Nerf Ganking Megathread

I’ll be just fine if they replace CONCORD with Lucas Kell.

I know that was directed to Aiko, who is overdoing recently, but I would like to reply to this too.

There are three reasons that I am engaging, or used to be engaging in this pointless thread.

  1. I love (and hate at the same time :wink: ) this game and I would like it to get better or at least not worse. This is why I am suggesting improvements or ideas that I believe would make the game better or more balanced despite I know that CCP doesn’t give a :poop: and it is just waste of time doing it. I am amateur game designer and programmer myself and I enjoy modding games or modding/improving the mods to games. Whatever I play, I just see what could be done better and if I don’t have the opportunity to change it myself I like to talk about it with developers or if that is not an option that at least with other peoples who play the same game as me.
    And obviously this is why I am arguing with those who wants to remove ganking out of the game as that is content that I enjoy doing in this game and I believe that without it the game will die or at least gets significally worse.
  2. The game is bland and plays itself. For example right now I am doing lvl 3 distribution missions. And while doing this (or other activities I do like ganking Leopards at Jita undock or lvl 3 security missions or hauling stuff to Jita or perhaps even mining with some of my alt, the game doesn’t require a lot or any of input and all I can do is to watch the screen and game playing itself for most of the time. So during this I read forum (I am not into Netflix really although I have it subscribed…) and sometimes write there myself like just now :wink: .
  3. I liked discussing with others and perhaps persuade them they are wrong or rather that I am right by countering their arguments. But that was until I realized that majority of the posters here are gank-haters with an agenda who are not here to discuss, but to endlessly spam and troll. Which is why I am not posting as much anymore. There is no point discussing with peoples like @Dracvlad , @Jesse_W_James , @DrysonBennington and @Lucas_Kell . What is happening to this thread in like last month is insane and it is no longer even enjoyable to read at all. I skip most of the posts these days (most of them are automatically hidden for me anyway, although the ignore feature is buggy lately and some of the posts are normally visible to me and sometimes the quotes of someone else to someone I have blocked aren’t empty either).

So yeah I gave up. Go and destroy this game if you so wish. At least I will be able to win it :wink: .

So you want CONCORD to never spawn at all?


Yes, that sounds fine to me.

I’m sure Vokan thinks I’m overdoing here, but I’m quite serious.

Can you imagine if someone like Lucas or Vladdie were a senior GM?

I bet they’d do stuff like teleporting away their titans when in danger, or forcefully deleting wars against them that were fully paid for because they’re legitimate targets, and then not even refunding the war fee.


Fun for everybody! Maybe CCP is hiring? :thinking:


I was unaware ganking involved feet. I shall have to take an anti ganking stance then because feet are gross.

You hate your feet?

You are extremely strange.

covered in miners tears.

I suppose it is a function of balance in the universe. If there are people that fetishise them then there are people that would rather more people covered them with socks.

This is not better

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It’s not.

And again, just because you and your little mates believe something, doesn’t mean I’m the ONLY one that disagrees.

Nope. It’s evasion. It doesn’t counter a gank, it avoids it. Remaining docked will avoid ganks for example, it will not counter them.

What we’re talking about is actual counterplay, as in antigankes playing the opposing role to gankers. That does not exist because ganking is entirely one-sided. This is undeniable, and that’s why you’re tying to cast fitting a ship as “counterplay”, so you don’t have to accept that ganking is one-sided and unbalanced and can shift the goalposts. It’s also why you’re resorting to insults, because your argument has no merit.

I’ve linked multiple times in this thread to CCP saying it does.

So then why have they stated outright that they intend to reduce highsec ganking?

Yes, of course most people opposed to highsec ganking would disagree with replacing highsec with NPC nullsec. This is standard ganker logic. “The only way to balance ganking is to remove literally the only thing that adds any sort of barrier to ganking”. It’s simply not true.

This is why most of us are here.

Sure that is your opinion, and it’s entirely valid. I happen to disagree.

On this we agree. But I think the solution is to improve the gameplay mechanics, not to leave in aa mechanics that allows a group of veterans to grief any players that have knowledge gaps in the game and create negative progress. I don’t think being forced to repeat progress using poorly designed gameplay mechanics is a good thing for player retention.

This isn’t true, we simply have views you disagree with. And what you seem to expect is that we state our view, you say “No, I think X” then you expect us to say “Oh you’re right actually” and then immediately accept your view. The fact that we don’t doesn’t make us trolls, it just means you haven’t made anywhere near a compelling enough argument for us to change our opinions.

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There’s no “us”.

It’s literally just you by yourself.

If you say so.

I do say so.

Even antigankers don’t want ganking removed from the game.

Who would they antigank if ganking is removed?

Yes, I’m sure many of them just want it balance. I’m most certainly not the only person that wants ganking removed though.

So you want to kill the antiganking playstyle?

It’s already dead. Removing ganking would kill the ganking playstyle while simultaneously kicking the corpse of the antiganking playstyle.

Well, it’s a good thing nobody agrees with you.

Nope. No one has said that.

Of course it isn’t, but then it’s a sentence you made up yourself.

Are you surprised. The unelected representatives of the new players presenting opinions as fact. Spinning as freely as any politician and ultimately serving their agenda rather than the people they claim to serve.

If they get what they want they will be after transaction tax breaks for their mates next.