Nerf Ganking Megathread


Lets make alts and all join JJ new corp

Funcom’s Age of Conan actually has a mechanic like this. While gathering from resource nodes, you are randomly attacked by bandits.

It worked for a time, but bots were eventually made smarter.

skillcap in dota 2 is 1000x higher than eve

lmfao :rofl:

This isn’t counterplay, it is simply running away. Counterplay on some level of interaction is counterplay. Playing chess with a friend, she makes the first move, you get up from the table and walk away isn’t counterplay.

Ganking being an integral part of the game would be stretching the truth. It is a part of the game; we can agree there. If ganking went away, I think little to nothing happens in the game.

This thread isn’t to talk about the game, plenty of those out there, and it is to discuss ganking good, bad, and indifferent. If I thought there wasn’t a issue, I wouldn’t be here Altara.


We have people waiting to take your calls; please stand by.


In chess moving your King to avoid being Checked is certainly counterplay.


Okay, I adamantly disagree with JJ on a number of things, but it’s ridiculous to flag posts because you don’t like the person, or what they have to say. Moreover, it gives people reason to believe that gankers and their ISD pets are trying to shut down discussion.

Besides, there’s no need resort to forum metagaming when his arguments are as bad as they are.


Plot twist: He flagged his own post from alts to create the impressions his opinion is being silenced by gankers and their ISD allies. :upside_down_face:


Plot twist. JJ is my alt.


Lily_Flapper is my alt and only reason for using that to comment was for FW that is coming based on Fanfest.

Cash me outside how bout dat

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Plot twist, Ax’l Thorne is my main.

I keep forgetting ,whos alt am i ?

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All these alts… Does this mean this thread is one big psychological influence campaign?

I need to get my shiny metal hat.

This is just semantic nonsense. As far back as Sun Tzu’s ‘The Art Of War’ it has been taught that victory comes from avoiding un-necessary fights.

""The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.” ( Sun Tzu )
""The wise warrior avoids the battle.” ( Sun Tzu )

When it comes to ganking, the greatest chess move you can make is to avoid the confrontation in the first place. Survival is a tactical victory.


And apparently even more important to them miners: it is an economic victory as well. :wink:

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Yeah, this is also another example of JJ trying to use a no true Scotsman argumentative fallacy in order support his position. First, he tried redefining “PvP” to exclude ganking. Now he’s trying to redefine “counterplay” in order to exclude a good chuck of the counterplay options that exist. Apparently it doesn’t matter to JJ that it’s trivially easy to avoid being ganked because ships that have been purposely selected for and fit for PvE can’t easily kill specialized glass cannons that have been purpose built for killing them in 25s or less.

And on a side note, PvP avoidance is also used by people who are actively trying to engage in PvP. Just because you want to fight doesn’t mean that you have to fight on your enemy’s terms, or take fights that you know you can’t win. So yeah. PvP avoidance is counter play, and it is absolutely essential l to Eve’s design… well… unless you want to nerf ganking. Then it’s not “real counter play.”

And, Ramona said something to this effect earlier, but since we’re here, your analogy is crap. Avoiding a fight in Eve Online is more akin to moving a piece so that it doesn’t get taken, than it is to stop playing the game.


Your only shooting highsec trash, calm down ganker.

You suck at pvp thats why u need to target noobs who can not even fight back.

You will never make it on that list and noone cares about ur 95% uedama catalyst killboard.