Nerf Ganking Megathread

It’s not a matter of how long the string is, but whether or not the string exists at all.

The fact that you don’t understand this is actually kind of astounding.

Definition, not what you are trying to say. You are so boring, astoundingly boring…

Maybe I’m boring, but at least I have integrity.

You literally just coached a bigot to get away with prejudice because you see ganking in a video game as a bigger issue than real-life persecution/oppression of people based on genetic factors.

Good luck defending that.


Actually, that has always been the way I play. Griefing in Eve didn’t bother me back in 2006 or 2007. It does today. Where you and I differ is in how we react here in the year 2022 to griefers and their toxic style of gameplay. I just don’t have the patience anymore, and I wonder how many others–newer players as well as old timers like me–feel the same way.

In Asheron’s call there was one server, Darktide I believe it was called, that was reserved for PVP play. People from that server, all of them well-established there, would come to the forums and constantly invite others to come join them on Darktide. “Come on! We have a real political structure here! You can join a monarchy and be safe from others! It’s fun!” But every time someone new to that server would create a character there, the instant that character materialized in a Darktide starter town, several high level characters were there to kill the newbie. Then the new character would regenerate at the lifestone and as soon as they moved away from its protection, they would get killed again. That is what Eve Online is becoming as griefers work hard to ruin the gameplay of others with no attempt to incorporate a gameplay element into what they do.

And thank you for your well-written post. So many here, like the one guy who makes 43,267 posts a day and follows me around posting wherever I post, resort to swearing and name-calling to make their points. A sure sign that that person has no ideas and nothing of value to say. Such people would never speak that way to someone sitting next to them in a bar. But hiding behind a keyboard with a made-up name gives them unlimited courage.

When the internet began most of us old enough to remember it honestly thought it would be something that would raise the level of humanity. Free exchange of thought, etc etc. Too bad it has not turned out that way.

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Yikes. How is this thread still open? Personal attacks, trolling, spam, fake flagging others posts…

That’s a great attitude and I figured that was how you rolled. Before I continue, I have to give you credit for your devotion to this game for so long. The longest I’ve gone was barely 5 years on WoW.

I like to think my attitude won’t change much over time. I’ve had to deal with that level of toxicity on other MMOs where my questing activities went into PvP territory, and I agree some can be downright cruel. I don’t blame that on the culture but how their parents didn’t do a great job raising them. That’s a topic for another day though, probably an OOP forum post.

It’s also possible, like yourself, my thick skin to that behaviour might wear thin over time.

Like you, I believed that the Internet back in 1994 would make the world smaller and people more compassionate and tolerant, but I forgot the Internet also has anonymity. That anonymity offers an excuse to behave in ways which, per your excellent point, no one would ever do in real life.

LOL people barely die to ganking. And only the bad ones :smiley:

None :smiley: You don’t even play ergo you don’t count :smiley:

Here’s what it really comes down to:

“I used to enjoy a thing, and now I don’t enjoy the thing anymore. So I’m going to complain and demand that the thing be changed to make it enjoyable for me again, and ■■■■ anyone else who is enjoying the thing as it already is. The thing should be changed for me because I am the important one, and I am old and don’t have don’t have the patience to deal with all of the stuff I dislike. Everyone else is an asshole for not seeing things my way.”


Dracvlad, are you really helping a homophobe how to mask their homophobic comments - just because he happens to be against ganking?

This is a new low.

Gankers, anti-gankers, miners, I can respect players regardless of their playstyle in this game.

Homophobia has no place in it though, and I really don’t see how your anti-gank sentiment weighs heavier for you than having a game with people who respect eachother like normal human beings. Which that guy clearly does not, if you had read his posts.

People aren’t routinely flagging his posts because it annoys him, people are routinely flagging his posts because his posts routinely contain homophobic comments.


It is but I am somehow not surprised.

I mean he is pretty sexist as well.

@Githany_Red , our resident line member, any thoughts?

I mean this your king that you ride or die with. Is this a hill you’re willing to die on too?

I just cannot imagine wanting this dude associated with any of my in-game activities. It blows my mind that the NEPF keeps quafe riding this trash panda of a human being.

You still here?

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The enemy of my enemy is my friend as they say

Yes, but where we have fun discussions about our ‘enemies’ of ingame activities on the forums, I would expect people to be able to see the difference between a game and real life.

Talking bad about gankers/miners/nullseccers/edencom supporters/ammarians/whateverothergroup is one thing, but supporting a homophobe in his homophobic comments because his roleplay aligns with yours is showing a serious lack of priorities if you’re against homophobia.

This is kind of like that “Raven x1” episode, whereupon the logs and screenshots were referred to his CEO, and the CEO asked “whose side are you even on?” or something like that. Single-issue voters like Dracvlad are willing to let a lot of issues slide as long as that one thing they really care about gets addressed, world be damned.

If anyone forgot, I made a pretty, anime-girl-themed picture (double-click to enlarge):

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I can’t really tell whether I like that Raven guy or not yet. What was his playstyle? /s

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Poor guy got ganked you say? His rage was totally justified.

I mean, death threats would not be okay if uttered by griefers, but this guy was a victim, clearly. /s

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John Cleland, Fanny Hill, 1749: “my dear, any port in a storm.”

Oh really? First day I played eve, pvp’ed. Concord thought it was really cool, and ganked my noob ship.


You mean you griefed?

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