Nerf Ganking Megathread

So this is all about the nasty gankers mocking you in local and hurting your sensitive fee-fees? Post with your main, coward.


Maybe you don’t understand the game as much as I thought. 6 months could be a little long, maybe 2-3 months I think would be okay for the casual player, I think some could learn and understanding things a little quicker.

Small minds think small, what can I say Etch.

Maybe you have been playing for a day or two, but Triglavian invasion wiped out trillions in its first couple of month and that number just got bigger and bigger.

I guess you are another one that can’t read here. I will contact CCP and see if they can make a feature where I can record through my mic so you can listen.

The destruction is there, the value might not be the same, as gankers typically don’t gank silly things with no value, but ship numbers will be there.

We will just have to disagree, you can go to Zkill and look you know. Just type in Triglavian Collective… you can do this for any faction in the game it will be there, better than sounding like a Karen.

It won’t make worse Etch, just the ones with small imagintations.

That is great and there is a proving ground and I encourage all to go.

Not demanding anything, what can you change or I. It is coming though, and that was talked about at Fan Fest. What it will be, I don’t think anything like I am talking about, but who knows let us see.

I like flying around in mining ships, stop ruining the game, it is what makes it interesting.

Your arguments are horrible, please come back with coherent thoughts.


Lmao HuGe EmOtIoNaL wAvE

:sob: :face_holding_back_tears: :ocean: :ocean:

Lol :eye: :tongue: :eye:

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Emotions waving like a flag after getting ganked

So sad. So poignant.

:eye: :eye:

No as you can tell mocking me I don’t care, call me names, getting ganked, not getting ganked. But was having an intelligent conversation about what human emotions are, and how a new player could feel. Don’t worry Raylan you will evolve one day into higher thought. Thank god you are immortal…there is HOPE.

By the way, I am hungry can you go fetch dinner and when you get back I will patch up those knuckles of yours as they are bleeding again.


You can always make up for your failings with a condescending attitude and talking down to your betters as if they were children.


Won’t someone think of the poor potato farmer


Xuixien if you need to talk I am here for you, just give me a call no problems. Can we get some support in chat for Xuxien lots of hearts lots of heats please!!

Stay strong now.


This is the only bit in your response that merits a reply. The rest is just nonsense.

I encourage you to consider the difference between battleships and mauraders blowing up in invasion COMBAT SITES where players are actively engaging in end game pve content and roaming rats killing miners and haulers.

Sure trillions were destroyed but how much was roaming rats? As opposed to destruction of ships running endgame content.

That trillions figure you are referencing includes all of it. By all means go through it and give me a value for ventures and haulers. I think you will be surprised at how low a number that will be :slight_smile:

You tell me to think big when you arnt even looking wide enough to see the whole picture.


Jesse if you need to talk I am here for you, just give me a call no problems. Can we get some support in chat for Jesse lots of hearts lots of heats please!!

Someone make dinners his knuckle are bleeding. Huge :cry: waves :ocean: of :cry: emotion :ocean:



You will eventually get the joke. :people_hugging: sometimes they are just needed.


Is the American outlaw still crying about real players ganking instead of the “Glorious One Truth” that it should be done by NPCs?

I give this troll a 1/10 rating and only because of the quantitatively impressive amount of verbal spewage.


Most insulting thing said to me all day.


How would it get the numbers up?

Your idea would result in the same amount of salt from players losing ships, but in the process would also eliminate the play style of at least a couple of hundred of players, causing them to leave the game. And they’re some of the game’s most active players, so it’s an impact that will be felt in the PCU.

So what exactly would be achieved?

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If you “didn’t care”, you would be posting with your main rather than trolling and trying to turn an MMO into a single player game just so you don’t have to experience another huge emotional wave. :kissing_heart:

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If you want we can all roll play as npcs and come shoot you Jesse, if that would make you happy.

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Get rid of all player run mining ships. Remove all mining modules from the game. The only mining ships left are NPCs. And the NPC mining fleets. The only way to acquire minerals is to gank the NPCs and take their minerals.

If this idea sounds like a ■■■■■■■ load of ■■■■■■■■, then maybe its opposite idea is as well. Except I can be concise in my arguments.

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Why not let the npc’s mine and then the npcs kill the npc miners and us players cant play anymore we can just watch.

In an ideal mmo there are no npc’s every interactable is a player but thats never going to happen. Npc’s follow the same routines over and over once you learn to beat them it gets boring, players adapt they learn they try silly/crazy things which sometimes work players are just alot more fun to interact with than npc’s.

So why replace players with npc? It may sound good to you in the short term but in 2months you will be bored out of your mind.

Npc’s are great as a filler to do the things players don’t want to do.

I wish we could just have a levelheaded discussion about ganking in EVE. I personally think the ganking system is alright my self. You can still have bling items and enjoy EVE! The incursion community is the best example of this. Many people with 5+bil fits hauling them safely and smartly through HS and moveing their travel tanked hulls around.
I even outsmarted a ganker once. This was some years ago but a local ice belt ganker ganked my mackinaw right?

I went back to the same place but my mackinaw was tanked. Caught the ganker off guard and he lost his naga we both had a great laugh about it. This was a true story! I play EVE for these kinds of situations.

People need to chill… relax. Get away from the hustle and bustle of Jita youll find the further you are in jita the more peaceful it is! Some great regions a good distance away from Jita are Genesis, Devoid, Kanaid Kingdom, and even Amatarr space. (Mind the spelling) It’s really a small minority that I think keep hyping up ganking.

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You guys don’t get it! Only Jesse does. He’s so superior and high IQ. Always 3 steps ahead in 4D chess. Maybe one day you’ll get it, after Jesse gets suicide ganking removed.

:eye: :compass: :o:

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chess is already 4D time(moves) being the other dimension.

On a serious note lets say you are a marauder doing lvl 4’s in a 1.3b fit to be conservative you are aware of ganks so you never afk.

You get a mission with no gate your spamming dscan to look for combat probe’s you think your good so you warp to your 0 bookmark on station becuase hey they might try bump me off let me be a lil prepared.

Hand in the mission take the next, undock use the insta undock bookmark becuase hey they might be cloaked on the undock waiting for me to get 1km away from station so they can triple web me and bring in ganker’s. Get to the gate jump now your 12km’s from the gate they saw you on scan on a neutral alt in the previous system and decided to wait 1 system out on the gate for you and they gank you there.

What is the counter play at that point? try burn back to gate? mjd? someone in a desi will scram you before you succeed in any of those. Having a scouting alt?

I can understand from what princess said about ganking being hard to setup and requiring a lot of patience. But I can understand some players frustration because if they want you dead you will die.

So my advice to people in high sec is don’t fly slow ass ship’s, that leave you vulnerable to other players decisions.