Nerf Ganking Megathread

Please do the same, don’t flog it to death.

I answered your question in my edit, sorry for adding it later, but I did not initially realise that the second part was aimed at me.

I’m not sure if this is directed at me, but the last time I was anywhere near Jita was circa 2007.

And perhaps you don’t know this, but the griefers I have encountered do not sell “mining permits.” They simply open fire. Why? Because they are griefers.

tbh it’s more of a sign that we are not 22 any more, the griefers were always there and it really did hurt more to lose your ship back in the day, it’s just that memories of that time are all tied up with being 22.

If that was your genuine belief, what good did you think it would do to try to launder the speakers belief and continue their digression away from newbies and ganking in an extremely divisive and political way?

I’m more than willing to walk away, but the original speaker keeps correcting me – digging a deeper hole in the process (“it’s an edit”, “no it’s a deletion”, “no I didn’t want to delete it a moderator did”) – or it’s been you trying to plausibly-deniably make a jab at “the other side” – we’re right here, man.

The correct answer is “we don’t know each other”. You can call me a hypocrite of action, but not one of morals as your inflammatory re-write preserved.

Thanks for the sweet reminder. Good looking out.

As a new(ish) player, I don’t.

I consider ganking is an example of sandbox expression, the freedom to not only do what you want, but see the impact of your actions ripple across the game. It writes stories on the pages of in-game history. It drives the market. It also affects how other players play.

It hasn’t prompted me to consider leaving the game, it taught me to not make a mad run for bigger and better ships, to instead live within my in-game means and learn how the ships “I can afford to lose” function and thus make them function better.

Let gankers gank, and let others learn how to handle that. We don’t need kludges that disadvantage one group to favour another group that refuses to learn how to play this stellar sandbox game.

a PvE industrialist.


Dracvlad is so desperate for friends, that he’s actually trying to coach someone who railed against “fags” and made death threats in the ganking channel for five hours to be more palatable to the forums. I want to feel outraged and talk about how this is a new low, but we all know that this record is going to continue getting beaten, so why bother?

Hey Dracvlad, hating gays isn’t a “cultural norm”; it’s bandwagoning on a hardline political ideology. And standing up for people being abused based on a protected factor like their orientation doesn’t make someone a SJW; it makes them a decent human being. Difficult concepts to grasp for some sheltered suburbanite spending the bulk of their free time on shucking oysters and rage-posting on an internet gaming forum, I know, you have my sympathy.


This seems to be a common theme with the antiganking community.

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I’m not fond of gankers in-game to put it mildly, but I’d buy you a beer in real life for the content.

100% correct

I repeat, and for the last time as this is off topic. I never called you a hypocrite at all, I don’t think you are one. I have seen enough of your posting to think that.

Yeah I will try to head off myself.

How am I supposed to know that this happened in the ganking channel, do I have crystal balls or something?

I don’t know what planet you are on, but I have over time got to know several Russians, and they have a pretty robust view on this matter that can be difficult to deal with. I have been patient and giving my own experiences to help break down this attitude with a few. After all I helped a fellow Eve player come out to his family a few years back during a difficult period of his life, and I don’t mind saying that.

I quite concur, I merely gave the poster concerned a better and more fun area to have a dig at.

Your sympathy is not needed, I don’t believe that I was the one rage posting.

In regards to the actual topic, it is not so much the new players, but those that are just getting into something expensive and making a stretch to do so that are likely to quit over ganking. That the tanks of most barges and exhumers were increased recently will help here, so it appears that CCP finally realised and did something.

In terms of BS this was needed outside of the gank issue, I called them the not battleship, now I can refer to them as battleships again. That this helps against ganking if people are smart enough to travel fit of course is a good thing, people still have to use their noodle, which is how the game should be played…

Oof. Now Drac is displaying that homophobia too. And trying to teach others how to say it without being modded :smiley:

@Githany_Red this your king? For real?

Nope, she’s got you dead to rights.

Mm no, you’re attempting to teach him ways to say his hate without being modded.

LOL. Nothing woke about accepting others. But just let that hate flow Drac :smiley:

Why not? You already exposed yourself :smiley:

Its not norms. Its hate bruv :smiley:

LOL this is classic right here. Look at the attempting at modding :smiley:

It is the gameplay :smiley: Welcome to EVE :smiley:

I suggest animal crossing :smiley:

Ah so you don’t play. So your opinion is worthless. Got it.

To me that genuinely sounds like the plot for a horror B-movie.

He thought he was helping him…

“Hey pal, got something on your mind?”

Little did he know just how ulterior motives can get…

“But have you thought about it from your father’s perspective?”

Coming this summer…

It’s like one of those holiday romcoms starring Steve Martin.


Nonsense, we are fond of boomers, particularly when they go BOOM !

Sounds like you didn’t have a permit.

Just making sure that you can’t use Homophobic against me. Would be funny if you tried.

Bruh we all know you are. You are literally trying to teach someone how to be one without being modded.

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So you think that having interacted with a gay person automatically excuses you from the possibility of homophobia?

That depends on how wide your definition of homophobia is? How long is a piece of string for example?