Nerf Ganking Megathread



Name any other Highsec-dwelling capsuleer who has grown a similarly large organisation around a single playstyle, and which is known throughout New Eden.

His legacy is certainly respected mainly by gankers, but - personality aside - surely, not even you can deny that he built that legacy with hard work and commitment?

Why bother? I could name people like Tora Bushido but I’m sure you’d come up with some reason they don’t count because ultimately you’re always going to push the narrative that code is somehow relevant.

I’d definitely argue that @Mike_Azariah smashes through James 315, because while he didn’t build “a similarly large organisation” he did get elected to the CSM multiple times as a highsec player, without being part of any massive alliances. That to me suggests a level of respect from the playerbase that James couldn’t hope to achieve.

Hell, even Gevlon outperformed James, and that guy was an idiot.

I absolutely can deny that. He harassed some players built a bunch of alt accounts then encourage a relatively small but relatively loud group of people to join up and repeat his phrases. Even that he only really managed to achieve though connections with goons.

OK. Laugh away. vOv

Not really, it was added content to a lucrative business of selling permits, and the fun of killing those who refused to pay. So if one strikes gold (salt and tears), why not make use of it.

And to repeat it for the third and final time in today’s exchange, I fully acknowledge the existence of real griefing in EvE. There’s nothing disingenuous about that. But we’re worlds apart in our respective ideas of what is griefing. I don’t follow your lead on that one, that’s for sure. Even that is not important. It shouldn’t even capture your attention.

LOL, the haterade is so strong :smiley:



Ahh mercs who reigned apparently while I was on EVE break. Guess they aren’t that famous huh?

I agree MIke is a good guy. Never seen him in game tho.

Oh, I am :smiley:

That’s some real selective memory you’ve got going on. The whole concept was built around getting the responses, the demand for payment was part of that strategy.

Of course we are, because you don’t think that deliberately trying to wind up the actual player and get them so riled up the y produce angry content you can laugh about with your mates is griefing.

My general rule is that if you are targeting the emotions of the player and trying to create a negative response and you aren’t just targeting the character within the bounds of the game, that’s griefing.

:rofl: Thanks for proving my point. The only people following James around are zealots who have no real connection with the actual game.

My youth, all you demonstrated is the people you named aren’t that famous.

Also if you could read, you’d see that by then I’d already left EVE. I stopped playing back in 14 :smiley: Then I came back recently :smiley:

A quick google search revealed some merc activity. Seems pretty standard stuff. I also gather they don’t play anymore due to the war dec changes.

They don’t seem that famous to me brosef. It seems like they are mostly ridiculed as well, esp according to that reddit thread about Tora.

It also reveals the last time you were active was probably around those times :smiley:

Sorry bruv, I know you’re jealous and it hurts you.

You need a hug or



One of the Greats, to be sure, Lucas.

You’re comparing apples with oranges, Lucas. Mike’s efforts - worthy though they may be - are not directly an example of playing EVE.

I did say ‘personality aside’.

Gevlon was a member of the CODE. Alliance (albeit briefly), so even he was drawn to James’ Institution.

Remember, I invited you specifically to consider Highsec-dwelling capsuleers who had founded a major organisation based around a single (EVE) playstyle.

You have not done so because you cannot do so without imposing upon the terms I’ve used your own, newly minted interpretation. So, rather than say, ‘Yes, given those terms, you are correct’, you prevaricate.

James 315 published The Code (or officially began his reign) in June 2012. His legacy is still going strong in 2022, under Princess @Aiko_Danuja.

I salute them both!

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Its ok bro. We get you’re jealous and sad.

Do you need a hug or

correct, I do not think that that is the intent. I don’t think the average ganker is malicious. If that makes me naive, I can live with that. Ganking in hisec is just targeting what you can find, with some isk value in return, and with the calculated cost of losing ships to concord. Sometimes the ganker gets the extra salty bonus, a sign of a player who’s out of his depth, or just being a sore, immature loser. Wanna make more out of it ? That’s your prerogative, but not necessarily the truth.

I’m sure the rabbits, if given a vote, would love to eradicate all the foxes.

so, players who do not produce angry content (salt, tears, insults, funny threats, etc) are not being griefed, that is the direct consequence of your own statement. In other words, it’s the socalled victims who turn this into griefing, not the attackers. That may sound awkward, but do cogitate this for a while, and you will see the sun shining through the clouds. Nerf salt spewing, ban it from local, and most of the griefing would be … gone ? See, solutions do present themselves. As if most of the socalled griefing isn’t assuming a role of “victim” in the first place, at the expense of real victims of real griefing.

