I made a whole list of counter play options in the first post of this thread, and it’s not even all inclusive.
A horse is not an animal because we call them horses, and not animals.
By the way does anyone want to go for a PvP after this? I’m also up for running some PvE’s if you would rather do that.
That’s demonstrably false, but it’s irrelevant to the point I was trying to make. I was trying to draw attention to the fact that it requires significantly less effort to be a line member in a “real PvP” fleet, than it does to gank (assuming you’re hunting by yourself, or doing the work in a ganking fleet, and not just being a line member in a ganking fleet).
Also, you get a lot of things wrong -and I’m not just talking about the things for which there “is room for debate” (i.e. ganking doesn’t require skill). I mean, you sometimes get things wrong that can be unequivocally proven wrong. So, doesn’t that give you pause? What about the fact that you lack experience as a ganker? Let me put it this way. I have a decent amount of experience in sov warfare as a line pilot, logi pilot, and logi anchor, and have done a little bit of FC’ing outside of sov warfare. In spite of this, however, I wouldn’t dare to presume that I have more than a casual knowledge of bloc level FC’ing, and sure as hell wouldn’t be proposing changes to bloc level FC’ing or sov warfare balance.
Speaking of which, I don’t like the argument about you not posting on your main. I mean every person in this thread is using an anonymous pseudonym, and I’m not one for giving out free intel myself. But the main reason I don’t like it, however, is because it distracts from what I see as a significantly bigger issue -the fact that someone who does not understand nor value a play style is proposing massive changes to that play style, while generally dismissing what the experts of that play style have to say on the matter.
And, just in case you were curious, I do an embarrassing amount of PvE in HS. I have experience on both sides of the blaster, and am invested in and value both predator and prey play styles. Obviously, I do have preferences when it comes to UPvP and challenge, but it’s not exactly like I’m speaking from the perspective of a pure ganker who hates carebears and doesn’t understand what it’s like to do PvE in HS.