Nerf Ganking Megathread

Scroll the entire post, it is broken record after broken record on repeat. I am not even sure the point of this post other than to troll each other. I am finding that to be too much work at this point. There was a brief moment I thought it would be constructive, but quickly realized nope, you have one view, I have one view and those two views don’t mix. I would sum that up as most in Eve. So we could sit here and argue unchanging views if you like? I mean maybe you find value in that, not sure.


They don’t mix only because you are wrong.

Well, all you need to do is look at what CCP themselves have said and then realise that this isn’t correct:

No, it isn’t just how he sees the game. It’s also how CCP see the game and they’ve clearly said so. The link I posted was just one example.

Whether you choose to have a narrow, unchanging view in the face of clear evidence is up to you, but I’ll always post correct information, because some poor guy might come along and get the wrong idea reading carebear posts.

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Actually, I thought we agreed you were wrong? Narrow thoughts, tiny imagination, no real ability to see a different perspective. I could keep going but I don’t want to get on the naughty list here.

Again they have said it both ways… take a deep breath and try and read the words I am typing and retain them for once… please.

And my link is an example as well… I guess we could do this all day. You unemployed? Seems like you are that type, but I have a job so I only have limited time for the circle here.

Oh and I was thinking I would come here and post so carebears could see the examples of what real mental issues look like when referring to a greifer also known as in the professional world, narcissistic personality disorder. It helps those carebears understand the person they are dealing with, and that their habits in a make believe world is what makes them feel good, and if they lose that it will be very hard on them. We are here for you @Scipio_Artelius dm me if you ever need to talk okay.


You’ve certainly been a good example then.


Man, if I knew I could get a free psychiatric diagnosis on the EVE forums, I would’ve never paid for all that Obamacare.


Because they haven’t learned yet how to avoid being ganked. Something you should learn sooner rather than later if you don’t want to stay a victim.

That’s not even remotely true. There are lots of ways for new players to participate in PVP AND be successful doing it.

That’s also not true at all. There are hundreds of ways to earn money in EVE and no one is stalking new players to prevent them from making money.

Yes, you are. Big time. CCP already investigated this issue and found that meaningful ingame interaction (including being ganked) actually helps retain new players.

What makes you think they don’t? Solitude Pest Control and Tear Extraction. | Corporation | zKillboard

It is an open world sandbox. And you are the sand I pound.



I’m starting to see a broken record trend of a very narrow-minded and limited counter ad-hominem argument going on here.

It is both sandbox and PvP at the same time…



For someone who claims to be so “broad minded” it’s boggling to me that you can’t even fathom it being both, simultaneously.


I don’t consider low, null, and wh ganking. That is just the gameplay. But good job on the null kill content.

Pound lol, probably a buck 150 soaking wet, you pounding sand is like calling Indiana Jones a scary movie.


That’s fine, snowflake. But everyone else would consider it a gank.

We’re talking about a video game. What does someone’s weight have to do with anything? Does it bother you to think that the people absolutely owning you in a video game might be of diminutive stature in real life?

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Oh, mom got you a computer and you learned to google? I give you A+ with two gold stars for the efforts great googling efforts.



OMG, it says PVE all over google what do we do? Why does your say PVP? Very confusing thank goodness you are A+ student.

I am out, you can handle the google / copy paste activities from here on out.


Yeah like looking in a mirror right. Trust me it gets tiring, and sometimes painful. But it isn’t what it is.


Lol no it is Sandbox and PVE at the same time.


You’re really good at missing the point, huh?

ya know, the same ppl that cry so profusely about ganking HS, are the same ones that SCREAM in local when an entire alliance drops in the ore or ice belts and rip everything out from under them…

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Actually it very clearly does. The Official Gameplay Trailer quite specifically mentions PvP on a number of occasions, and such things as wardecs between corporations. It mentions piracy, and that a player can be a pirate…which is precisely what ganking is. It even says highsec is a place of ‘relative’ safety…not absolutely safe.

Can’t help but notice that you have zero zkillboard entry, no record of your existence, so have either never actually played the game or are hiding your main. Either way…why would you care about ship loss when we’ve not seen any record that you’ve ever actually lost one.

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Altara is learning how to talk down to people in the forums!