Nerf Ganking Megathread

You have taught me well :slight_smile:


Are you referring to your existence? Or simply trolling me?

Be a big girl now and type in and then go there and start reading, let me know when you find the words, Open World PvP game.

Yup never played, is this not a vacation forum for a timeshare?

Actually one of the points I agree with, the game needs ship losses, now how that is accomplished is where we start splitting views. I feel high sec should be more of a carebear and never going to really conquer eve space. It is controlled by Empire and you live under their thumb essentially. Low, is where you figure out how to PvP and then wh and null is where you dominate or not depending on how the N+1 goes.


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You mean the bit in your own link where it says " immense PvP and PvE battles " ?


It does say that, and I am not trying to trap you here, but in the sentence would you not agree it doesn’t put any focus on one gameplay or the other, simply states them all. As I think it should, and my point that I have been trying to make here. You should be able to do what you want to do in the game, without the influence of others, in High Sec only I should add. If you want to redefine what security status is Highsec I would even probably get on board with that.


People can place structures in highsec, which means others can declare war on them and fight in highsec. As a member of Wrecking Machine, I could be legally attacked ( in highsec ) by anyone we have a wardec with…and without Concord interference. Great stuff…eh ? Highsec would be boring without it.

I agree that lowsec is more challenging PvP, but even in that respect myself and a few others have been trying to get a group together to challenge several lowsec gate camps. Now that will be fun !

Nullsec would be great if there was actually anyone there most of the time.

As for ganking in highsec, I can’t imagine anything more boring than being able to travel from HQ at Oipo to Jita or down to Dodixie without any threat at all. Groups such as Safety make the trip exciting. In fact, often I will travel down to Dodixie and through all the ganker systems not just to collect intel for the corp but for the excitement of the cat and mouse chase. Likewise, I ocassionaly mine…and the threat of being ganked, and the need for constant vigilance, is the ONLY thing that stops me dying of boredom from watching a mining laser.

A highsec without ganking would be a dead and boring farce. And I say this as someone who every day risks being ganked.

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That is correct and I would never want the option of war to be taken out of high sec. So 100% agree with you on this.

I take you you never flown a freighter, no cat and mouse there. But I don’t want there to be carebear where destruction is 0. I is simply getting the ganking out of highsec and replace it with NPC destruction. There is a different feel to it when you blow up when you have clown in local making a big deal about it, and a silent NPC. There is a huge emotional wave here that should be considered.

If you have ever killed diamond rats, they are really good, they could take out players with no issues and much more efficient than gankers.

But maybe the human chase is the real excitement, but I think if anything was chasing to blow your ship up it is the same rush. Like running a T5 or T6 abyssal, they are very hard and you are on edge all the way to the end.


That sounds like mixing paint so that you can watch someone else watching it dry.

Has Eve even given you the shakes yet? Have you stepped out of your comfort zone in Eve yet? Taken risks? If you are yet to then I can understand your chain of thinking, it will all change.

You don’t have to read the text.

I held some of your views, early on in the game. But actual experience of the game led to a complete U turn despite being ganked myself in my alt account. I came to see that the gankers were not my enemy but my friend, as they provide considerable content and ‘meaning’ to what would otherwise be a totally boring highsec experience. OK, so you loose a ship now and then…but that is a small price to pay for the excitement of a cat and mouse situation where you avoid doing so most of the time.

Thus, anti ganker arguments are always the too one-sided ’ I lost my ship…it’s not fair’ sort and fail to see the broader picture of partaking in a highly dynamic environment where boredom is not the order of the day.


I regularly provide corp intel so that members in freighters or barges can avoid being ganked. You’ll often find me zooming up and down between Jita and Lonetrek and Dodixie in a Gnosis doing my bit for intel. Alas, all too often it is ignored. You can even do your own intel by simply parking in Sivala, for example, and sending a shuttle through the Uedama gate to have a look. If you see a shuttle flying about called ‘Pizza Deliveries’…that is my expendable scout alt who’s killboard losses I dont care about.

So yes, even in a freighter it is still cat and mouse. Heck, I’ve seen times of day when there is not a single ganker in Uedama and you could fly an entire fleet of freighters through.

Guy named after the infamous American outlaw complaining about high sec ganking.

Can’t make this up.

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Carebears only read chat when they’re smack-talked after losing a ship.


No i hate the game and have never played it.

All your links are about pve activities not a pve game where as the other dude’s post was eve as a whole. Eve is a pvp game that has pve in it. Yes you can just do pve but pvp will come for you sooner or later you cant avoid it.


Does the Cormorant suck in ganking?

Yeah, the DPS is pretty bad.

But it’s a great ship for quickly taking a shot at a criminal before CONCORD kills them, which will boost your kill board stats and let everyone know that you’re a skilled PvPer because of your high KDR.


What is the Caldarian Ganker Ship? Are we all doomed to learn Amarr, Minatar or Gallente?

The Caracal can work for medium/large targets, but generally you’re better off with the other races.

Be better if you didn’t need structures to declare war, only to receive a dec.

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