Nerf Ganking Megathread

Well, the first day I played eve , I got ganked twice by concord

I agree with you…and I’m in this game since 2007

Really, that explains a lot.

Hello there! I have never shot at another player and I’ve been playing on and off since 2006.

I have seen many many newbies get ganked in ventures.

The most likely outcome is that they get given a new one by the older locals who drag them into pub channels and explain what pulling concord is and how to recognise it in local, and then they don’t get ganked again. They generally end up hanging out in pub and then get either invited into a mining corp, or if they find mining dull they are directed towards a rookie friendly PvP corp, often the very gankers wot killed them. (The other thing that happens is that someone in rookie help or a NPC corp sighs, explains what just happened, gives them a million and directs them to the recruitment channel.)

I keep having to tap the “this is a mmo” sign on these forums. PvPers are not the only people with rookie SRP and the thousands of miners who don’t get ganked are not AFK or mining solo. There is a whole network of blues amongst empire miners - there has to be because mining in a system where everyone is neutral is just being bad at eve.

These are the things losing a cheap disposable ship teaches you before you do something silly like buy plex for skill injectors and end up in a badly fitted hulk in a 0.5.


Nature is full of weak things and thanking people who do you wrong is psychotic and reeks of mental illness. Thoughts like that are why eve will never break 50k at one time online

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If a character is less than 1 day old, and in my area of space 50+ jumps from their starting area…it is not a new player and deserves to be blown up…and podded.

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Using dated information to prove a point isn’t proving anything. Maybe what they were doing then is why their numbers were increasing. What was the idea that it was? Oh I know. WiS and the potential for fps play to be linked through eve. Problem is, the loud minority with their alts creating a false appearance of popular support. They were against the idea from the beginning, bashed it during its implementation while convincing CCP to steer in an alternative direction while they made the mistake of releasing dust on ps3 instead of on pc and accessing it through WiS. Turns out, the numbers were there because that was when WiS was being introduced while the same loud mouths who defend their poor behavior in game were there bashing it with the intent to create popular support when the popular desire was for wis and an expansion into it.

Still was over 50k so your assumption was wrong.

People come and go for a multitude of reasons. To point to one thing or another is as the reason seems short sighted.

I wasn’t assuming. I was speaking with current circumstances in mind, not the past.

While true, eve’s popularity was increasing during the time WiS. Having dust on pc and linked through WIS would have been the pragmatic move and there was a lot of people against the move to put it on ps3 but people probably held out due to the investment in time they had put in the game until ccp decided to just change it for no reason.

The WiS, is from long before I started (08/2018). My comment was more or less about the trying to pin cause of reduced player count on singular issue. Most seem to forget that player run multiple account and may choice to lower the accounts that they actively use…

I am sure we can all come up with reasons for changes in the numbers.

So in the past when ganking was easier. Wars were common and it was the Wild West. We had 50k player count.

Then CCP nerf war devs and ganking is super restricted. EVE by all accounts is safer than it’s ever been.

And to increase the player count we need to make things “safer”. The numbers are not supporting your ambitions



Funny how Shama isn’t going to respond to you about pinning things on a singular issue, eh?

Shoot, star citizen has a larger player base, without alts, than eve online and they’ve been in development forever and is considered a scam. They have more players strictly because they try to get the walking on foot with spaceships thing going.

Who am I not directly responding too?

Sometimes, I don’t pay attention to blue “replay” location. Which is my fualt.

It’s one of those things where instead of refuting what I’m saying and offering an alternative view she is trying to discredit me on the basis of you being inconsistent in your replies.

It’s the equivalent of a needy 5 year old screaming coz little johnny got a bag of crisps and they didn’t.

It’s the hope that kills you

It is chips, not crisps lol

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Don’t make me black list you