Nerf Ganking Megathread

  1. Laughable but okay, if we must. But not the PvP we are talking about.
  2. No you can have NPC destruction higher than wars without PvP.
  3. Faction Warefare I will give you 50% on this one, it is Empire wars, but there is PvP involved in some cases not like you are making it sound, the isk comes blowing up the enemy NPC and earning the LP. The Agent isn’t signing you up to take on Corp XYZ it is to take on the other Empire.
  4. I do own. And I will give you 50% credit here, null sec alliance war is part of the story as null and wh space changes hands.

I still don’t think we are even getting to a reasonable amount here of PvP only game with other things in it.

To keep focus the original argument was, when you go to main page of EveOnline does it give you a feel Eve is a PvP game only with some other items in it. Or is it a sandbox, that allows a player to immerse themselves in whatever they choose.


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your dumbass just needs to go back to WoW, or go play FF14…cause that is the game play you are looking for.


Why not let players define their own win conditions


Oh please. This is just nonsense.

Let’s take a mackinaw as an example. There are no belt rats (with the exception of diamond rats) that are a threat to a mackinaw in high sec. And diamond rats are easily avoided. You look at the agency…… see a pirate stronghold… and mine somewhere else.

So by default the only threat to a mackinaw mining in high sec is gankers.

So if gankers are replaced by NPC rats they need to actually be capable of getting a kill on the mackinaw. So we are looking at a different scale of rat entirely. One that can actually threaten the ship. A small group of diamond rats is a good example.

The problem is then that the mackinaw is mining in the same system as a newbie in his venture. That newbie who you are supposedly trying to protect with this change is now exposed to end game content because otherwise larger ships are effectively immune to destruction.

Same goes for haulers. NPC gate camps need to be able to take out a freighter because we are replacing destruction not getting rid of it. So new players in a badger have to contend with freighter killers.

And what’s worse is that this takes away many of the tools for avoiding danger.

-as things stand gankers are only active in a handful of systems. Most of highsec has zero problem. A change to NPC rats applies everywhere. So instead of new players being inconvenienced around trade hubs they are inconvenienced everywhere. Chosing a quiet system is now pointless.

-NPC rats don’t appear on local. There is no warning. They spawn and the warp in. For players that are accustomed to monitoring local and dscan this is just cr*p.

But then the flip side to that is they are AI. So their behaviour will be predictable. It will only take a few weeks and then the NPC problem will be solved. Whether it’s how long you can mine before they show up, what fit allows you be immune to their scram (the only ever have 2 points in a 0.8 system). Everything about them will be known and documented making them easy to avoid.

Just look at missions. Search the mission and you will find no. rats, damage types, which ones point and web, which ones are triggers etc etc. this will be the same. It reduces eve to an easily solvable problem.

Established players will learn the mechanics and be able to avoid losing ships. But guess who won’t know the mechanics…… newbies. Again those players who you care so deeply about are the only ones going to be losing ships to this.

So all that destruction you want to replace likely won’t happen (apart from those newbie ventures and haulers). People will just dock up until someone clears them. So our destruction problem becomes worse and ontop of that every high sec miner and hauler has an additional inconvenience that unlike gankers……… is actually unavoidable.

Gankers are unpredictable. They show up sometimes on a whim. They may ignore you…. They may gank you just coz they are bored and no targets have come through. They make mistakes.

They make space more dynamic, more lived in and more alive. This complete regression of the game being justified on a “think of the new players” platform when the change will make it worse for new players on so many levels is just absurd.


I don’t want EVE to be like Star Trek Online guys lol Fit Smart Stay away from the trade routes and hubs on your day-to-day activities watch local make sure common gankers are marked red and enjoy the game. It’s not too complicated.

If I want PVE only ill play Star Trek Online or Elite Dangerous


You got it wrong.

It’s a forum that has some game aside of it.


You can call me names all day, but don’t tell me the gameplay I am looking for. I know exactly what I love in Eve and I do it. You can go back to playing with your carebears and cabbage patch dolls.

Oh one other helpful note, did you know Amazon has Audio Books now? I know we talked about it last time being a little shy you can’t read, and you shouldn’t be. I think this is a great opportunity for you to bridge technology with low IQ.


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I’m glad that low IQ people can benefit from audio books.


