Nerf Ganking Megathread

So you want a dead game. Ok.

It wont be dead though. People will spin their ships and ill sell them everything they need to spin everything they want which is exactly the way the game was meant to be.


I must admit, I’m too old to do the drugs you’re on.

Ganking is a rather dirty style of pvp. It might be a important part of this game.
I tried it once and I felt after not happy.
So its good if the evil and inconsiderate persons can do that, so we have someone to yell at.

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Great, for sure your style.
CCP wants it.

That’s cool. It’s not for everyone.

But to say that ganking makes that person dirty and low down piece of crap irl is pretty low and dirty (not saying that you are. There have been a number of posters here who have.)

Some of us can distinguish actions done in a fantasy game as fantasy and know that those people probably don’t act that way in real life.

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I didn’t say absolute… but how you like to argue and that is fine. Small minds have small visions.


I said the front page, lol yeah let me go download this FAQ, pretty sure everyone does that when downloading a free to play game… I don’t want to just waste gigs of space on my hardrive now do we.

And I draw my conclusion from the same conclusion you draw gankers are somehow a need in the game. Or even paying to play the game.


That’s your own artificial limit on where CCP is allowed to post information. They don’t care what you individually want and they publish in a lot of places about EVE, including as per the link, on the official company website.

So suck it up butter cup. CCP have clearly stated the equivalent of EVE being an open world PVP environment, whether you like it or not; and whether you try to claim that is only Gix’s interpretation.

Oh the hard life of ganker… don’t argue with us you are just angry now. This isn’t some bs rap battle. If I was going to get angry it is because you stay in high sec where all the babies live and don’t venture out where you can be my content.


You know you can just ask them right?

I don’t think anyone is your content anywhere. You don’t even exist on the kill board.

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A webpage can literally be as long as you want, there is no artificial limit. But let’s not argue about the details of limits here. There is 60 pages of lore on the “official webpage”… point is more information than anyone new is going to digest. The argument was go to Eve Online first page that pops up, also known as the MAIN page… and lets argue there.

CCP has also said open world sandbox? So which is it?


Okay thanks for the reply…

No problem. Anytime you want another, just @ me.

Sure, but that’s not what I wrote. Your artificial limit was on what you saw as an acceptable place for CCP to post on the game and as a result, claimed that Gix’s post was just his interpretation not backed by anything CCP has said.

You are clearly just wrong and not widely read on the game, which isn’t surprising because that’s the nature of carebears.

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Oh so sorry sir, that isn’t what you said? I am just a dumb player in the game, and you are a mister know it all. Okay I will crawl back in my hole and wait until you call my name to come out.

In the meantime, I will study up on Eve which I know nothing about.


Probably a good idea.

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It is a good idea, hey while I am in here studying the game do you want to join? I see you have a very narrow view and maybe that is full capacity for you, but curious. Can more be stored up there?

How so?

This should be fun.