Nerf Ganking Megathread

YES! Or it should be enough to declare war with just a POS

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Yup. Right now hisec wardecs is stagnant and dominated by a couple of groups. If I wanted that I’d go to null.


CCP doesnt care about HS dwellers. Thats good.

I thought you had a job. Why are you responding to me?

Are you unemployed too, but pretending to be employed as a backseat self help therapist?


You’re really good at getting the point, huh?

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I think it would be good if they make 20 or so systems around each starting system 1.0 space and pve only. Its ridiculous that the most complicated and dangerous space in the game is actually highsec. I personally play long enough to easily circumvent most of the hazzards but frankly its most difficult to do so in highsec. And thats where new players start. I do believe that if they create a pve sphere for new players, it would give them an better start to the game. Because lets be honest, a newbro has no change against a veteran pirate whom knows every in and out of the game. A newbro often doesnt understand basic stuff like damage type and resistance or tracking mechanics etc.

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I guess structures define winning and loss. If a group with no structures could declare war, there’d be nothing to define them losing that war.

I disagree , we managed to set goals for a war before structures , maybe we had a reason and a goal to start the war in the 1st place . Unlike blanket war Dec groups , which was why it was changed.

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I also think the penalties should be much higher. I did some freighter ganking in the past myself its to easy to get away with. Especially if you create a character that you don’t use. People against it do underestimate the work involved setting up ganking fleets etc. I personally have more respect for tornado snipers. However its understandable its utterly frustrating for a newbro that doesnt understand the mechanics at all. Also the penalties should be much higher and more simple to understand.

Oh don’t have to read it okay, please stop reading and responding to my post from Mommy’s basement. Thank you.


I would agree with this, it will always be a very set way of thinking for each side and very hard to get that blend. I think that is why CCP New Player Experience is looking at most likely 1.0 system and getting the ganks out of there to create a safe space for new players and that would be fine. I am not so worried about a long-term player getting ganked and quitting. If I happen to get ganked I could care less, but replacing anything I lose is simply docking back up and getting it.

And I can’t say I am 100% against gankers, it is more of the self-fulling stance of it. And when you look at the situations for a toxic player incident, this is typically where they fall into, there are others no doubt just looking at it from a statical probability. I think there could be more punishment for crime i.e. no docking in NPC stations, or longer timers before combat engagement again and could go on. If another player loses all it should be something equal to the same on the other side.


There’s not much else to do, though. She took away my Xbox and blocked 4chan in the router, so this is all I have now.

So you want to normalize the punishment according to the level of player stupidity involved? Like for example, if someone only loses 300 million to a gank because they split their loads and traveled manually, the gankers shouldn’t be punished a whole lot, but if someone loses 3 billion to a gank because they shoved their net worth into an untanked hauler and set it on autopilot through Uedama, the gankers should have the book thrown at them?

Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t gankers be punished according to the amount of effort their targets put in?

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Again as in another post of the broken record club here, Eve is a PvE game with PvP in it. Or is it a PvP game with PvE in it. Or is it a great story with huge depths of lore that has PvE and PVP in it. Or is it the greatest exploration game with Lore, PvE and PvP in it.

What makes the most isk in the game? PvP or PvE?
What activity makes everything in the game PvP or PvE?
What career agent is PvP?
What part of the game lore is only PvP capsuleer based?

Do you still think it is a PvP game with other stuff in it? I don’t particularly want to change your mind, but maybe have the capacity to see it from a different perceptive.


That is information I didn’t know, please proceed to go in circles with me. I enjoy it anyhow.

I might look at this wrong, but I think of gankers as like criminals or pirates lets say in space. So I don’t want them to be punished in the since of isk, although I have tossed the idea of fines around and it would balance gankes quickly. But I like the idea of gankers being treated like criminals. Like you have to set up your own stations that people can now blow up in retaliation, or you can’t get a real job like a real felon, or you can’t use facilities or own gun, so you have to like build this background criminal network that I don’t have access to, to make it in the Empire world. Or maybe not that difficult maybe wh or null-sec branded weapons that have to bring up to support ganking something outside of empire control… I don’t want it to be too difficult but maybe a chapter someone could get into if they choose the life.

The idea you can gank, wait a few minutes, repeat, what a few minutes, repeat. Other than keeping market demand high it doesn’t really add to the story, I guess is my point.


Most gankers belong to established PvP groups, and most gank victims are random low-skill carebears or careless null-sec alts. The idea that there’s some kind of grand navy just waiting to strike at ganker assets doesn’t have much basis in reality. The moment you declare war on those structures, you’ll have high-sec merc groups like BF and RIOT defending them, and major null-sec alliances supporting their gank ops too (e.g. Jason Kusion).

So all a change like this would really amount to is a mechanical inconvenience imposed as a restriction to ganking. It won’t be a player-driven inconvenience, but a game-driven one, and that’s just bad game design, because you don’t want to needlessly inconvenience your players.

But that already is absolutely critical. The market has been in glut mode for over a decade now, and aside from the brief stint with scarcity, the gap keeps growing. The economy is already behind on its destruction quota, and reducing ganking is just going to make that even worse.

There you go busting me out like this on the Eve Forum that millions read… can I call you… please I need to talk some things out, it has been rough lately.


Fact 0 is that no matter the location, as long as there are two or more players undocked, the actual physical game mechanics for enabling PvP are always there and never disabled. So long as two people are undocked in System, the game always allows the targeting of each other and the ability to use aggressive modules.

As a base case consider the game where no PvE takes place. Everyone is in corvettes and still shooting at each other with civilian gatling guns, because Fact 0 is that it is always a PvP game. Even without PvE. The PvP game mechanic is always present and never disabled. Doesn’t matter the kind of ship nor kind of guns. It might not be the most thrilling universe, but that doesn’t matter in a base case reducto ad absurdum. The Fact 0, remains and earns its Fact Zero-ness.

Now take that base case and add PvE. As PvE is added, the ships stop being corvettes and start becoming other combat ships like frigates and destroyers and so on. But it doesn’t change the fact that all those activities happen in addition to Fact 0: PvP is always on. All that PvE is always done under the shadow of PvP because the base case is Fact 0.

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1: Market pvp makes the most money in the game arguably. That is against players not npc’s.
2. Industry and combat in a joint effort, war without industry would see everyone in noob ships and industry without war would see no one buying anything from the market.
3. Faction warfare. (Probably will be even more so when CCP adds more to it.)
4. (Empires of eve series, Actually really good better than any in-game lore.)

Well, maybe fines are the way then, a % of dropped value only not the total value. To be a ganker you have to register with the Empire and pay an escrow account, you can deposit however much you want. Violate/Exceed your deposited amount with the empire no issues, you lose your rights to combat in high sec until you pay the balance due to the account, plus make another deposit.

Still, it would be cool to incorporate it into the story, like when drugs were illegal. And there are plenty of inconveniences. Ganking is the biggest one.

I am not sure it absolutely critical, it plays its part no one can take that way. I have long argued ganking destruction and replaced with NPC any day of the week and keep the numbers up.

Not an expert on the economy, seems things are more expensive not cheaper, maybe less ganking would bring the prices back down in your theory?