Amazon has had audio books since at least 2008 (when they bought Audible).

If you can’t read, how will you select your audiobook? I suppose the picture of the narrator on the cover might be a draw, or the illustration itself, perhaps. Bit hit-and-miss though, Mr James?

The staff at a public library of long acquaintance have told me that the majority of audiobooks borrowed are destined not for the illiterate, but for insomniacs and commuters, for practical reasons. The titles are available as fiction and non-fiction, and are useful and popular additions to the stock.

Or did you mean something else?

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Am I the only one who got bored with Jesse? I mean, it’s not like this topic hasn’t been hashed out 1000x with nothing new the past 950.


By definition it is PvP as it is an MMO game. If you want only NPCs to fight…that is what single player games are there for. It is rather absurd to come on to an MMO game where the entire economy is based around conflict…and question whether it is a PvP game !


Think bigger Etch,

You can make the NPC very dynamic, don’t attack a player under 6 months, don’t attack a player at a gate if in Gallenete space and has XX standing. You would have to change current rats, we agree here, but possible… and a project that can be accomplished. We know we don’t want diamond rats everywhere, that would be too much agree with your point here as well.

Your arguments on the rat damage and the like are the same for ganking really. A Cat can only do two types of damage and I would think most know this.

Yes, I think NPC would be much more efficient and you would have destruction through the roof. It would be maybe similar to the triglavian invasion if you remember those times. People in high sec were getting wrecked, and it was okay I didn’t hear too much whining, although there was some. It doesn’t need to be that strong, but I think some blend a few notches lower than that all the way to a diamond rat. A robust dynamic control could be easily built into the game.

Removing gankers wouldn’t make worse players in the game, I don’t think it is a program that pumps out better players. And it wouldn’t remove the gankers gameplay, they just need to do it in low, wh, or null. I know rules there are not in the gankers’ favor as in high sec, but being elite PvP I am sure you will adapt quickly.


I am not going to be insulting to you. I know it is a MMO, and conflict is not only generated by PvP content.


Bored with Jess, I am the only one keep the channel alive. Stop replying to my post and I bet it dies. If not you know I am here.



The shear amount of abuse this mechanic would bring. Glorious!

All sorts of fun ways to abuse this mechanic. The baiting alone.

Yes please! Implement this!


Why 6 months. 6 hours would be far more reasonable.

I have said this many times before good changes just work. If in order to make a change work we have to also change how x works and y works. It is not a good change. And we can see here that in order for you address how this is balanced we need to add a large amount of complexity and AI that would otherwise not be necessary. Bad change.

Well even after this post I see no alternative.

I dont. I think destruction would be virtually non existent. Anyone that knows the rat mechanics wont get blown up. Newbies in ventures however will get absolutely slaughtered.

It will be. There were a few weeks that resulted in destruction. Then once people realised that they were warping to belts and stopped afking it became a non issue and stuff stopped blowing up. Exactly what I’m saying. We have the evidence already. It’s not like this even needs to be tested.

People running trig and Edencom sites in invasion systems is where the destruction was happening. Not just generally in space. It’s a flawed position to look at destruction numbers for that invasion and assume that it supports your argument. It doesn’t.

However it would make the game worse for all the players.

The reason many people play eve is to compete against other players. For people that want to compete against an AI there are hundreds options out there. It’s a bit rude to rock up here and demand the game we love is changed because you want a safe space to crab.

And then high sec is destroyed. As someone who lives in highsec i like having to consider how other players are behaving in my space. It’s what makes the game interesting. Stop trying to ruin that


I mean you know we are talking about NPC programming code correct, you couldn’t use it to bait a player… NPC here ganking out of high sec is the scenario.

Here to summarize don’t worry I got you.


Who will inform players when they fly their cargo expanded charon to Jita? The whole point of ganking is to learn why you died and correct your behavior. So yes ganking should in turn create a more aware player. Your overthinking the entire dynamic in EVE
It has been at least 4 months from when I died to a gank last it’s not hard not getting ganked. And I do travel the trade routes often as an Incursion Runner.


One day Jesse will understand. We should all try to be patient and compassionate towards him in the meantime. Sending thoughts and prayers through my Light Neutron Blaster II’s, little bro.


Your innocence is so cute.