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I have a hard time imagining Sasha ‘griefing’ me, or anybody else. Guybertini would come to kill me here or there, but was never anything but a gentleman in chat. I can expect that either one might shoot me if they find me, but they’re not going to harass me or try to inflict emotional pain.

I don’t doubt that people do feel pain or anger from a loss of that sort, but that’s a reflection of a lack of maturity or self control, not an intention on the part of others to inflict that grief when we all signed up for a PvP game.

I’m fine with being a rabbit and leaving the foxes to do whatever it is that they do. I’m just not going to make their hunt an easy one if I can help it.


You’re right, Wadiest, although I don’t have the data to support my assertion. (At least I’m honest about it…)

Some folks are compelled to paint us all as bad/weak/unhealthy, because without that opinion to bolster their position, they appear to have nothing to say. We must be bad in order for them to feel good.

A psychoanalyst said that in we humans, feeling always occurs first, followed by thinking. It’s quite useful to remember because there are those for whom the ‘thinking’ part doesn’t actually happen, or if it does, it is so shackled to the overwhelming feeling that truly independent and objective evaluation becomes impossible.

I know this because I’ve bought software when (on reflection) I clearly should not have done so.

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Shocker. “Doesn’t count because :reasons:”

Yes, I do remember that you picked specific criteria designed to allow you to wiggle out of pretty much any name you were given. Consider James was a goon though even he doesn’t fit your criteria.

Again, for the very small but very loud group of gankers and their multiple alts.

Then you’re ither delusional or a liar, which is it? Even right from the early days of the code blog it was all about “tears of the day” and such.

If it were that, I’d have far less of an issue with it, but that’s not what it is. The majority of ganks are unprofitable.

This is a videogame, many of the people playing it do lack maturity - because they are actual children.

Except that the intention literally is to inflict grief. That’s why it’s not just PvP. PvP would be “Blow up ship, move on to next target”. PvP is not “blow up ship, send multiple eve-mails, invite to chat, repeatedly make statements designed to provoke a negative response, post mocking blog entry about that response on the internet”.

My anecdotal experience is that when someone killed me they’d either offer a ‘gf’ and leave it at that, give me tips in a mail or in chat on how not to be a victim next time, or pay me ISK/give me a replacement ship by way of apology. All these options hinge on my being a good sport, though, I would imagine.

Not saying there aren’t bad actors out there, but none with whom I’ve ever personally had to deal with in all my time playing.


What ? No other options ? No balanced, moderate viewpoint ? Nothing extreme enough ? LOL. I guess any progress we made over the last week has been reverted to naught. Sad bunny, or maybe not. After all, whether on the forums or in New Eden, almost every player here is a completely anonymous entity - as he/she should be.

ISK value has no relation to griefing, or even ganking. They are legit targets, thus can be killed.

Should the rest of us assume that you are talking from a wide experience and direct involvement of anything related to griefing and ganking ? Hmmm :thinking:, citation needed.

Yep. They also seem to be unaware of what game they are playing LOL.

LOL. You just can’t factor in that most people aren’t actually people’s alts huh?

LOL I find its mostly the bears who are terrible people. I mean Drac taught a homophobe how to evade moderation. I don’t see any gankers doing that.

ROFL. You got any proof of that? I highly doubt that there are many children playing EVE. I thought they all played Fortnite? Which is it ROFL.

I dunno mate, that’s been happening for a lot of PvP for forever. Do you even internet or

I did, and it’s a good thing that I did! Even given those criteria, you should have been able to come up with something to equal James’ achievements, if your view was correct.

That you could not do so - and that you could not honestly admit that you could not do so - betrays the mind of a man who must win an argument at any cost, even at the cost of honesty, truth.

James was indeed a Goon. He came to Highsec to seek his fortune, and succeeded. He was not a Goon in Highsec. Your point?

All Corps/Alliances contain members and their alts. Safety. and CODE. are/were not alone in this. As for their being ‘small but very loud’ - why not?

There was never a regular Minerbumping slot entitled ‘Tears of the Day’. There were:
Kills of the Week
Highsec Miner Grab Bag

As for

Mike would surely agree that he is not in the same company as Tora, James, and Gevlon. Hence, to compare him with players like those is indeed like comparing apples with oranges - they are completely different, though players (fruits) nevertheless.

I invite you to set aside your prejudices for a moment and to consider what I am writing, not just gobble it up and say the first thing that comes into your head. You are capable of better, Lucas.

Yep. Hence why he can’t admit the impact Fortnite has currently had on almost all genres of games LOL.

You’re a saint for this but I don’t think he is LOL.

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