Nerf Ganking Megathread

Doesn’t even need a scount just some good pings and patience. I’m moving stuff in hostile npc nullsec constantly and have not lost it yet.

Don’t you use cloaked alts at the gates or does the info on Jumps / zkillboard / Dotlan etc show enough to risk it? Or are you included in a intel network?

I’m guessing that you’re connected, plugged-in to the network! :phone:

I’m a solo pilot I jump blindly but I have 6 book marks all around every gate near me. So where ever there is a gap in a gate camp I can align to the nearest book mark in that direction mwd cloak get out of bubble uncloak warp to my bookmark.

I do also cheer on the gate campers and tell them how many meters they where from uncloaky me just to mess with them xD they kinda gave up after a few weeks now and just wave at me in local. And I am lucky enough to have allies on one of the gates so I know I at least have an ergency route just incase but no intel channel with them which is weird : / .

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Where you at? I promise I’d put some losses on your board.

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Do you remember when they showed everyone how the Mobile Warp Disruptors when placed correctly can in fact pull a ship past the gate and out of alignment. How do you manage to escape that.

Every gate in dscan range from the first gate I scan if no bubble(or dictor/hictor) I warp if its further than d-scan range I warp to a ping on that gate first then to the gate. (yes every trip takes 3x longer :smiley: but its necessary.)

I won’t lie I did try using an alt but it feels weird to me solo just feels better.


Harder punishment

The only hard punishment change would be in the way of increased cost to repair security status on the tags (making them become rare wouldn’t be a answer though as that might hurt the pilots farming them.) for the pilots who boost their standings each time so they can sit under the gates.

There comes a point when the balance between repairing vs recreating a pilot has to be looked at if any sort of change to the current concord punishment status.

Just my thoughts on that.

Remember that video CCP released they hinted at Concored being corrupt, I feel there is a possibility that the factions will kick concord out of their space and do their own policing which means instead of sec status it would be faction standing loss.

I think CCP might already be ahead of us on this :smiley:

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As a new player who enjoys the PvE aspect of Eve Online, and who is actively attempting to find something in the forums to make my desire to keep playing for the year I pre-paid an actual reality rather than cutting my losses and quitting. So far all I’ve read is “quit whining and take it up the butt because we are all gankers who enjoy picking on the helpless new people”, I personally feel High Sec should be renamed because it’s definitely not secure at all. And for those saying nothing should change, you are the problem. If there is minimal to zero security threat, everyone becomes a victim. Imagine a local shopping mall taken over by criminals. Would the average person bother shopping there? Not likely, and eventually it would shut down due to lack of business. Now look at Eve Online. You give new players nowhere to learn and enjoy the game without the constant risk of being ganked, they don’t bother retuning. The average popular MMO has an average of 100k online at a given time (and that’s a low number). Eve Online has an average between 18-25k every time I log on. Maybe everyone here enjoys a low number of online players, but to say that high sec Ganking doesn’t effect the numbers is being closed minded. Instead of saying prove that high Sec Ganking is the cause, let’s reverse it and say prove that it’s not the cause for the low online numbers and low to no growth.

I’m sure there will be lots of gankers being defensive to protect their hobby and flaming this post. But who will speak up for the new players who want to give Eve Online a chance but are becoming frustrated to the point of posting, even knowing that the post will get torched?

As for a solution? Allow new players the option to flag as unavailable for PvP for the first six months or year. This will give them time to learn and enjoy the game before being ganked and rage quitting. Being flagged would simply mean a gank attempt would cause no damage, the Ganking party would receive a message saying new player or something, and Concord would not respond as there was no hostile action completed.

It had been mentioned many times on these sort of threads that we are the problem for suppling the materials that manufacture the tools needed for them to gank in highsec.

They are not the problem to the solution. We are the problem and until we come to that thought and understanding we will always be feeling the pain.

See what is being said here… this is exactly the same as saying play the game how a ganker wants you to play but in reverse. That is not the solution by a long shot and should NEVER be thought of again in New Eden.

Capusleers decide to play Eve Online because it is a MMO with Ships in space and they should have some knowedge that the game is somewhat dangerous as space is a dangerous place. We should be thanking CCP for delivering that feeling of Space is a Dangerous place!

In closing. Thank you CCP.

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Hey :smiley: If you quit eve you will miss out on a lot of the great things about eve my personal suggestion would be try to live in low sec or npc null sec or null sec just for maybe a month or 2 the lessons that you learn you can take back to high sec and will be practically immune to suacide ganks.

I know people who have been playing for 15 years and they say they have died to suacide ganks maybe 3 times and 2 out of those times was on the jita undock and they countered that by making a 0 bookmark on the jita 4 4 station and warping to that and spamming dock button and now they cannot ever be ganked there :D.

