as well…

Are these also ships not for beginners?
(it’s just for the morning today )

I see this as a deliberate and malicious wrecking of the game’s ecosystem. If the developers do not see this, then this is alarming. Perhaps it is worth contacting somewhere higher, to their management, who suffer losses due to the outflow of players due to the negligence of some employees.

Even mockery of newcomers in starting systems is not sworn in any way, a person has been doing this for 6 years: Vince Cortes | Character | zKillboard
here’s another : GIACOMO RESTIVO | Character | zKillboard

System: Hadaugago
System: Malukker

And others see it as “the eco system”.

If it’s taken away eve is no longer eve.



It’s not about what it needs to be removed, if it’s so necessary for you to flood this topic, then at least take the trouble to read what it is about.

Ok so how do you address the problem with newbros leaving because of ganking?

I suggested CCP and player corps need to do more for new players in the NPE? That got me labelled “vile”.

So if it’s not about removing ganking please share how you suggest the problem be addressed.


The solution to the problem is to return the cost of tags to the previous level, remove respawn clone soldiers from systems where they can be farmed with a bug, or fix a bug, increase the drop in security status when aggro in highsec.

I am strongly against a complete ban on high-sec ganking.
This is what upsets me:

It’s just that Suicide needs a little correction before it’s too late.

It would help.

I don’t think it would be nearly as effective as doing more in the NPE.

Educating players and giving them more agency will be far more effective than “punishing” gankers. As many players are quick to point out …… sometimes gankers just do it for tears. The costs of tags won’t change that.

If high sec ganking is a main reason for the outflow of new players (which I doubt, but let’s assume it is), we can find multiple ways to solve this problem.

In short, the problem would be “new players can not handle losing a ship due to a gank”.

There are many solutions to this problem. Let me start with two of the solutions:

  1. Remove ganking from the game.
    There. The problem is gone, but so is the essence of EVE, where danger, player-interaction and piracy should play a big role in every part of the universe. This is a ‘throwing the baby away with the bathwater’ solution, a solution that is not realistic as it would change the game itself.
  2. Teach new players how to handle losing a ship
    New players often aren’t used to loss in their games. The new NPE tries to teach players that death is frequently a part of the game. Career agents teach you that ship loss sometimes is unavoidable. The EVE rules state "Do not undock what you cannot afford to lose"… Yet it is not enough: some players insist on flying their expensive battleship they worked hard for for weeks and are surprised if it is destroyed.
    The solution is simple: repeatedly supply new players with ships and repeatedly kill those ships in the NPE until the players grow more accustomed to the idea of ship loss and take possible ship loss into account in their daily strategy.

It may be controversial, but I think the second solution is a much better approach to stop outflow of new players due to ganking. It does not change the game itself, it only changes the mindset of the players entering the game.

After all this is the main problem: for many players ship loss is such an infrequent occurrence in EVE that they are surprised when it happens.


Then can I ask why you have decided to continually refer to me as vile? When all I have done is offer up suggestions as to how players can be better educated to both avoid and deal with gankers?

of course, you’re just shitting on the topic

Yes you are.

See I can quote posts out of context and say something dumb to.

Maybe we should just lock mining between a pile of skills, so new players learn how to play the game first before they get access to this supposedly difficult content.


You people are being roped in again and again, like sheep. Look at the arguments being made: that poor newbros in Ventures are dying, and we desperately need to help them. Then look at the solutions being proposed: we need to increase the cost of tags and the severity of sec status hits.

Never mind the fact that miner ganking is exclusively done by -10 outlaw gankers, and the ones who actually do use tags and are concerned about their sec status are the ones going after 10-billion-ISK haulers and deadspace-fit mission-farming marauders. No, you have to parrot the same “don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose, herp derp” talking point from 2006 as if talking about what the game is is going to magically convince those people to not ask for it to be turned into what they think it should be.

The enemy is more politically-savvy than you are, and is walking circles around you, and you’re too smug to see it happen. You continue trying to fill the “papa teaching the childe” role instead of deconstructing their arguments, pulling out their fallacies, and mercilessly laughing them out of the forums.

But no, I’m sure mentioning how “CCP said that getting blown up helps with player retention” for the 527,324th time is going to be the straw that breaks the ignorance camels’ back, and will make these people see their error of their ways. :roll_eyes:


Venture, OK.

Beginners, newbship is your choice, you can afford it, enjoy the game!

UPD: Disable red fuse on alpha account

"how many of those who were killed by gankers in highsec left game forever. ">> It will be hard to get statistics on that because people that left the game will not report it or stay in this forums.

Just because they lost a venture does not make them new. Just because they appear to have started in the last few months does not make them new.

Could easily be someone with omega working on an alpha account. Could be some who is actually returning after a long break and just trying to refresh their memory before going back to their main.

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While you’re completely right with your post, there still is a benefit of explaining the situation over and over again when people spread misconceptions.

Not that it will make these people see the error of their ways, which is unlikely, but it can offer a different view to new players who see this discussion for the first time.

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