Nerf Ganking Megathread

Funny thing is, every stat and KM he uses is from 6 years ago, when yes, the average eve player was different, hell the whole game was different. These days though, ganking does hurt player retention, and otherwise destabilize a game where a single ship loss can set a new player back over a month of playtime at current bounty/ore vs ship price. Why bother playing if you have a rookie ship and say a cruiser, and it takes you a month to rebuy the cruiser without opening your wallet

Fly a cheaper ship, and stop crying?

actually can afford to fly basically what i want, but that has been the most common story of newbros quitting in the last couple years i’ve heard. Personally i play both styles, don’t mind going after someone on occasion (suck at it, but fun), or defending barges to whelp on people trying to whack them (funny how fast “elite” pvpers run when there’s a combat ship in a belt). Really if you want cheap thrills go to null and leave the new guys/miners alone, we can’t afford people getting their jollies off with the player counts what they are.

  • Don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose.
  • If it takes you one month to pay for a cruiser, then you should probably prioritize figuring out how to increase your isk efficiency.
  • You can also reduce your chances of being ganked to damn near zero by following the tips in my first post.
  • Honestly, getting ganked does make some people quit. However, it also makes some people stay. Moreover, if you quit when faced with adversity, then Eve probably isn’t the right game for you.

FYI, cruiser prices are about where they were at 6 years ago. In fact, prices for most ships/mods used by newish players is about where they were at 6 years ago. So, I’m not persuaded by an assertion that current events has increased the damage that ganking is causing them. Maybe your argument might have held some validity 3 months ago. But I’m not even sure about that.
No P2W


Almost all of the miners we kill are not newbies most are many many years old and a fair amount of them claim to be alts of null players lol so where do you get this idea that miners in highsec are new players. If i was a new player i would be playing eve and trying things out and going places to see whats out there and not just log in warp to belt afk mine all night and log off.

Also a month to replace a cruiser ? what are you doing, even mining in highsec that will only take a few hours and everything else in eve pays more than mining.


Cool story.




Quiting without contracting “stuff” to me don’t count.

Why not on the launcher button already? “Launch PvP Game”

People like you said since forever that ganking is really really bad for player retention and they all where so sure about it. That continuously uttered sentiment was the actual reason CCP went and collected all the data to find out if there is something about it, and it turned out it isn’t.

And now you think since it’s been 6 years, we can now just throw the results away and once again go with the anecdotal evidence and gut feelings of the carebears?


We all hear many different things. Most of us don’t automatically believe everything we hear, though.


Exactly which belt are you camping in that “combat” ship, friend?


Just don’t be poor, there’s things you can do as a newbie to afford stuff such as salvaging behind corp mates or idk joining a corp and doing something with them?

You "play both styles " and you are “going after someone on occasion”
So, you have two kills: One is from someone who dunked you and then lost his ship to someone else 15 min later. The other kill is a Velator…
Do I need to say anything else?

As a Newbro and Gamer of Heart I have to agree with all of the stated above.

Getting ganked is part of the game. Ganking does not hurt the game or plyer experience in any way but it does drive economy and allows miners to make money.

Also if you are bothered by ganks there are two options.
#1 Go play MInecraft
#2 git gud



:smirk: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:

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Getting killed was one of the things that got me to stay in Eve, the funny part was the first few times it happened I didn’t know I had been killed. To me things just changed and I didn’t know why.
I suppose that says a lot about the user interface.


Since CCP makes money from destruction it is crossing the realm of in game fraud (ccp thinks as a form of gameplay) to allow ganking, you can make a sandbox but to make money off the directly actions within the sandbox is dubious. CCP needs to stop the sale of plex for isk in game, everyone should pay for the game equally. A similar comparison if World of Warcraft allowed people to profit and loot players items if killed in PVP. Then requiring the players to repurchase armour and weapons after one kill. Then also sell player in game time as a tolken for gold. The later is already in effect. So to mirror eve they only need to make people lootable and force them to repurchase all armour and weapons. And pay for talents time for real world money conversions. No MMO currently gets away with all of these manipulations of economics.

When you buy PLEX from CCP, you agree to this.

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you are talking about the Laissez-faire form of economics which means no regulation. Sure you can make a contract with no consideration. But in the real world there is Offer, Acceptance and consideration.

Consideration is what you need to focus on to understand the underlying ideology discussed.

Consideration from google means:
Something of value to which a party is not already entitled

So to accept plex purchases are a thing of value you must accept the intangible value. Once you have done then then you accept real world regulation.

Courts have ruled that video game purchases are on par with the purchase of tickets for a carnival game at the amusement park. You might argue that your darts were poorly designed, and the balloons were not of uniform size, and the ‘referee’ or barkie was not impartial, and they failed to properly count all the jellybeans in the jar, and the other players were cheating to win the stuffed teddy bear, but the court is going to reject your case on the grounds that you agreed to play the game and common sense should have told you that this is just a silly game with undefined rules, which you most likely will lose.

As the courts will (and have) concluded, you are not paying for any specific status, accommodation, or feature of the game. What you are paying for is merely the experience of the game itself, and it might be unfair, but that’s what you agreed to. In fact, when you agreed to the EULA, you explicitly consented to the fact that CCP has sole arbitration over what is or isn’t fair. Once you have paid, the money is gone, and you have no recourse to demand that it be returned. The courts will not interfere with CCP’s decisions. The courts recognize that this is a game. Do you?

In essence, a video game is an artform, and the court will not judge whether the art is good or bad. It’s basically like going to watch a movie. Maybe you don’t like the movie, but good luck getting a court to demand the theater return your admission fee. No refunds!


:boom: :balloon: :boom:

CCP could ban me tomorrow, and maybe they will. I would be sad, but if I ever met Hilmar in person, I’d tell him that this game was the most fun. I love it, and I’ve been having a great time. I’ve made so much isk, I have no idea what to even do with it. OMG I WON A RORQUAL AND A SUPERCARRIER!! OMGomgOMG. So maybe you should just be a little more like me, and you’d be having fun too.


I know, deep down, I’m Hilmar’s favourite character.