Nerf Ganking Megathread

That’s right, Gix, he doesn’t care about his Machariel. He just doesn’t want other new players to lose their Machariels to mentally-deranged ganker scum.

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  1. I don’t own de channel
  2. You crying there, you crying here :smiley:
  3. Next time, don’t AP thru a known dangerous system. That’ll be 200 mil for teaching you that :smiley: Just sling me the cash in game

Heh. The mach isn’t even really good for PvE imo. Unsure why peeps use it for that.

Yes, you should not expect from players who kill newcomers on Venture that they will not behave like scum on the forum, filling up the topic with off-topic talk and deliberately diverting from the point. Trying to provoke rudeness, to complain to the moderator, and such dirty tricks, it’s sad where the world is heading.

And this, unfortunately, is the trend of our time, “meanness is a useful skill”.

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LOL you literally already attacked peeps in this thread, including Etch whose basically just chill mode.

The point is your opinion is that ganking drives off new players. You only got anecdotal evidence and opinion to back your point, not data.

Now please go buy another mach and AP it thru a trade pipe kthx :smiley:

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Oh have I been promoted

I may add that to my title Destiny’s intermediary


Why do you think this is some kind of problem for me?

I’m banned from that channel but I take it the guy got dragged in to be laughed at as always , btw I hear our small fleet from last night was talked about.

Don’t worry, your day on the blog is coming.

I just haven’t gotten around to posting your tears.

Aiko can you please unban Githany from the channel?

Well, show me, although what I’m counting on, people like you are not able to answer for their words, they only crow and pour water in topics.

Oh you’re so cool. Ah. The pic explains much more than you think it does. Disgusting.

Cept when the parachutes don’t open amirite?

Oh for the love of God Gix is going to analyse the guys picture and makeup stuff from that now , in edition to reading more into people’s word than they mean or ever said

I think we are all getting a bit off topic.

The real issue here is that I am “vile”. Please help


Nothing to make up. If you can’t tell why he deserves no respect from that pic, its on you :smiley:

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Of course, arguments are not your forte

LOL and flying obv ain’t yours :smiley: But then that’s already apparent from whats been doing down amirite?

This is a travel fit machariel for sansha invasions. This ship is 5 years old

Grats :smiley: Lemme know how the APing goes :smiley:

Because flying a fish gets them excited


I find that strangely arousing for some reason…