Nerf Ganking Megathread

It’s not so much offensive as incredibly tedious for this old butch lesbian to see your smug as ■■■■ attempts to get round the homophobia posting guidelines - everyone here can see the “whell achtually I meant Cockrell fneh fheh fneh” excuse without you even posting it and it’s just so dull


That is a good question. What does flinging homophobic slurs around have to do with the topic of venture killing?

You were the one that went off topic by saying that nasty stuff, then went back to delete only after you started receiving serious blowback from the community.

You moved the conversation into the arena of social tolerance by making that comment. And now you get to deal with the consequences of it.

Next time, think twice before spewing anti-gay rhetoric all over the place.


Sorry for the previously inappropriate Wise act.
This one is more measured.

He’s already corrected me a 2nd time to say that he didn’t delete the post, but that it was:

…which, ZING… got me. I should be the one paying him 1B, is his argument. Too bad I don’t even have half that in my wallet. Darn.

*updates DB with “orca pilot”

How on earth does anyone’s sexuality, or even rl sex, come up on these threads ? And its 2022…why does anyone even care ? I have both female and male toons…its a frikin game. I’d log in as a fluorescent green cross between a panda and an aardvark is that was an option.

The general assumption is that antigankers tend to be bitter antisocial wannabe griefers, so they frequently lash out with overtly toxic behaviour.

In contrast, gankers tend to work out their irl aggressions through competitive gameplay, and so they are generally friendly and chill.


True that!

Plus gank squads require co-operative behaviours and sociology that indi-grafters sorely lack. I’m speaking for myself here. Herding up and posting watch could be fun if I let it.

But you enjoy supporting a homophobic dude :smiley:

I’ll take the gankers who are engaging in TOS supported gameplay kthx.

Nope and nope. Wasn’t just one joke and it def isn’t harmless. I do so love when the absolutely trash people out themselves on the forums tho :smiley:

Which implied violence against him and his partner. I’d say you were an alt but your posting style and understanding of English is better than azrwhatever. So I just must conclude you are also an absolute trash human being :smiley:

So many people have already pointed out why is this is a bad take LOL.

What pills pray tell?

Aiko’s genius and sarcasm are wasted on you.

Unfortunately, this is my experience also. I hope it has changed since I was involved, but back then the most anger and toxic behavior did not come from “gankers”.

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It’s two affiliated players (Russians) wingmanning each other.

Oh. That’s lude-icrous.

Ahh that explains much.

In the entire history of the internet this has never happened, it’s always the same dude but on a different account.

Why do you hate our freedoms?

No one cares that you are Russian dude, we just think you are unoriginal and dull.

Let me:

Replace as follows:

A typical woke SJW community, howling and clinging to other people’s words, attributing intolerance, infringement, etc. to everyone but themselves…

You managed to give them a way to deflect from your points on ganking by using an insult based on your cultural norm which did you no favours and makes you look bad to many people. At this point they will routinely flag your posts knowing that it annoys you. Just get back on the point you made and stop defending your attack post, do not allow them to derail it further.