Just throwing this out there, Cilla; when ‘I got ganked’, something like a couple of weeks into the game, it didn’t even occur to me to go mewling to Rookie Help. I was more like, ‘What happened?!’
So I dug around in and out of game and discovered that I’d been foolish, and that I could put that right straight away.
‘Why’ questions are almost always less profitable than ‘What’ questions.
An interesting comment…but ‘cheap’ is relative. When one is a brand new noob, 10,000 ISK is a lot. The cost of a Procurer seems a lifetime worth of mining away. A month into Eve, the cost of a Procurer is peanuts.
In many ways THIS is my issue with ganking. Not that it is ‘wrong’ but that so much of the justification for it is retrospective from people with lots of experience. It’s easy to argue that noobs can afford cheap ships when one has billions of ISK. Being barely out of noob-ness myself ( though yet to be ganked ), I see it all from quite a different perspective. Perhaps when I’ve been in Eve 5 years I’ll be making ‘cheap ships’ comments
Yes, by a couple of weeks in one generally knows about ganking and has taken steps, as far as possible, to avoid it. If anything, I like the cat and mouse game that makes my mining run more exciting…and the challenge of making my ship as ‘un-gankable’ as possible. I’m fair game now…and would not go moaning to anyone if ganked…not least because I can afford to replace my ships easily.
That’s because I’ve picked up Eve really quickly. I now know all about keeping an eye out in Local chat, using D-Scan, tanking up my ship, etc, etc. I now thoroughly enjoy Eve…including the threat of being ganked.
But in my first week I didn’t have a clue what was going on. If someone had said ’ we zonked you with 15 ships to teach you all about the game ‘…I’d have just thought ’ stuff that’ and moved on, because it was all hard enough as it was.
Great ! Someone who tries out a game for free for a few days is a ‘loser’…but apparently a horde of 15 people who zonk them because they can’t compete at real PvP…aren’t
But it seems the argument is being had both ways here. I have one group telling me that ganking noobs is fine as it shows them what Eve is all about…and another arguing that noobs rarely ever get ganked. Well, I’ve now watched enough Youtube vids on the topic to know that noobs do get ganked quite regularly. Sure the 15 Tornadoes is hyperbole…but there are Ventures in the Kill boards, and quite a few Procurers.
I don’t ‘get’ the logic of taking down a Procurer. The 5 to 10 ships used surely cost more than the 40m ISK Procurer itself. So this isn’t being done for profit, but just for ‘kills’. But the true hit rate is sort of 5 to 10 losses for every kill…which doesn’t make a whole lot of bragging sense.
Don’t fly a ship you can’t afford to lose. If you can’t afford to lose a procurer, don’t fly it. Problem solved.
As you upgrade to a more expensive ship, you are explicitly giving consent to PvP, and by mining (or ratting, or whatever) you are getting paid by CCP to act as a target for people who are out to kill you. That is the game we are playing.
And of course you’re going to link me to wherever any of the devs stated they ‘intended’ suicide ganking to be part of the game. There’s always loopholes. One ought not to be able to rez sim sized prims in Second Life…making new ones was blocked…but there’s loads of old ones about and nobody stops one rezzing them…I’ve used them myself and I know it is cheating…but it is ‘allowed’ in the sense that the devs can’t be bothered sorting it out. If people ‘can’ do something, they will. But that’s not the same as ‘this is what the game is all about’.
How much money a player makes is irrelevant. Naturally, the size of losses that players can stomach will grow in proportion to their income, but the fact remains that no one, regardless of how much money they make, should fly what they can’t afford to lose. And the sooner that newbros learn this, the better off they’ll be. I know some people might think that losing 7 or so hours of work might be a harsh price to pay, but those that don’t learn such lessons early will often pay a significantly higher price.
And it has been a while since I was a newbro, but I do remember losing my first barge to a gank. I only had that retriever for about 2 hours before a venture started cozying up to me. Few seconds later, I had a catalyst wedged sideways up my ass. Didn’t even have enough money to replace the barge, and had to go back to mining in a venture. It did suck, but I decided to spend that time reading up on how to avoid ganks, and made my second barge a properly tanked procurer. Many lessons were learned as a result of that gank, and I most certainly emerged from the experience as a better player.
Gankers don’t target noobs…oh noooo. Er…that would explain why there’s so many members of Goonswarm, Fraternity, etc, etc, all hanging out in Rookie Help…eh
Yah, they are recruiting newbros, to come join them in the null tutorial. That’s where new players are supposed to go. Highsec is the arena of elite PvP.