Settlers of Catan but every die roll lets you move the robber.
Now I understood the real reason behind this thread, it is a Just Chatting thread.
Can someone rename the thread to Just Chatting?
I see no hate around, for sure this is all love, hate gets old fast but love brings all the dedication I see around here.
Ok, I rolled a 7.
I will open the chest and search for gold.
I think it depends entirely on context. Personally I always issue a ‘gf’ if I lose a ship…precisely so the other person knows its just a game and there are no hard feelings. It also stops any salt dead in its tracks. If I score a kill of any sort I usually say nothing at all.
I know a few tricks of the trade.
If your lot ganked me you’d probably get a ‘what took you so long ?’ You should know from this forum that I am not put-downable and could easily cope with your crew’s banter. I mean, it’s not like I don’t see it every day in the ‘Why did I get ganked’ chat
I can cast Taunt II, thrice daily.
Yes but nobody can laugh at me better than I can. I’d join in. People who can laugh at themselves are those most likely to survive Eve.
I’m not interested in this thread or this particular subtopic, but your well written response warrants some reply.
You’re attaching a lot of emotional or judgmental significance to words - misunderstanding and ignorance become a claim of “stupidity” rather than simple lack of knowledge or difference of ideology. Pointing out misunderstanding becomes “hostility”.
In the same manner, when one person aggresses another, and they follow up with communication, misunderstanding and false attribution of emotional attitudes abound.
Some of this will be honest error, or a hasty emotional response that snowballs out of proportion. There is also little doubt that some people intentionally provoke and antagonize another person (on either side of the equation) simply because they want to stir up a greater reaction.
I personally have seen no evidence or links of GMs actually “blaming” or levying consequences against an aggressor for the overblown reactions of his target. Until I do, my attitude towards the entire discussion is “people trying to make mountains out of molehills”.
That said, if it does occur, and evidence does exist, then I would classify it as one of two things:
Either the GM in question made an erroneous call, which is acceptable. People make mistakes. So long as it isn’t CCP policy to do this, and I see nothing in their policy that says it is: Real-Life Harassment & Threats Policy - EVE Community
Or the GM looked at the conversation and decided the aggressor was crossing the line with their comments, which is in line with their policy and probably should always have been. While the injured party is responsible for not going ballistic with their anger, the aggressor also needs to be aware that excessive provocation with the intent of pushing the target into ever angrier responses also has consequences.
To get back to your original comment, nothing in this issue demonstrates “a lot in common” with the discussion we were having in the other thread.
That you came to this conclusion is perhaps understandable and forgiveable, but implies you may need to work harder on not lumping widely differing points as “similar” because of a single label.
You should consult your doctor if these symptoms persist.
The mean IRL psychopath salt farmer-ganker narrative…
I like ganking. Ingame destruction in highsec is a very fun part of the game. It is relaxing with short bouts of high stress & action like most EVE activitys. Sometimes the interactions with players are very funny, wholesome, annoying, scary or pitiful. How any player interaction goes after ganking someone, (or what he drops for that matter) does not influence if I gank next week. That is simply my favorite EVE activity.
Now under this narrative, of me farming for salt, or how other people said it to me, ‘trying to make other players feel bad’, me simply saying ‘gf’ after a gank, is trying to get a negative reaction.
Imagine this in any other setting in EVE. You simply saying ‘gf’ is a bait to invoke a emotional reaction. If you unpack this argument, it’s solely based on the moral judgement of the ganking playstyle. If you see ganking as legitimate playstyle, a player saying gf will not be seen as an insult.
On the other hand, if you are part of the 'perma-green-safety-brigade’, the sole act of saying ‘gf’ is indeed a grievious insult to the other partys honor.
‘How dare this evil ganker imply that this was anything other than the act of a IRL evil person against poor innocent me?!’
Why would I want people to see the game, me or anyone else that way? Why would I want to be IRL threatened, insulted on a level that is certainly going into ToS - regularly. There is even a big part of the community that continuously excuses it. ‘He was mad after being ganked’ even at CCP support. I find this the really toxic part about the ganking/community related interactions.
Please really rethink what you people are constantly defending and trivializing here: big parts of the community see it as normal and acceptable to abuse other players, after normal ingame interactions. Interactions that we all agree are currently legal under ToS, regardless of personal view on them. It is so common, that it’s a meme known to the whole community.
From E-Uni to the mining chat, haulers to incursion, all the blocs and in every space, you will find people who will tell you after receiving abuse, you deserved it. ‘It was to be expected, afterall you ganked this poor soul and he is rightfully angry! In fact, you kinda asked for it and isn’t this what you are really after?’
Yesterday I had two big ganks, the first already convo’d me before I docked up. Telling me this was a great gank and congratulating me. That was a good sport. It was a nice conversation, I told him what he did wrong unprompted, and i like to think he went away from that as a better player. At the very least, he got a very good idea where to start and what got him ganked. That was just me being nice giving free advice after someone talks to respectfully. Some people here should try it.
Another guy, who took a really big loss, was all good sport about it too. Just convo’d me and asked some polite questions. That is healthy behavior, as it should be. Those are the good players, the sane people you want to be in corps with. But sadly they are in the minority.
Other players lost total control before, but later convo’d me respectfully and apologized. Everyone has a bad day, I am human too. Np bro, growth is always nice to watch.
Now if someone goes completely crazy, this might have some amusement value, in the way that a crazy person ranting in front of a store might be. Sure this is interesting to see, maybe you take out your phone and film it while the guy writes his issues on the wall with poop. You might post it to a friend to giggle about this silly person.
But it’s certainly not funny once this insane person try’s to find out where I live. Talks about my family, what he wishes to do with me IRL, what kind of diseases me or my family should die off etc. It’s a good part of the ‘salt’ we are talking about here.
This might be fun from a certain distance, but does get old very quick it’s kinda repetitive.
Again this is very very common behavior in this community after a gank. This is normalized and excused as ‘salt’. The only way people can morally defend this, is by turning the whole ganking community into somekind of amoral evil entitiy that deserves it. Only when doing this, you can stand there and defend the ‘salt reaction’ (let’s call it abuse)…
‘Of course Apo baited this death threat, he is farming for a reaction afterall and now he got it!!11’
Honestly, it tells a lot about about you people. If trying to work through this abuse with humor is not a viable strategy, are you people suggesting that I should instead let these people get to me in earnest?
I am sure Aiko’s sole purpose when undocking is farming rape threats, constant disgusting sexist advances and other nonsense.
For us ganking is just a normal playstyle, like exploration, mining, FW, mission running or the good ol’ Jita-scammer. This community needs to grow up.
I mean, it takes two clicks to block someone.
Sound strategy with individual misbehaviour. Sadly it’s a big part of the community and the problem here, which i described in my post, is that the community views this as normal and acceptable. Your reply also shows on which side of this argument you stand.
I stand on the side of the argument that I’ve been playing games on the internet for almost two decades and have gotten over being called mean names.
I’ll give you 3 messages to say something sensible. If after the third theoretical you is still just going on and on and being pure cancer, you’re blocked, and I go on with my life.
It is not at ALL unique to Eve.
Is it possible to purchase additional messages for a reasonable fee?
For you, Destiny?
Psh, heck no.
Unless it’s a very reasonable fee from my perspective, then perhaps. Everything has a price.
The Mittani was cancelled because of this exact same attitude.
Oh no… whatever would I do…
I’ll give you 3 messages to say something sensible.