Nerf Ganking Megathread


(With apologies to Gix, I cannot edit this post to un-reply to him)

Someone(s) are trying to flag all my posts as being offensive/abusive or violating community guidelines. If the flagger prefers having community members who make unapologetic homophobic comments unchallenged, then it says more about the flagger than me.

Is this supposed to be yet another homophobic remark or are you referring to gankers?

Given your previous posts, I cannot really tell.

I think he is talking about fish chasing sent of blood, but to be honest I’m not sure.

Arguing ethnics with sharks is stupid. A gill’s gotta eat.

No worries man. People do that to me all the time :smiley:

It just means you’re winning :smiley:

Lots of the people who criticized him over the past day just had their posts hidden. Meanwhile, his homophobic ones are still up. So I doubt it’s a mod doing this; looks like he’s alt-reporting those posts or getting friends to do it with him.

I considered flagging his post but overruled myself. I’m not in the habit of doing that and not going to start now.

Leave it there for all to see. Especially in the context of this being the guy that called me “vile”. Talk about having zero self awareness.

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If you enjoy being part of a community of high-sec gankers who enjoy bullying newcomers, then you’re sick.

Calm down miner loser.

:: whispers :: he said a four letter “c” word.

tho’ I suspect Destiny might genuinely be offended.
In which case he won the forum war.

  • yut these battles are messy and confusing so I could be completely wrong. I like our destiny and want use to arrive at a harmonic future together.

Gankers, anti-gankers, I respect all players with all sorts of gameplay alike.

Homophobes are not something I wish to see in this game and neither do I understand the people who support those comments.

Can we just go back to discussing ganking versus anti-ganking and leave the homophobic comments out?

You are hooked on one harmless joke, pulling it out of context, and artificially inflate the conflict out of nothing, dragging here some kind of disadvantaged gays and other indecencies.

Ready to humiliate themselves as much as necessary, just to get away from the topic. Enough.

Yes, enough with the pole-arising comments, they are just not funny; at least, I don’t get the joke.

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First speaking for myself

I am not part of a community of high sec gankers. Go back and re-read this thread where I and others have made suggestions for improvement and highlighted how simple saying “safe zone” is not a workable solution.

So you think newcomers are being bullied. Define newcomer please.

I have been in game now for almost 2 years. I still class myself in many ways as a newcomer. Do you agree? Should i be allowed to fly around in 100% safety all the time. I don’t think i should be. I think i should face risk as it makes the game richer.

So when is a newcomer not a newcomer? After a day? After a week? After a month? After login 20 hours of active gameplay? 50 hours? 100 hours? Or as our friend Arzimaton suggests……when you can fly a battleship with faction mods (which is interesting in the context of his earlier complaints about being ganked in a blingy Raven). Based on that definition if i never fly a battleship or only fly battleships with T1 mods am i newcomer forever? And as such immune to ganking forever?

And these are the problems. You have no answers to these questions because you dont care about newbies at all. Your agenda is simply to get CCP to create a safe area where risk adverse players can destroy the ecoonomy without interacting with the core game or the community.

Where’s players like myself that are being referred to as vile, sick and subjected to homophobic slurs are making productive suggestions around the data CCP have presented. What data you may ask………well refer to my previous posts for the detail and problems with the data……but in summary. Player retention is better among players who have lost ships.

As for suggestions………

-Improve the NPE to better explain ship loss and ganking mechanics.
-Be clear about the benefits of flying smaller ships. New players dont need battleships. T1 exploration frigates are fun, cheap and profitable
-Improving starter corps and weeding out spam invites form exploiter corps in starter systems.

Amongst many other things.

If this makes me “sick” in your eyes then it says far more about you than it does about me.

Honestly, they can be funny!

Just not when used derogatory by someone who’s clearly homophobic like that guy.

Someone cant count. And harmless jokes tend to be lighthearted and don’t typically include suggestions of violence :slight_smile:

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If you had not only written, but also read, would have seen in my message who I call newbies.

Vile lies! I offered quite adequate solutions to the problem. None of them aim to completely destroy high-sec ganking, but you’re not reading…

The joke was addressed to a specific person as an example of his vision of a “GOOD LESSON”.

So if i only fit T1 modules i am “immune”?

I could load up my ship with all my researched BPC’s and everything else i can fit in a ship and have zero risk?

Yeah that sounds like a great solution

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It’s very telling that the two people in this thread accusing others of bullying newbies are the ones making and defending homophobia and insinuations that in person violence is a “good lesson”

While telling others they are sick and vile.

Please take a look in the mirror and have a little self awareness about how you are coming across

Clown, you are quoting the result and not the solution to the problem.
Obviously, we are talking about the price of loot in relation to the price of spent ganker ships.