Eve is about knowledge once you have it the chance of you dying drops significantly. But Ironically the more knowledge you have the more you want to die in a blaze of glory.

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As opposed to, when their 6-month or 1 year period expires, getting ganked and rage quitting later?

There is an implicit assumption that “I’ll be ready to PVP later” usually because “I need more ISK” or “I need more skills” or some other thing. It turns out that when later becomes now, people still think the exact same way. It’s always later, never now.

It is better for Eve to be up-front about its true nature and have people deal with it early. It would suck for people to dump 6 months to a year into the game and discover it isn’t for them. I think you know the feeling, since you mentioned trying to justify a pre-paid year. It must feel sucky.

I’ve never seen anyone say “nothing should change”. I have always seen people tell others “you should change: fitting, attitude, or piloting skills”. Because nobody’s opinion matters about what should happen[0], only CCP’s development whims do. So the rest of us sorry lot have to deal with our own emotions and our own personal struggles in the face of a universe full of adversity. Many people never face adversity directly in such a raw and stark manner in their lives – let alone a game – so of course they get weeded out instead of toughening up.

The tough love is meant from a positive place because it’s one of a very few ways to survive while acknowledging and recognizing the brutal universe sandbox. Telling those people dishing tough love that they’re the problem is misplaced anger and “dishing it out without being able to take it” – and those folks can survive the additional adversity from you anyway, what’s one more person in a universe full of it?

The forums here are brutal. I do hope you keep your chin up and stick through it. The best advice I have to give is find a good corp with a newbie program. There’s plenty that offer those. Eve Uni is one well-known concrete example. Quitting before at least engaging in the social aspect of eve I think CCP recognized as a big driver of attrition in some weird graphs they showed at Fanfest.

Do your wallet and your time a favor, at least find a good group and stick through a player-run newbie program. Attend classes if they have them, do the activities even if they might not be immediately interesting to you.

[0] If you hang around the forum, you will notice people start threads about what should happen anyway, and the overwhelming number of new threads created are started by people that do not want to adjust: fitting, attitude, nor piloting skills. Basically, people unwilling to adapt to CCP Games’ reality as it is today.


What do you expect? You’re a new player who took out a 1 year sub. I’ve been playing (and paying) for over 10 years on multiple accounts. What happened in your life that makes you feel that you’re entitled, as a green around the gills Johnny-come-lately, to just show up and have my play style removed because you don’t like it?

I’ve noticed this massive entitlement on the part of the “remove ganking” crowd. They feel the game should be changed to suit them. The Devs should implement changes to punish other players on their behalf, or entire play styles nerfed or removed for their own advantage.

The other side of the coin - the gankers and the gank-accepting PvEers - take the grittier position: “that’s the game. Adapt and overcome.”

Nothing CCP does will ever satisfy the care bear whiners; several times buffed mining barge EHP, faster align times, buffs to the Orca, introduction of cloaks/BLOPs mining frigates, Porpoise boosts, +2 warp strength, changes to WarDecs (basically: the removal of that play style…) increased resistances… none of it was ever met with gratitude by them. Just more complaints that it’s not enough.


I have noticed a trend in the gankers sporting a blue mask. Sort of a pirate flag I suppose. But everything you said makes sense and has made me think. I am the new player and I did assume my opinion mattered and I should not have made that assumption. You love the game, I think it could improve to draw in and maintain even more players. More players would mean more targets of opportunity for you and your fellow gankers. More players buying from merchants, etc. However your opinion is all that should matter as you have 10 years playing over my none. Thank you for helping me see that new players are actually the real problem and not the gankers. I’ll cut my losses and leave to find a game that I can enjoy without having to ask for something reasonable I think would make it even better. Hopefully the game continues on with its 25k players for another 10 years. But it surely will not grow in numbers with the current ganker attitude towards new players. O7

Sorry, I forgot to make it easy and add that I don’t actually intend to quit just yet, that was sarcasm, but I’m sure a ganker would have gotten that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I never said new players are the problem, and I never said your opinion doesn’t matter. That was a hyperbolic mischaracterization of my stance. The problem, as per my post, is this sense of entitlement to show up after 20 years and demand that things change to suit you.

Unfortunately for you this will not happen. You can choose to leave (now, or in a year, or three) or you can choose to play EVE Online - a game about risk management, living with consequences, and adapting to change. Don’t you want that? Don’t you want to play a game where you get to go on an actual hero’s journey? And not just one that’s scripted and spoon fed to you?

Don’t you want to experience the pride of having risen to meet a challenge and overcoming it?


Since we are correcting what was said versus what was heard, where did I demand anything? I simply suggested an optional flag for new players. Lol

Why should you be entitled to invulnerability?

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How long is it going to take for you to leave?


Hopefully you’ll hold your breath till I do. Haha.

So this is just a crybaby temper tantrum bluff?