Nerf Ganking Megathread

I see that there’s nothing really productive that occurs in these forums so I’ll stop reading and posting now. It’s been fun. :grin:

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Ok, so you are finally gonna leave?

Or can we expect another temper tantrum??


I thought my reply to you was very constructive and actionable. And ignored. :person_shrugging:

Something about horses and water.




That will never happen nor could it ever happen. Would you like to know why? Because of Alpha accounts. Players could make as many Alpha accounts as they wanted and farm in perfect safety.

The only solution to the perceived “problem” is to make a “safe” closed-off area of high sec for new players where they can learn the ropes. The caveat is that no materials, ships, or ISK can enter those systems, nor can it ever leave those systems.

Otherwise, everyone and their dog would roll 1,000 Alpha accounts and accrue billions in perfect safety…


It’s a hard journey, and at every step of the way there’ll be people who’ve achieved 1000 times more there to put what you see as personal staggering achievements in their proper place…but that is precisely what makes it all worthwhile. You have to have a determined ’ I’ll show you !’ attitude.

I don’t think anything within Eve ‘makes’ people leave. I think the quitters and survivors are decided before a person even does the NPE.


When you get caught, they will no doubt to tell you how much you dropped.


I understand what you mean but remember most people that have answered your post are ganker types, the forums can be a brutal place but do have a useful place and role to play in game.

Just as you have met the ganker types , there are others around that oppose them , we are one such group, we spend our time hunting criminals , these people attack every one they can not just new players that are leaving themselves venerable in some way . Learn not to be venerable and your time in eve will be so much better.

In eve you have to fight for every thing you want , join a group this will help , band together learn and become stronger, eve can never be a free ride.

I support what the gankers say about PvP , you have your starting system and career agent systems protected you need to learn how to take the next step.

Remember eve is pilot power , make friends , playing solo is possible but you will miss so much of what eve has to offer.

Oh and long live the resistance :blush:

The question arises…are most of the people who are ganked actually under 30 day old noobs ? The one and only time I’ve been ganked, while ratting, was 42 days into Eve…and arose precisely because I was venturing out of the noob systems into 0.5 systems but still relatively inexperienced. I was back in that system and ratting again the same day. Oh…and the guy who ganked me may have long forgotten the incident, but I haven’t. Revenge is a dish best served very cold.

This isn’t Final Fantasy XIV with the itty bitty sprouts.

How about this, CCP has made the starter and career agent systems gank free. That’s where the itty bitty sprouts should stay.

The moment they step outside those systems, they loose their itty bitty sprout and mature into full blown targets, like the rest of us.


If you look carefully in a players info, under employment history, it will give you an idea how long a player has been playing the game.


Bro you’re a broken record. Get a better narrative. Also what is all this nonsense about being in the vast minority? You and your buddies seem to have found a number of posts that are suggesting that there’s a glaringly obvious issue with the way the game is currently setup. Its almost like you’re intentionally turning your head away from the problem… hmm…

If you’re still around don’t get discouraged, alot of the people that are pro-ganking are just the type to use every ■■■■ eating trick to gain an advantage in every aspect of their miserable life.
There are some cool people out there who do gank and have a sense of dignity. But those type don’t routinely try to suppress community feedback on the forums. i honestly wish they could take their fantasy role reversal of being their own bully and find a better outlet for it. But what can normal people do eh?
This game has a number of exploits/problems that needs addressing and the community needs perspective from everyone.


There’s nothing current about it. EVE has been this way since Day 1. If high sec ganking was that big of a problem, EVE wouldn’t have lasted for going on 20 years now…


Not exactly true, because CONCORD didn’t exist nor did gate/station guns on Day 1. CCP has only made high sec safer since Day 1.


It’s silly when the issue gets boiled down to whether people ‘like’ ganking. Of course gankers like ganking and the ganked don’t like being ganked. I don’t like losing chess. Maybe I should have the rules changed so I never lose. I mean…why can’t I just have a nice time gazing at my pawns without some other person vandalising them ?

Ganking is not an ‘exploit’. It is part of Eve…and CCP have long said so. It’s not some error that CCP inadvertently left in the game and that needs ‘solving’. The very fact that highsec systems have different Concord response times proves this. Why would some highsec be MORE secure than others if the overall goal of highsec was absolute security ?

Nobody likes being ganked. But the whole idea of the game is that you can take steps to avoid it. Remove the threat of ganking and you remove a good deal of the excitement of highsec and make it an utterly boring place and little more than a mining simulation. And I don’t like that. I’d sooner take the risk of being ganked than operate in a boring Eve.


Yep. CCP has only made high sec safer year after year, yet new players continually whine about it anyway…


I don’t hear any new players whining, it’s mostly the same crybaby bitter vets who have been spamming the forums for the past twenty years.


Yeah, those too…

Crybabies say that gankers cause new players to quit the game. However, we need to consider all the subscriptions which are retained because of ganking.

Some miners like being ganked!!!


What you got ain’t nothin’ new. This game’s hard on people. You can’t stop what’s coming. It ain’t all waitin’ on you. That’s vanity…