Nerf Ganking Megathread

“Your cultural norm” of intolerance, fear, and hate, being against forum rules.

It’s hypocrisy. You can’t dislike gankers for in a impersonal in-game play style that you happen not to like, and then abuse them yourselves in real life on a personal level.

You are making a wild extrapolation there, calm down ganker.

I corrected him and you decide to come after me because in your own words:

There you go, hope you learn something from this exchange, I won’t hold my breath on it.

Then calm down miner.

I find that woke SJW’s are a strange confused bunch, they push cultural diversity, but also reject it. As a result no one knows where they stand and what is acceptable, or who can say what.

At a guess only they can say anything, which is pretty much how the gankers rule these forums. Using similar techniques, one used a typical Alinsky method on me.

By the way I like that swear word (deleted) you used, one of my preferred words to use in certain circumstances, but obviously not on the forums.

You are a Goon alt.

Resorting to compliments?

In a way, yes. Because though he is a miner alt, his main is likely to be doing fleet fights and other such stuff. In fact it is possible that he insulted himself by calling himself a miner.

Just when I thought this thread couldn’t get any worse Drac appears to white knight for a homophobe.

Is it really so important to be standing up against ganking so vehemently that homophobia gets a “actually if you worded it like this it would be better”?

Disappointing. But definitely not surprising.


and now the homophobes are flagging LGBT+ people’s posts simply for pointing out the homophobia.

I have not flagged any posts here.

I hope you are not accusing me of being homophobic, because that is quite frankly incorrect and stupid in the extreme.

I pointed out that his cultural norms were not accepted on the Eve forums and adjusted his insult into a more culturally appropriate sentence above.

yeh I’m just going to go ahead and put any homophobes and their well actually defenders on ignore.

ISD can lock any thread containing references to the war in the Ukraine quick enough but they are absolutely worthless at anything else it would seem.


His first post got deleted, and his second post is likely to go the same way. I have advised him to focus on making his game points without resorting to such comments. Hardly defending him.

You mistake acknowledging his cultural norms as defending him, I am merely trying to smooth out the cultural differences with respect.

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In some parts of the world its the cultural norm to stone adulterers to death. Would you tell them that their throwing technique needs to be refined to be more appropriate?

I’m not quite sure how telling someone that saying “ hey, wishing physical violence on you as a homosexual because I don’t like how you play with your fake spaceship toys” is not an appropriate thing to do say somehow turned into a rant about how social justice warriors are destroying your freedom of expression. That’s a pretty hot take.


Hardly a rant, merely an example of a more culturally acceptable insult, after all I got the impression that several people were flogging his unacceptable sentence to death so as to get the thread locked based on past experience of seeing this done before.

I should remind you that you are going woefully off topic and suggest that you desist.

Let me get this straight, you think myself and some other randos & regulars here on the forum are a part of some common and coordinated political ideology and that by myself and others pushing back on this statement:

…that we as individuals – secretly a part of this political ideology – are somehow personally flawed because “we just don’t understand the other person’s culture”? That the collective political ideology – and therefore all individuals you deem “in on the cult” – are comprised of hypocrites of an equal morally failed calibur for not acknowledging that cultural aspect, and the burden is on this nebulous group to accept the above homophobic comment in the community or forgive its speaker when that speaker himself has consistently rebuked repeated opportunities for apologies and admissions of mistakes?

Either call me a hypocrite to my face, or don’t pussy-footaround using real-life political groups as proxies for the real people here in the forum.

No, though you do use similar techniques however.

One of the biggest drivers of conflict on most forums are ignoring the other persons cultural norms, it is not just Russia compared to occident, but is also in terms of age, for example my fathers attitude compared to mine. I have noticed several posters on the ganker side go off on Boomers for example for some odd reason.

When you start calling names and over doing the aggression based on cultural difference you turn it into a slanging match. Wouldn’t it be better to just ask them to refrain from such comments and move on rather than raising it again and again and going off topic, so much so that the ISD will come in and close the thread.

Do you want me to call you a hypocrite? I don’t see anything in what you said could cause me to do so, and I would suggest that it is your anger getting ahead of itself.

So keep the real life politics out of the forums and save it for your Master’s Thesis in Sociology on Eve Forum Behaviors’ Propaganda And Real Life Politics.

Am I a hypocrite?

I agree completely with the OP. At this stage in Eve’s life as an online game, hi-sec “ganking” is nothing more than griefing. It serves no gameplay purpose. None of these griefers are even pretending to be pirates–“Ahoy miner! you must pay us 100k ISK in order to pass through this system, or we will destroy you.” They just enjoy “blowing stuff up.” Their sole purpose is to ruin the play session of someone else.

I’m sure newer players find this situation depressing. Some of them who came for the pretty graphics and the lure of a living, online universe where they can pretend to be Poul Anderson’s iconic character Nicholas Van Rijn probably leave pretty quickly.

Me, I’ve been playing Eve since around 2005. I used to have a paid subscription, but I let it lapse and barely play. Obviously, when I do play Eve I play as an alpha. The reason: griefers. After many years I finally found a good corp with friendly, mature people, but I can’t go to our main system because so many gates between there and the system I call home are camped.

As I have said in other threads, I’m tired of my corp members calling out “So-and-so is red in [system name]!” I’m just too old in RL years for that kind of drama, each and every time I log on. I would rather log off and read a book, or play a computer sports game, or go for a walk with my wife.

Why should I pay to play Eve? I used to. Why should I do it now?


you can pay for a mining permit and be generally left alone, or you can simply not mine near jita