Nerf Ganking Megathread

Very decent pvp from decent community.

Frankly, in Eve there is less and less interesting content in terms of pvp, and indeed any interesting entertainment. CCP, by virtue of their greed, cut back on the opportunity to earn ISK as much as possible, naively believing that this will encourage people to massively use credit cards and pay for a subscription with real money. At the same time, ships are nerfed, killing the economy and the ability to trade without feeling disgusted. Hidden loot nerfs, NPC aggression towards drones, etc.

As a result, you spend most of the game in thought, but what to do in the game, really, what?

One gets the impression that those who put their souls into this truly grandiose universe left it long ago, and parasites came in their place with one goal - to squeeze out more dough. There is no development of the project, other than cutting PvE profitability, drawing amazing skins for ships, and all sorts of pointless rubbish, like “Pochven” and the abyss.

Oh yeah, and the weather in space, that’s an amazing idea!

As if savages came to the place of the former great civilization, and the difference in their level is obvious:

That is a very interesting site indeed, I remember reading about an analysis of the stones which was even more interesting.

Is this the guy that said he was a real life criminal lawyer, threatened to hunt down his gankers in real life and send them to prison, got another one for the same price , got scammed out of it by the goons, then returned to WoW to strut around in his expensive armor? Or was that somebody else who paid the price for being stupid?

Are you legitimately complaining that some dude lost a pirate battleship, an incredibly powerful combat ship, due to combat with other players? What exactly are you trying to prevent here? It’s like you have little to no idea of what game you are playing. Listen, if you want 0 non-consensual pvp in hi sec just come out and say it. It will completely destroy the game, but at least it’s on par with your other trash opinions.


I mean… would you really want it?
Im an alpha, and i have… 500k isk? I think?
I haven’t been paying attention to that global variable honestly, i just keep trying to see how far into goonland i can get in a pod.

Im in pandemic legions territory as we speak.

You still going on about this?

You are?

Well, it’s instawarp and gates are basically never bubbled, so it should take you about 9 minutes from Jita to 1DQ. You should have higher goals.

What’s greed got to do with it ? Why should those of us who pay for Omega continually subsidise all the ‘free’ alpha accounts ? Nothing is ever free…it is the Omegas who are paying for it. Every bit of ‘free ore’ is ultimately being paid for by someone who is paying real money.

The trouble is these days everyone wants everything free…without grasping that someone has to pay for it.


Youd maybe be surprised. Some dude killed me instantly the last time i pulled this little stunt.

I re-read the chat logs, but I did not find any tears, but I found some statements from those who most often use the word “morality” in this topic:

Channel Name: Why Was I Ganked?

[ 2022.02.23 08:34:36 ] Arzimraton Aivoras > Победа: Spiritu Sancto (Ishtar*) Победа: Jokke Jr (Kikimora*) Победа: Cryy Hunter (Muninn*) Победа: Daria Alabel (Thorax*)
[ 2022.02.23 08:35:32 ] Arzimraton Aivoras > Победа: Nachen Bravour (Vexor*) Победа: Tin Coat Ing (Stratios*) Победа: sokrat Echerie (Moa*) it’s not embarrassing to show
[ 2022.02.23 08:36:23 ] Arzimraton Aivoras > in your kills - worthy of vile nonentities

[ 2022.02.23 08:36:32 ] Aiko Danuja > Arzi who are you?
[ 2022.02.23 08:37:10 ] Yes Mr Cheng > dunno some random ukranian looks like
[ 2022.02.23 08:37:23 ] Snuggly Guy > ty russki?
[ 2022.02.23 08:37:29 ] Snuggly Guy > ili ukrainskii?
[ 2022.02.23 08:37:39 ] Yes Mr Cheng > what part of ukraine is tht
[ 2022.02.23 08:37:40 ] Snuggly Guy > ochen khorosho bitba!
[ 2022.02.23 08:37:58 ] Yes Mr Cheng > is that the name of the town in ukraine tht u live
[ 2022.02.23 08:48:43 ] Arzimraton Aivoras > I approve of suicide for profit, but you do it for fun, in fact, you are dirt, which discourages playing 10-day newbies who have accumulated raven to do 4 levels of mission
[ 2022.02.23 08:49:12 ] Arzimraton Aivoras > never had ■■■■ like this before
[ 2022.02.23 08:49:40 ] Aiko Danuja > Wow, are you still crying about your Sunesis, pretending that this is about new players when it’s really about YOU a crybaby.
[ 2022.02.23 08:50:14 ] Arzimraton Aivoras > what Sunesis?
[ 2022.02.23 08:50:23 ] Yes Mr Cheng > new players deserve to be oppresed
[ 2022.02.23 08:51:14 ] Yes Mr Cheng > i personally try to kill at least one venture a day from a player under 30 days old i believe it builds character
[ 2022.02.23 09:25:00 ] Destiny Corrupted > Я поехал на Донбасс, на Донбасс, на Донбасс!Будут женщины и квас для нас, женщины и квас!
[ 2022.02.23 09:27:23 ] Destiny Corrupted > Айко, давай давай, а ну чики брики, и в дамки!
[ 2022.02.23 09:29:44 ] Destiny Corrupted > Arzimraton Aivoras, где твоя винтовка?
[ 2022.02.23 09:33:28 ] Destiny Corrupted > Arzimraton Aivoras refuses to go to Donbass to fight for his people
[ 2022.02.23 09:33:30 ] Destiny Corrupted > shame
[ 2022.02.23 09:35:46 ] Arzimraton Aivoras > I am against wars, in any of their manifestations, and I refuse to fight for the interests of the elites
[ 2022.02.23 09:36:14 ] Snuggly Guy > hes da damn freaken commie!
[ 2022.02.23 09:36:57 ] Aiko Danuja > Arzimraton Aivoras I am in support of war and I have stock in Halliburton and Lockheed-Martin and I am hoping the coming war will result in the sale of many missiles and also I have stock in Bell Helicopter.
[ 2022.02.23 09:39:46 ] Aiko Danuja > I will bomb you for profit, BLOOD FOR THE OIL GODS

I stand by these words, and repeat them a second time.

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Why is this guy always going on about a 10 day old player flying a Raven?

Isn’t that the problem? They shouldn’t be in the raven in the first place.


Not salty at all are we?

Gawd. If I get past gankers I type ‘nananana’, and if I get ganked I type ‘lol’. And that is it. Nothing more need be said. You don’t need Kant or Schopenhauer to work out ‘why’ you were ganked.

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Won’t be hard to work out who you main is, will be the numpty typing “nananana”

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What about this:

If you get past a ganker you say “good fight.”

And if you get ganked you say “good fight.”

Kinda the grown up way of shaking hands and saying “good job, no hard feelings.”

Oh wait, this is EvE. Never mind.

Fight ?? What part of being ganked is a fight ? To call it such gives the whole process a respect it doesn’t deserve. I was happy to say ‘good fight’ to the flashy guy I attacked and who beat me. That was a fight. But there’s no way I’m ever going to regard 20 Catalysts descending on a defenceless barge as a ‘fight’. Make me !


If you had taken a moment to continue reading my post, you would see that I offered you my reason. But I’ll quote it here.

Then again it is EvE, so I quotteth myself again,

Hope that clears up any questions, or misunderstandings.

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