Nerf Ganking Megathread

Maybe they will sell anti-ganking guides in the NES so they have to remove the competition from the forums. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Hey man, I killed 2 peeps in Isanamo for you :smiley:

I told them to mail you for their reimbursement as you’re the savior of noobs.

I hope they reach out :smiley:

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So I did a little ganking tonight in Isanamo, the land of apparent noobs.

All I found was AFK miners in ventures :smiley:

I even went to elaborate lengths to test if they were actually at keyboard.

The first kill, I disguised myself as a belt hunter. I landed 20km away and instantly locked my target, giving him time to run! I even deployed my drones and overheated my MWD as I burned in closer.

Strangely, he did nothing. Not even when I turned on my guns and let the antimatter ring out. Afterwards I let him know to contact Lucas for reimbursement of course.

The second kill, I disguised myself as a friendly logi ship. This fellow was simply sitting at the warp in point, AFK. My guns and drones made quick work of him, and I passed on the word that he could contact Lucas for reimbursement.

The strangeness continued as no one at all talked in local, despite my attempts to start conversation! They didn’t even warn people that an ebil ganker was in system! Its almost as if, no one was really there?

In conclusion, it isn’t day old newbs getting ganked in these types of systems. It is AFK miners on alpha accounts :smiley:


Fantastic story, all sounds made up.

Obviously a result of randomization which was used to create whole game and its mechanics.

LOL you can mail the ones I killed and ask :smiley:

Aiko herself posted the proof LOL.

Sorry bruv. Unlike you, I actually play the game. And uh there weren’t thousands of T1 frigs burning in space there LOL.

Just two AFK miners ROFL.

I’m not interested in mailing your alts, thanks. Clearly what Aiko posted was not a gank.


You just can’t admit the truth huh?

Oh man. I pity you. I’ll keep burning some peeps in Isa for you tho :smiley:

How was it not a gank again?

I don’t think so. This would only apply to those players who are paying for ships with credit card. Anyone who is funding their PvP shenanigens via ISKs will be in the best case in exactly same spot as he is now, but likely he will have to grind much longer to obtain the ISKs he needs.

Even if we assume that CCP won’t nerf flat ISK faucets like npc bounties or buyouts for blue or abyss loot, not all income comes from this and if you were:

  • mining and then selling ore/crystals
  • buying crystals, producing stuff and selling it on market
  • selling loyalty store stuff
  • looting and selling deadspace modules
  • hunting clone soldiers in ls

Then you are also earning way less ISKs than you would have previously. Might as be that under such circumstances most of the stuff is going to have 0 demand and only the highest tier stuff will have (and even that only for so long…). And if you are earning less ISKs than before, it doesn’t matter that the stuff you need to buy is cheaper than it used to be before, does it?

Plus, stuff being cheaper will likely change PvP meta, where now majority of the players will bling their ships with deadspace modules as they are cheaper than they were before (but still not cheaper than the previous no-bling fits) forcing everyone else to also use bling fit to be able to compete against them. (Of course if this prediction happens, then I was wrong above and deadspace modules wouldn’t lost their value, so that type of PVE would be still worthy to do).

And therefore, if grinding enough ISK to buy PvP stuff is going to be harder/longer many of those PvP players who doesn’t wish to pay with credit card will actually quit too.

Eitherway, one of the arguments of the AG is that the players who enjoys and engage daily in PvP are absolute minority in EVE. If we agree with this argument, then it doesn’t really matter does it? These players will not create enough demand for industrial players to keep producing and selling stuff on market and will likely quit. Along with many miners who will feel that mining is no longer enjoyable because the payout is too low for their brain to produce dopamine to feel joy from doing it. And so they quit too. Along with gankers who quit and anti-gankers who quit because there is no-one to fight against, along with highsec residents who will feel the game is no longer enjoyable with 0 risk and 0 choices to do stuff.

No concord killmail with it, seemingly no loss in sec status and noone is dumb enough to use a thorax to gank a ship that any T1 fit destroyer could take down.

This is not the argument. The argument is that people who engage in non-consensual highsec PvP are minimal, because they are.

I like how you guys think that highsec mining would shoot up and that would collapse prices even though most materials aren’t available in highsec. I also find it amusing that you think miner would shoot up, lower prices then some miners would leave. Sounds remarkably like a self-balancing system, and if just a small percentage of those people stay with the game but move onto other activities then it’s already a win.

There have been far more significant changes to the economy that have been survived with relative ease. I seriously doubt that removing ganking would have even a briefly noticeable impact.

Well I had to make sure that venture was deaded :smiley:

And I’m not a poor friend. I can throw away a rax on an AFK miner. Can you not afford a rax to gank with or

And yea, of course there was no CONCORD on this mail. They weren’t part of the initial battle LOL. He instapopped. CONCORD killed me about 3 full seconds afterward :smiley:

Huh. Its almost like you don’t know how to EVE or have any idea how ganking works.

Interesting :smiley:


It’s not about affordability, just basic efficiency. Effectively the venture won the battle as he cost you more than you cost him.

It’s not that concord aren’t on that kill, there’s no follow-up concord kill. Seems more likely you just shot one of your alts in legal combat.

Killing new players is fine if they are war targets or you suspect bait them, don’t you get it? They will only quit if they get ganked. That is a fact for which there are data publicly available, but I am not to be bothered to link the source.

Wow. The semantics and gymnastics ROFL.

Sadly I did not :smiley:

Its ok tho bro. I’ll keep doing ganks every now and then in your name.

The fact you can’t figure out why CONCORD isn’t on this mail says it all :smiley:

It exposes your lack of knowledge about the whole state of ganking, and I did that on purpose to prove it :smiley:

Sorry brosef, but you told on yourself again :smiley:

Heh, sadly neither of those peeps were new players :smiley:

:rofl: :rofl: I love how you guys start banging on about “the semantics” when I point out facts.

Go ahead, I’m not sure why you think I’ll be bothered if you waste your time ganking.

At no point have I suggested that concord should be on this killmail, but there should be a second killmail of your ship being killed by concord. That there isn’t suggests either the kill hasn’t been pushed to zkillboard, or more likely that this was a legal kill, such as duel request.

You realise that you keep thinking you have these “gotcha” moments and 100% of the time it’s just been you embarrassing yourself, right?

Its a clear fact that Hilmar has lost thousands if not millions from the haemorraghing of players.

This must stop now.

Ban ganking NOW

He already cashed in, he didn’t lose a cent.

Nah, ganking is fine. The bulk of the changes since 2019, however, were not.

Not really bro. You got got, and are trying to semantic/gas light your way out as usual.

No worries bro. I’ll kill a bro every now and then and make sure they know it was from you :smiley:

You just exposed yourself hard about not knowing how ganking or zkills works :smiley:

But we’re just supposed to take your opinon on a mechanic you don’t know fully about?


There is most likely a zkill lag, considering how fast the bro popped :smiley:

If that’s what you need to tell yourself, you do you boo.

Most us have learned that arguing with Gix is an exercise in futility.

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