Nerf Ganking Megathread

Dude c’mon, you have to see how hypocritical you’re being. All you do is bounce from topic to topic “whining” that these youngsters want everything handed to them, when you don’t even take the time to see the game from their perspective.

I was once a “youngster” player. I’ve been ganked many times. But guess what? I learned from it and I’m still here 16 years later…


I’ve been posting about this in other posts, but I don’t believe ganking should be removed from the game. I do however think the risk vs reward is imbalanced and is making the NPE extremely harsh for no reason. its putting the game in the wrong light for new players. Especially when an experienced player is the one whos carrying it out by multi boxing and leaving very little room for counter play. Some of the systems need rethinking and maybe opening up some newbie vs newbie pvp instead of newbie getting deleted by an 11 year old account.

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Yeah thats great buddy, and some of us shower regularly.

But as a relative noob myself…in the entire 8 months I have been in Eve I have never been ganked while mining or transporting. I even managed to escape a gank attempt a month or so back and got a kill right out of it. And Concord zapped the ganker without him him doing any damage to me. Well done me…for excellent timing. So much for being helpless.


Ahhh well, roll of the dice or maybe you’re just built different.
But from what I’ve seen people talk about and personally experienced so far, somethings a bit off and it shouldn’t make people want to quit as often as it is.

Not sure I agree about newbies the only time that they are at a disadvantage is if they don’t acquire the right knowledge.

There’s not many games that a new player can take part in so much . It was only in the last big war that a new player , I believe a week old turned the tide of the battle , I believe
They just need training and explaining what and how to proceed. Which the imperium pilot obviously had , a credit to someone’s training program.

Eve always comes down to work together and if shown what to do 5 new players can easily take out an 11 year vet if he’s on his own . One example I can give , when uedama was very hot , we would take our latest group of new players on a trip to ganker hot spots . Most of them in our anti-ganking cats . I was just explaining how a gank works when one dropped on a freighter, a big one , I said open fire on the flashing reds and keep your range , knowing this gank was to large for the amount of ag at the gate at this time , they loved it

At one point I had to shut them all up on coms because a ganker freighter had gone yellow from taking the large loot drop, the freighter exploded just before it got to the gate .

These new players loved it , saying oh my god this game is epic and wtf just happened. They all got on a kill mail all very happy .

Only two people not happy with this outcome the two supposedly veteran freighter pilots.

Even at the height of Ganking I think the game worked as intended. We didn’t stop the gank as they out numbered us that time but we made them pay.


Hell yeah I love stories like that! No doubt they probably stuck around a long time after that which is a real gift honestly. I’ve had similar experiences in games and those kind of memories are what drive mmo’s to be what they are.

But that’s all the more reason why new players and their experience with the game should be payed close attention to because what if they don’t make it to that point? Especially with a game that has no entry cost people don’t have that solid investment in it and it makes it really easy to just say “eh I can do something else”

i also understand of how easy it is to say “oh this person is just mad they died” people do typically vent their frustration unfairly in alot of games. But that emotion is coming from somewhere. Looking at it closer from your perspective, its from a lack of information, experience, sometimes progression. But it also could be the mechanics.

i remember when i was killed i was particularly frustrated with the kill right system because not only was my killer in my starter corp, (they were using to spot new players) they also gloated in the corp channel at the fact they claimed the kill right with their alt. Not the best experience, and then i came to the forums to discuss some of the problems i had to get my topic merged/ignored/ridiculed the works.
A sane person probably would have left by now lol.


Yes I understand the frustration with KR , we do have a lot of fun with killrights , we look for victims , writing to them to explain what to do, try to persuade them to give them to us for free , we then hunt the culprit, sometimes offer the victim a place on the hunt as extra payback.

Mail me in game the guy you referred to and we will look for a KR on him

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Ah well I would if I was still salty about it, and its very nice of you to offer, but id rather just ignore that person and hunt down people like that when I’m big and strong off these space rocks.

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I recently tried to gank QuakeGod, but he just warped out, so I can understand his frustration with those who want to make the game easier for him.

Some people want a challenging game.


If you search my forum history (on the old, archived forums), I used to be a carebear, taking a hard line against ganking/wardecs. But, after playing the game for only a short while, I matured as a player and have a more holistic, ecological view of the game, one that is not centered on my own playstyles.

There are counterplays to ganking they are exceptionally easy. In fact, it’s easier to avoid HiSec ganking than it is to gank.

Most people aren’t.

It’s not about being salty, it’s about finding people like him and kill them , because of the line I take in eve targets are often limited , so it’s good to find people who want to PvP, I’m still surprised when you pop them and you in fact get so much salt it’s untrue . One even ask as he was waiting to pop some poor hauler , hey why did you kill me , like it’s me in the wrong.


To add to this for Pauls benefit.

Anti-ganking is just another play style in the sandbox of EvE.

Different play styles are fine and good. From mining to Null Sec blobbing.

But EvE takes place in a grim dark setting. Where space is not meant to be safe (even high sec.) no safe places. But high sec has stiffer consequences for illegal aggression than low, which has stiffer consequences than null and WH.

The problem is how people react to ship loss.

Even in low sec, I see a lot of people loose it, become verbally and emotionally abusive and fly off the handle because I destroyed their ship.

Ship loss is expected in EvE. They are tools, not trophies.

One of the best things a new pilot (or any pilot for that matter) can learn, is learn how to loose a ship without taking it personally or making it somehow mean they are crappy at the game. It’s simply not true. A ship loss doesn’t mean a person sucks at the game. It means they are simply playing the game.


I tried to give Altara’s recent kill right to Absolute Order…as she is not actually in AO itself. Nothing I did would work, in the bit where it says choose corp or person to give to. In the end I gave up and just made it public. It’s also now the second kill right I’ve had that has just expired without anything happening…at least I think that’s the case. I do not know if an activated kill right produces a record of some sort, other than just ISK in my account.

It’s also the first time I got a kill right without actually being killed. Which makes bait Ventures an even more interesting notion.

You receive a CONCORD notification when the KR is used. e.g.



We have a video somewhere I’ll link it for you later on how to use kill rights

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as far as i know, Concord has always existed…

Only until the famos day that MOo held the 1 trade hub at the time hostage and tanked Concord and killed them for hours on end…and the Devs(all of them) attempted to go in with a fleet and also got wiped…yeah after that Concord was coded to be invincible.


True story. I even greeted you in local. Having said that, if you do catch me out and about not paying attention or AFK (not likely to happen), feel free to gank the **** out of me. It would be well-deserved.

And, unlike some people, you won’t see me on here whining about it, either…


Well, obviously you wouldn’t with your super sekret main. That’s why there are forum alts and sock puppets that sensible EvE people use!